I have only just met her

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Chloe's POV

"Aubrey it's gunna be okay we will find new Bella's" Aubrey gives me a stupid look "Chloe it's not easy as you think" I roll my eyes and then see a blond girl walking over with a short brunette "hi I'm fat Amy and this is beca my friend" the blonde girl says to me "hi I'm Chloe. Chloe Beale and I'm one of the leaders of the barden Bella's would you like to join"

"of course we would" amy says "ummm no i don't sing" the short brunette says "yes she does she is amazing at singing but not better then me" Aubrey looks at me "chloe this will not work" "yes it will trust me" okay so auditions will be in 3 days will i see you there"

"Yes you will ginger" Amy writes her and beca's name down and then walks away with beca "Chloe what the hell" "what" "why would you do that" "because they seem nice" Aubrey shakes her head "this is unbelievable" "oh calm down"

Beca's POV

"Amy why did you do that" we walk to our dorm "because I did you should be happy" "Im not happy now I have to go to a stupid audition because of you" I lay on my bed and close my eyes "you know beca you need to start making some new friends and you need to show your talents not hide them" "the last time I did that I got called stupid and ugly" Amy sits on my bed "get off my bed" Amy ignores me "you need to get some rest we will go to a party tomorrow" "ughhhh fine" "thank you" amy stands up and goes to her own bed "sleep well beca" i slowly fall asleep

Chloe's POV

"Come on Aubrey it's getting dark we need to go home" Aubrey sighs and then we start to walk back to the Bella house "I swear if this doesn't work then....I don't know what I'm going to do" we arrive back at the Bella house we walk into the kitchen and I make us both something to eat "why am I so stressed out" Aubrey says randomly "because you want the Bella's to be amazing" we both head up to bed Aubrey going to her own room and I go to my room and get changed and then lay onto my bed and goes to sleep

(The dream)

"Beca come on" beca runs downstairs and jumps into my arms "wow" "do we have to go out why can't we just go back to bed" I laugh and walk out the door with her "we need to go" "but I don't want to" "stop being a baby" beca rolls her eyes and gets into the car "she is crazy" I say to fat amy "but you love her fot it" "i do" "chloe does beca know about your you know what" "ummm no not yet but ill tell her soon i just don't want her finding out and then hating me because i have a male part i just don't want to lose her" "you won't shell probably find you more attractive" i smile at amy and then get in the car "ready to go becs" she nods at me and i start driving

(End of dream)

I wake up and look around the room "what the hell why was I dreaming about her I don't even know her I only met her today" I look around the room again "that was weird" I get out of bed and walk downstairs I look around to see if Aubrey is awake before sitting on the couch and reading a book "I shouldn't have had that dream right it was wrong" Aubrey walks down "hey what you doing up" "I had the most weirdest dream in the world why aren't you sleeping" "ey to much stress and what kinda dream" i look at her and she sits next to me "you know that girl beca" "yh"

"Well I had a dream about her and somehow Amy new about me having a male part instead of a female and me and beca was dating we was on our way to see beca's mom"

yh of course im telling Aubrey about this she is my best friend

"So what you are telling me is that you like beca" "no...yes....I don't know we only met her today and she hardly said anything" "Okay take my advice Chloe beca is one of those girls that dress up weird and you will never be able to date a girl like that" "what is your problem why are you so against beca she is beautiful". "I just don't like the way she dresses it's weird and the dark makeup is also weird I don't like her one bit" she is wrong i know she is wrong "yh well i think shes okay" Aubrey sighs and stands up "whatever you say chloe I'm going back to bed goodnight" "night" she walks back upstairs and goes to her room



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