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I woke up to Tom laying on my chest, I stroke his dreads, he looked so peaceful as he slept.

So innocent and angelic, his chest heaving up and down as he would breathe. I loved Tom so much, I could never imagine losing him.

This whole experience has been unimaginable, I never thought i'd get to be with him. I was just a random high school student, how'd I get to be so lucky.

"Tom." I whisper rubbing his back. "Please don't wake me up." Tom shakes his head. "I'm sorry baby, but it's getting late." I scratch his back gently.

"It's okay, we don't have anything planned. Just lay with me please." Tom begs. "Can you hold me then?" I smile. Tom looks up to me with a big grin extending his arms. "I love you soo much." He hugs me tightly.

His big arms overtaking my body, it felt safe. Like home, actual home.

He was my home.

I hug into Tom, taking in his intoxicating smell. I loved him and everything about him, i'd never replace anything in the world for this.

This was all I needed, it was enough to be happy. More then enough, he gave me hope and love. He was the first man to show kindness to me.

Not even my own father was as kind to me as Tom was.

I suddenly felt Tom vanish from my arms, I started to look around blinking quickly.

I was in MY room.

"TOM?!" I yell, looking around. None of my previous posters were there nothing, I get up off my bed immediately collapsing to my knees. "Tom don't leave me again where did you go?!" I yell.

Shit, shit, shit. What happened.

"CHLOE?!" I yell, at the top of my lungs sobbing. "CHLOE!" I yell again, I heard running to my door. Chloe barges in immediately seeing me on the floor sobbing. "LANA?! What's wrong?!" She comes to the floor rubbing my back.

"Tom?! He's gone!" I cry into my knees.

"Who's Tom?" Chloe looks at me confused.

"What do you mean who's Tom?! He's the love of my life! and bill is yours!" I yell. "I don't know a Bill or a Tom." Chloe laughs shaking her head.

"Chloe, this isn't funny, fucking stop." I say sternly. "I'm not doing anything what do you mean?" She tilts her head at me. "Tom! My Tom? My soulmate." I say patting on my heart.

"Lana are you feeling okay? Do we need to take you to the hospital." Lana touches my cheeks and forehead for a fever. "Chloe I know you're fucking with me." I reply.

"I'm sorry Lana, I genuinely don't know who those people are." Chloe shakes her head

I grab my phone that was on that nightstand for some reason, I go through all my recent photos looking for anything. Just a single piece of evidence that he fucking existed.


"No.. No.. He was in here I swear!" I yell to Chloe. "Search up Tom Kaulitz on google right now Chloe." I demand. "Lana, are you okay.." Chloe looks to me concerned. "Just fucking do it Chloe!" I yell.

"Okay fuck, chill." She pulls her phone out her back pocket. "How do you spell the last name?" She asks. "K-a-u-l-i-t-z." I nod. "It says no results found

"FUCK!" I yell, throwing my phone across the room. "Lana! That was a good half of the rent money!" Chloe yells. "Mom, is mom alive.?" I ask Chloe.

"Mom was never dead Lana, I don't know what is up with you. Seriously are you okay." Chloe rubs my back.

"Chloe what day is it today." I gulp, awaiting the her answer. "It's September 26th, why?" Chloe shrugs.

The day before everything all began.

"Get out." I say pointing to my door. "Lana are you okay?" She plays with my hair moving it out from my face. "Did I stutter get out! Just get out!" I cry climbing into bed.

Where was Tom.

I hear Chloe close the door gently, I lay in bed. Tears streaming down my face as I stare blankly out the window. What happened to him.

How could he leave me.

I pull my computer out, typing his name into the search bar. Just for any trace of him.


"FUCK!" I scream throwing my computer off my bed. I start to hysterically cry, where was my love.

Why did he go, he didn't have to go.

I pinch myself, hoping it was just a dream. Nope.

I start to slap my hands and legs aggressively, hoping for a sign this wasn't real.

I cry silently to myself, getting back in my bed. I stare out the window, my vision becoming fuzzy as tears well up in my eyes. I could see a reflection behind me flicker.

I turned my head behind me, there was nothing there.

I lay in my bed, now scared. "Save me Lana." I heard a flash in my ear say before disappearing again.

"You're my Heaven, now save me from my hell."

"TOM?!" I scream.

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