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I smile pulling away from Tom and I's kiss. "You have to stop coming everyday, they're probably gonna find out soon." I say.

"Oh come on what's the harm?" Tom smirks. "The harm is they could find out the other secret!" I nudge his shoulder. "They're just high schoolers, they don't know about us. Or our other secret." Tom says.

"Speaking of our other secret, do we have a lesson tonight?" I smile, Tom sways my hips back and fourth. "Do you want to have one?" Tom asks.

"Yes, I need to get better." I nod. "Okay, then it's settled we'll have another lesson." Tom smiles giving me another kiss.

I smile as he slips his tongue into my mouth, his hands cup my ass, squeezing gently. "Mm." I hum.

"Miss! I forgot my airpods!" I hear Aliyah knocking at the door.

I pull away from Tom, walking over to the door. He sits in my chair spinning around in it.

Aliyah walks in, looking to Tom she snickers walking over to her desk. "Thanks." She nods, I smile and nod. She starts walking to the door.

"I'm waiting for that pregnancy announcement Miss!" Aliyah laughs shutting the door behind her, running away. My eyes suddenly widen.

Tom covers his mouth with his hand, snorting.

"Stop it! You need to go!" I pull his hand up from the chair, pushing him to the door. "Be gone!" I yell shutting the door.

Great, planning period for me.


I open the door, so my new group of students could walk in. I pull up the same slides, displaying them on the big screen.

"Yo, Mr. Kaulitz said that he needs his Doritos, and he said when I see you I should take them to him." Brian says walking in.

"He can live without his precious Doritos go sit down." I laugh pointing to the chair. "Okay, he said if he doesn't get his chips within the first ten minutes of class he'll call your phone so.." Brian shrugs.

"Okay, so." I say twisting my feet towards the board. I start to re-explain what they had to do with their drawing.

I go to my computer trying to switch the slides, suddenly a text pops up in the corner of my screen.

Tom- Where are my Doritos bitch.

"Woah, Mr. Kaulitz curses." Brian laughs, I sigh walking over to my desk giving him Tom's Doritos. "Go take it to him." I nod towards the door.

"Yes, ma'am." Brian takes the Doritos walking them over to his classroom.


I pack up my stuff, it has definitely been a long day. I put my computer in the tote bag, along with my phone charger and all my other essentials.

I pick my phone up calling Tom. "Hey, i'm waiting in the parking lot." Tom says picking up the phone.

"Okay, cool. Make sure no one seems me getting in your car." I respond hanging up the phone. I close my classroom lights, exiting and locking the door.

Some backstory on Tom and I.

We met in college, went though all of our courses together. Got our masters degrees and became teachers at the same high school.

We've been together for about six years now.

We used to teach joined art classes till he found his passion for playing the guitar, that's when he started to teach music.

As far as the students know, we were just friends and colleagues. Truth is we've been engaged for about a year now.

We don't tell anyone about our relationship, if they knew everything else could slowly start to unravel.

That is definitely not something that we wanted.

Our private lessons were private for a reason.

I open the double doors of the school, walking out into the parking lot, I check my surroundings for any students. There was none.

I start running to Tom's car, opening the door. I hop in quickly. "Drive!" I yell pointing to the road.

"Okay, okay chill!" Tom laughs driving off.

"What time we heading out?" Tom asks. "We'll go home, have family dinner at Bill's house with Georg and Gustav then we can go." I nod.

"Okay, can we just go to their house first. Im too lazy to do all that driving." Tom sighs.

"Yeah, yeah sure." I shrug.

- (sorry for all the time skips👽)

I sit down at the dinner table, sipping on some champagne. "How's the lessons going?" Bill asks, jabbing a piece of steak with his fork.

"Mm, good so far." Tom hums, nodding.

"How many people has she killed in the past month?" Georg asks.

"Like five or so? Right?" Tom looks to me, double checking. "Yeah, about five." I pout my lips in agreement.

"Tom, it should've been at least ten by now." Gustav says. "We also have a job! We can't be out practicing killing people all day long!" Tom defends.

"He's right Gustav." Bill agrees with Tom. "When is she eligible to join us anyway?" Georg says looking to all of us. "When she hits twelve kills." Tom explains.

"Twelve, that's so specific." I laugh.

"We gotta make sure you're not feeling guilty after the kills. You can't get guilty when you're in a mafia gang. It just doesn't work like that." Tom shakes his head.

"I guess that make sense." I sigh.

It was getting easier as time went on, the kills were starting to hurt less and less.

I was learning.

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