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A/n: I think I might make the ending pairs with Isagi, Kurona, Rin, Nagi and Kaiser is questionable, as well as Bachira.

Unless I decided on a plot twist 😈.

(Me after realising I never managed to do Isagi x Chigiri 😓😓).



"So, are you okay?" Hyo asked Isagi, now heading back to the cabin at a slow pace.

"Yeah, though I might not head back to the cabin yet." Isagi said.

Hyo glanced over at Isagi but chuckled softly while shaking his head.

"Alright, I'll tell the others." Hyo said and walked away, waving his right hand before he fully vanished from Isagi's sight.

Isagi let out a small sigh and let his eyes gaze around everywhere before letting his legs take him wherever they stopped. Which he ended up in a clearing out in the forest surrounding the campsite.

He just didn't expect company.

"Wow, miss me already?" Kaiser chuckled softly who was already sitting in the clearing holding bunnies, but he placed them down.

"Miss you? Far from that." Isagi sighed annoyed and averted his eyes somewhere else, honestly about to turn around and walk back where he came from.

"Chill, I'm just playing around." Kaiser said, his tone now more relaxed as he sat next to the bunnies he was previously holding in his arms.

"So what brings you out here?" Kaiser asked as he lifted his head to meet Isagi's eyes.

"Just...exploring." Isagi responded, his eyes narrowed as he stared at Kaiser.

"Intriguing." Kaiser said.

"You?" Isagi asked as he leaned up against a tree next to him.

"Was just wandering." Kaiser responded with a slight shrug.

Isagi only nodded in response and gave no verbal response. It was silent, not comfortable silence.

"Well, I'm going back to my cabin." Isagi said as he stood up properly and brushed off his clothing.

"Wait just a second-" Kaiser said as he stood up grabbing Isagi's wrist stopping Isagi from leaving.

"What?" Isagi said and pulled his arm back a little annoyed but didn't mention it.

As much as Kaiser had a lot of things he wanted to say, nothing would come out, so it was just silence once more. Isagi just sighed and turned back around walking away again.

"I still like you, Isagi." Kaiser said as he watched Isagi go, not that he thought Isagi heard him.

Isagi only just managed to hear Kaiser and sped up his movements, wanting to act as if he never heard it, he never wanted to hear it.

His speed walking, quickly turned into jogging, into running. Slamming the cabin door open, scaring the only person in the cabin.

"Reo?" Isagi questioned confused as to where everyone else was.

"Ah, there you are." Reo sighed softly.

"Where is everyone?" Isagi asked as he walked over to Reo's bed sitting down on the ground.

"Well, when Hyo came back, and everyone asked where you were, he told us you weren't coming back in a little bit, and the others all talked each other into looking for you." Reo explained with a shrug.

Isagi nodded as he stared at the ground for some time before a question had popped into his head.

"Where...is Hyo?" Isagi asked.

"Sleeping right beside me." Reo responded as he pointed at the sleeping Hyo next to him.

"Oh, alright." Isagi nodded.

"So what were you doing?" Reo asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.

"Was just clearing my head, but in the end, it didn't really work." Isagi sighed softly.

"Why so?" Reo asked.

"Well, I ran into Kaiser." Isagi started with a small sigh.

"Oh, you okay? He didn't try anything did he?" Reo said, his eyes narrowing in concern.

"No, basically just re-confessing to me all over again." Isagi explained with a small shrug.

"So he still likes you huh..." Reo said.

"Mhm." Isagi hummed, followed by a sigh soon after.

Meanwhile, behind closed doors. A hand resting on the cabin door knob but not turning it.

"Being for real?" Rin sighed.

"Hey, who's Kaiser again?" Bachira questioned.

"..nobody important." Chigiri chuckled with a small sigh.

"What a hassle." Nagi mumbled as he leaned against the wall.

"We should just ask like we didn't hear anything." Kurona suggested, which everyone in return agreed.c







A/n: sorry for my absence...I have upcoming exams that I need to study for 😭😭.

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