Main Story

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It was raining heavily yesterday night and I was walking back home. I was passing through then old park where weird things happen at night. It is said to avoid that place at night, but I didn't mind what people say, because of the storm, I should be home quickly and that was the short route to take. Suddenly, I heard something like a thunder, but more of like a bang. "It is surely a thunder" I thought to myself trying to relieve me. But deep inside me I was sure that it was a shot from a gun.

No sooner was I out of the park than I saw a body lying on the street. He was moaning like a shot animal crying for help. I froze from fear for two reasons. Firstly, I saw a body lying on the street and secondly, what I heard before wasn't a thunder but a gun. That means the murderer is not far enough and my life is in danger. After I was concious again I picked up my cell phone. I tried to call an ambulance, but my hands were trembling from fear and, accidentaly, dropped my phone. I tried to pick it up, but then it was when the second bang was heard and that for me as a warning. The bullet landed exactly at my fallen phone and broke it.
"Try anything funny and you'll be as him." a malevolent, heavy from cigarettes voice was heard. I looked around, but there was noone; only the body and me. Then it dawned to me! My mother is a nurse and she could treat him.

I ran, picked him up, put him to my shoulders and started running. A lot of bullets were shot for me. One hit me on my arm. Although the pain was great I didnt stop running even for a minute. I got home eventually!
"Well, well, well! Who's finally home?" my father told me. But when he got to the hall to see me he froze from fear. I ran to kitchen to find mum. She was smiling, but when her gaze met mine, she got terrified.
"What happened son?" she asked me with a trembling voice.
"No time to explain mum! There is a body in our hall that wants your help!"

She urged to help the man and told dad to call an ambulance. She offered him first aid, but if the ambulance wasn't here soon, he would be dead.
We heard a knocking and mother urged to open to let the nurses to take the man to the ambulance. But something was fishy. I heard no sirens and saw no light. Then I understood. It wasn't the ambulance, but the murderer. It was too late... No sooner had my mother opened the door than he shot her. I ran to get out from the back door, but he had called reinforces. I thought it was the end. But luckily for me they didn't shoot. The captured me and took me to their place where their leader was.

"I warned you kid, but you didn't listen. Here's your last warning. You go away and don't come back or else you become an orphan. You hear me? Now go!" I left running, but I was thinking why he let me leave again.
It didn't actually matter. I ran as fast as I could. I then looked behind me. Two men of his were chasinv me! They wanted to play a game with me! They were the hunters and I was their prey!

I hid in a construction place. Unfortunately they saw me hiding there. I heard their footsteps coming closer and closer... My fear was growing more and more and my heart was pounding even harder after a step closer to me. Finally, I heard their footsteps going away. When suddenly I see them in front of me! I must have been so terrified that I lost my senses. They were two men dressed in black. I couldn't tell any of their characteristics, but I could clearly see that they both were holding guns. The one was laughing hard and the other was smilling creepily. The smiling one shot me...

Next thing I remember is to wake up in a hospital room. I saw a nurse looking at me and then she ran out of the room seeing that I was awake. She called the doctor.
"You finally woke up! At some point we lost faith and thought that you would never wake up. Now I lost a bet because of you! I'm joking of course."
I smiled, because I knew he tried to make me comfortable.
"Look, a construction worker found you in a construction place. Luckily for you he called an ambulance right away. There was a bullet exactly beside your brain. Because of the bullet you became unconcious. Now these were the good news. The bad are that we found both of your parents dead."

What?! My father was dead?! That was not part of the deal. He said if I obeyed he wouldn't kill him! That was when I started crying.

That is what happened in one but night of my fifteenth year of my life. Today I'm 32 years old and I am living as an active part of society. But still I haven't stopped doing one thing. Seeking for my parents' murderer and take my REVENGE!

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