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"WANDS AWAY. AS I SAID, WE WILL BE STUDYING different types of magic today." Snape looked directly at me when he said the word different.

He most certainly has it out for me. He knows exactly who I am. Himself, Dumbledore and McGonagall are the only one's privy to my real identity. I never thought he'd run a lesson that could potentially expose me.

I refused to back down from his stare. I could play his game.

"Normally, this wouldn't be taught at all. But I thought you should know about it. You should know what to expect if you ever come across it." Snape stated as he watched over the class. "Our magic isn't the only type of magic that exists. There is another form that they call 'Natural Magic'. They don't need wands and there are many different forms."

I didn't touch my quill as everyone else started making notes. Why bother when I knew it all already?

"Some of these forms are Ancestral, Sacrificial, Voodoo, Blood, and Dark Magic. This is not all, as covens' study different types. These witches cannot practice ours and we cannot practice theirs. Except for a rare few."

He better fucking not. He wouldn't dare. Would he?

"We are lucky to be in the presence of one of those rare few. How about a demonstration, Miss Marshall?"

He did. He really did go there.

All eyes fell on me, and I refused to crumble. I straightened my posture.

"We don't have all day, Miss Marshall." Snaped snapped as he summoned me up to the front of the classroom.

Begrudgingly, I stood up and walked through the desks to stand beside him. I should have known that it would be Snape to expose me.

"Any requests?" I asked, annoyed.

"Something simple will do."

Simple huh? I could show him something you're taught as a young child. Something fun.

"Imitantor pupulus." I spoke clearly as I waved my hands to cast the spell.

"And what was the purpose of that spell, Miss Marshall? I expected something or are you incompetent at your own magic?" Snape drawled.

I mockingly smiled at him and crossed my arms over my chest. Only he unexpectedly did the same thing, and he hadn't realised what was happening.

I reached up with one hand and as dramatically as I could, flipped my hair out of my face.

"It's a mimicking spell!" Hermione called out, astounded.

"Exactly." I smirked. "The spell copies every single movement but allows speech to continue on as normal."

I walked back and forth, and Snape followed suit.

"Miss Marshall, I would refrain from doing any—" Snape cut off, surprised at his own actions as he began to spin on the spot.

The class burst into laughter as he wouldn't stop spinning.

"Marshall." Snape snarled through the spinning, and I immediately cast the counter spell.

I had a wide grin on my face. That was just too hard to resist, I had to embarrass him for this. It was his own doing.

He straightened out his cloak and stood at the front of the classroom once more, glaring at me. "10 points from Slytherin. Now if anyone has any questions about this type of magic, I would ask now, considering this will be the only lesson you will have on it."

Hands shot up into the air and Snape pointed at them to ask their questions.

"What magic were you born into?"

"Natural. No-one else in my family practices Wand Magic. I didn't know I could perform Wand Magic until a wizard knocked on our door and told us."

"Do you have a coven?"

"I'm from the New Orleans' Coven. They used to study Ancestral Magic."

"Used to? Explain, Miss Marshall." Snape stated.

"Our coven drew on power from consecrated witches. It's limited to the area our ancestors are buried.  The witches destroyed the ancestors because they were becoming too powerful and abusing their power. They, uh, wanted to sacrifice a baby and started bringing the wrong people back from the dead. We use different types of magic now."

There was no way in hell I was going to mention that I was the baby.

"You can bring people back from the dead?" Harry leant forward in his seat.

"It's a very complicated type of magic, rarely anyone has achieved it. But in my coven, they used to have a tradition called the Harvest Ritual. It would happen every 300 years where four young witches are sacrificed to strengthen the connection between the living and thee ancestors. The coven is then rewarded for their offering by the ancestors resurrecting the four witches. However, this was put to an end, and they were destroyed."

"What makes a spell dark magic?"

"Anything that goes against the balance of nature. Although, the more you use it, the more it will consume and control you."

"Are there magic schools like Hogwarts?"

"No. You learn from your coven and through grimoires - spell books. It doesn't have every single spell out there, only the ones practiced by your coven."

I'd never seen the class ask so many questions before in a lesson. It seemed everyone was extremely intrigued by my magic.

"That's enough questions. This will lead into our next lesson about vampires and werewolves."

"We've studied them before." Ron argued.

"Not their origins."

Fuck. Fucking shit fuck.

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