Jaylen's Interlude (Short)

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Jaylen rolled his eyes as he argued with a short tempered blonde girl he had a one night stand with

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Jaylen rolled his eyes as he argued with a short tempered blonde girl he had a one night stand with. Not only was he annoyed, he was hungover and wanted to throw up as soon as she left. He had just gotten back from morning practice on the turf, and expected the girl to be gone when he got back. Her perfume was strong, and left a heavy scent in his dorm room, meaning her stay was long overdue.

"You're an ass. You invite me to your room and now your kicking me out?" She said angrily, gathering her clothes and putting them on aggressively. "Yeah I've heard, can you just get out, Jessica?"

"It's Jennifer." She scoffed. Jaylen then again rolled his eyes, and escorted her out. He was happy she was finally out of his room, and out of his way. Jaylen attended UCLA, with a full-ride scholarship for track and field. He studied psychology, and the way the human brain worked, he truly enjoyed college life.

Although Jaylen was a freshman, he was quite well known around campus.

Well known because he was a hoe.

He was good looking, charming, and was always alone. But, he liked it that way. He enjoyed being alone, and Jaylen didn't care what people on campus said or thought about him. They'd all be congratulating him during track season anyways.

His schedule was easy, go to morning practice, shower, eat, sleep, go to his evening classes, eat at the cafe, and usually go to a party. Usually. Most people would assume that Jaylen was failing his classes, which wasn't true at all. He'd always find time to do his work, or study for his tests. His scholarship was the only way he'd make it through school, and he wasn't going to lose it.

Jaylen had contemplated on whether or not he should go to class, he was badly hungover, and tired. If it was up to him, he'd take all his classes online. But, it'd defeat the purpose of college.

Jaylen had decided to attend at least one class today, and lay low. He hadn't truly decided if he wanted to go to a party with sweaty bodies, and possibly catch another body.


"I think you should go, I heard some fine people from USC were going." Derek, Jaylen's teammate said. Derek was quite the opposite from Jaylen. They weren't exactly friends, but Derek had helped Jaylen get settled in his first few weeks at UCLA. He considered Derek an acquaintance, but if Derek was at the lowest point in his life, Jaylen would be there to help him.

Maybe not the first one to be there.
But he'd be there.

Derek was an average white boy, with an average white boy name. He was a little ignorant to real life problems since he was so privileged, but Jaylen thought he was cool. Plus, Kavari did always tell him to keep a white friend around incase of a bad situation. Speaking of Kavari-

"You gonna go?"

"I have a headache-"

"You mean you're hungover?"


Jaylen stared at Derek blankly before taking a swig of his half empty water bottle. He knew Derek would continue to ask him about going to a random party.
"Y'know that one freshman from USC? He got a D1 scholarship for basketball, his name is Kalvin or something-"

"Kavari?" Jaylen interrupted fidgety. Jaylen was aware Kavari played basketball for USC ever since he saw him on Tv while he studied for a major exam before. When he found out Kavari was in California, he was.. excited? He hadn't told his mom about Kavari and planned to keep it that way. The divorce was pretty hard for her, especially having to see a sex tape of her own son was traumatizing. "I heard he's pulling up to a party tonight, I kinda wanna meet him." It made no sense to Jaylen on why people would get so excited to meet college athletes.

"A regular person who plays basketball is who you wanna meet?" Jaylen scrunched his eyebrows together. "When you put it like that, you make it sound-"

"Stupid? Yeah. Why's he going to a party over here anyways?"

"Does he need a reason to?"

"Yes." Jaylen said quickly. Half of Jaylen wanted to be that reason, and the other half of him didn't want Kavari to find out he even went to college. Jaylen even changed his number, and deactivated his Instagram account just so Kavari wouldn't be able to contact him. "Can you at least consider going? I don't wanna go alone." Jaylen simply shrugged before putting his headphones on.

But deep down, he knew his answer.

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