Star Dixon: A great friend of mine and a key part of the Eternity Wars. Her and her friends, frenemies and acquaintances each played a role, however small it may be, in the end, middle and beginning of the Wars. Here they are and the roles they play:
Star Dixon - A star send down from space to take the form of a human on earth. Has creamy blonde hair, light skin and peridot green eyes. Has genius brain-power and the ability to travel the multiverse. She was fond of traveling the world, on daring adventures. In the dimension of the Shrooms, she earned an affectionate nickname- ratS noxiD. Known by some, also, Dixie- her last name.
Stella Regale Bloodstar - Another star, destined by the Fates to become Eclipse, a being of immense power. She has waist-lenth wavy chestnut hair, amber eyes, tan skin and freckles. She originally had no apparent power until she went through her metamorphosis into Eclipse.
Abygail Moon Durana - A third star sent by the Fates to be a harbinger of evil. She has strawberry-blonde hair, light skin and blue eyes. Struggling with the knowledge of her destiny and trying to be good even though the Fates have ordained it, she eventually caves and strays from fate to create her own evil.
Veran O'Malley - A human who aids Star as a spy in Abigail's army. He has copper-brown hair, warm brown eyes and light skin. He and Star eventually marry and have children together, named Bailey, Gabriel and Grayling Dixon-O'Malley.
Amielya O'Malley - Veran's sister and a casualty of Abigail's assault on Eternity Castle. Had green eyes, light skin, brown hair and freckles. No power, but her death sent Veran into a rage-filled quest of revenge.
Bailey Dixon-O'Malley - Star and Veran's eldest child. She was often considered a tomboy by her peers when she dressed as a boy to join the Wars. She has short spiky sandy-blonde hair, doe-brown eyes, light skin and freckles.
Gabriel Dixon-O'Malley - The middle child of Star and Veran. Always trying to protect his younger brother, he often wore himself out with worry when Bailey left and Grayling showed desires to join her. He has brown hair, green eyes and light skin.
Grayling Dixon-O'Malley - The reckless, youngest son of Star and Veran. Always looking up to Bailey, he often took Gabriel's protection for granted. He has copper-blond hair, light skin, brown eyes with green flecks, and a light smattering of freckles.
Evelyn Dixon-O'Malley - Gabriel's oldest child with Sara. Often the rule-keeper of the family, she berated her mother and beat her brother because she believed it was her duty. She has ice-blonde waist length hair, light skin and ice blue eyes. She loves her family and believed herself to be obliged to prepare them for the worst, even if it meant going tough on her beloved younger brother.
Darius Dixon-O'Malley - Gabriel and Sara's youngest child, he was often punished by his overbearing older sister. He could not get mad at her, helping around the house as best he can. Often described as a pushover and over-eager. He has light brown hair, light skin, freckles and warm brown eyes.
Sabine Gonzalez - The talented Inventress mother to twins Vera and Veran, she was far from home when she met Darius. She was searching for a way to get her impoverished family some money, and when she meets the grandson of war heroes, she plans to use him for his money. That leads to her straying from her goal and falling in love, and he shares his inheritance with her and her large family. Has muted copper-brown hair, caramel skin and dark chocolate coloured eyes.
Vera Gonzalez - Twin sister to Veran, she discovered her Inventress ability early in life, taking household objects apart and putting them back together better than new. She eventually discovered her lesbian sexuality after falling for Emila Serpens, an extremely talented gorgon. She is currently enrolled in Millenium Academy, the most prestigious of its kind. Has dark brown hair with rusty tones, warm brown eyes, and tan skin.
Veran Gonzalez - Twin vampire brother to Inventress Vera Gonzalez. Sired by Artemis Evans as a young boy, he struggled with his newfound power and hunger until enrolling in Millennium Academy. He later discovers that Evans is working for Jezebel Ruby, upstart and feared DeathWitch after Veran joins the Ruby Alliance for himself. He has black hair, unnaturally pale tan skin and slate-gray eyes.
Artemis Evans - Abygail's most sadistic, beloved vampire follower. Known mainly as "Evans," he was often tasked with the torture of hostages and prisoners, not that he needed to be asked. He had a deep love of old medieval execution methods, such as The Rack, The Pillory, etc. He has lanky graying ice blonde hair, electric blue eyes and pale veiny skin. Is the Uncle to Sara Dumont.
Minnie Apagale (Ms. Apagale) - Star, Abygail and Stella's human schoolteacher. She taught at an unnamed school in what is now, modern day London. She was neutral for almost all of the war, until one of her children got captured, and was hanged. From then on, she became a spy, posing as one of Abygail's soldiers. After her secret leaked out among the troops, she was brought to Artemis Evans (see above) who imprisoned her. She was later hanged, like her son. Has graying brown hair, light skin and hazel eyes.
Elladora Gonzalez - The eldest sister of Sabine, she kept the crumbling estate running while her sister was gone and ailing mother and father lay sick in bed. Has the resolve of a thousand rhinoceros. She has rust-coloured hair, caramel skin and dark chocolate coloured eyes.
Evita Gonzalez - Sabine's youngest sister, she was the troublemaker of the family, but was always there when her sick parents needed medicine. A skilled healer, she spent most of her time when not pulling pranks tending to the sick and wounded. She has bright blue eyes, light brown hair, and tan skin.
Jezebel Ruby - A DeathWitch born soon after the Eternity Wars ended. (See 3a People portrayed as Villains.)
Apollo Octavious Oddity (Dr/Professor Oddity) AKA ME - I am a scientist, researcher and compiler of all that is weird and wacky. Did I forget something... OH, yes, I might be yellow and blue. Or was it pink? Hm... (He is a gray-haired ghost with navy star-patterned robes and electric blue eyes. - Secretary)
Lily Brynn "Lily-Lotus" Hephaestus - An Inventress who taught at Millenium Academy and one of my favorite colleagues. Sadly, she died during the raid led by Veran Gonzalez when he was a part of the Ruby Alliance. She lived to see part of Jezebel Ruby's havoc spree across the earth and taught the profound history of Inventing to her pupils. Fortunately, she left me her research, which I have put somewhere else in the book... I think.
The Star Shards - A Dr Oddity Field Journal - Novel I
FantasiaThe brilliant Dr Oddity tells the tale of the Star Shards, The Eternity War, and the impossible, while navigating a sea of his own discoveries, dark secrets, and the dangerous multiverse. Follow along as you travel through the ages and meet the youn...