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"Where are you?" Kennedy's frown deepened holding the phone to her ear waiting for Judah's response.

"I told you i was handling sum shi" He laughed at her clinginess

He had just left the house 5 minutes ago and she was already calling his phone.

"You must think i'm stupid, hope that bitch can fight" She mumbled the last part.

"I said you was stupid?" he asked seriously causing her to sigh.

"No" She said changing her tone.

"Exactly so just chill, Cj bouta be there in a few minutes away" He paused causing her to speak

"He ain't even been on my run, he always out doing sum" She emphasized causing him to smack his teeth

"Now don't do that, you know damn well he really be out getting his money just like me" Judah spoke hoping out his car.

"Fuck y'all even be doing?" She asked but she already had an idea.

"Imma call you back ma" He responded and she hummed hanging up.

Kennedy stretched getting off the bed as she pulled her shorts out her ass.

She walked out of Corey's room, heading downstairs looking for something to do today.

She still hadn't talked to her dad so she was just at Judah and Corey's house during the day.

Kennedy walked over to the couch, sitting down as she pulled the cover over her.

She picked up the remote, flipping the channel as she looked for something to watch.

Corey walked into the house with low eyes as he threw his backpack full of stacks to the corner.

He made his way further into the house, aware he smelt like straight weed.

Though being high, a small smile still made a way onto his face seeing Kennedy knocked out on the couch with her mouth slightly open

He walked fully up to the couch, sliding off his shoes, then sweats.

He contemplated taking off his shirt too knowing he got cold when high, but he still decided to take it off anyway.

He lifted the blanket up, sliding in right next to her as her eyes shot open.

"You always doing that shit" She mugged with her eyes half open, referring to him scaring her.

"Shh" he mumbled to get her to go back to sleep, but she ignored him as she moved her body fully on top of him.

Kennedy only had on a shirt and panties seeing as she took her shorts off earlier before falling asleep.

She sat up a little pulling it off, wanting to feel his chest on hers. Now they were both in just boxers and panties.

"Go back to sleep" He said and she hummed, laying her body completely down on his.

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