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"Tom this area looks really sketchy." I look outside the window, it was an dark alleyway filled with homeless people. "You can't kill people out in the open Gigi." Tom says, I sigh. He was right.

"What if something happens Tom." My leg starts bouncing up and down, I bite down on my inner cheek worriedly. Tom rubs my thigh gently.

My head was turned to the window, I could see a fight start to break out. Someone threw a bottle of whiskey over another persons head.

"Look at me." Tom pulls my chin.

His look suddenly softens, seeing my face. "This is the only way we can get you in the gang, okay Gigi? After the twelve people no more. Just us controlling it together." Tom smiles rubbing my cheek gently.

He was so gentle with me.

He was not with others who weren't his students, me or Bill, Georg and Gustav. 

He'd kill with no remorse.

I smile gently, my foot still tapping up and down. Tom leans in to give me a kiss. "After this, we can get celebration smoothies. How's that?" Tom smiles against my lips. "Okay.." I sigh getting out the car.

I put my gun in the waistband of my jeans walking over to the homeless man in the middle of the dark musty alleyway.

Be heartless Gigi.

Be cold blooded.

Be the killer you can be.

"Hi." I smile gently, walking up to the homeless man, at least i'd be nice before taking his life.

"Fuck off prissy girl." He flips me off, I scoff and pull my gun out. Aiming it at his forehead.

"No, wait! I didn't mean that okay!" He stands up off the floor, his feet shuffling against the dirt.

"Fuck you." I say before putting my finger on the trigger, I could see his body fall back. His blood splatter on my face. Shit pissed me off, I was just tryna say hi. 

I snicker putting my gun in my waistband walking back to the car. "Fucking bitch, trying to call me prissy when I didn't even do shit." I rant slamming the door.

"So, how'd it feel?" Tom smiles. "It was fine, he tried to have a fucking attitude so I just shot him. Stupid asshole, that's why he's dead bleeding out on the floor."

"So you don't feel any remorse for him?" Tom asks. "Nope." I shake my head. Tom swipes his thumb across my forehead, wiping some of the blood splatter off me.

He sticks his thumb in my mouth, gliding it against my tongue. "How's it feel tasting your kill?" Tom smirks.

"That was hot." I smirk, nodding.

"Good it was meant to be." Tom places his hand on my chin. Pulling me in for a kiss, god I love the way his lip piercing feels on my lips.

"You're getting better, keep up the good work." Tom smiles, a string of saliva disconnecting from our mouths. "You sound like such a teacher." I laugh.

"Isn't that literally what I am?" Tom raises his brow.

"Yes, but don't be incorporating that in our relationship. The whole reason I fell in love with you was after I found out you were in a gang." I say.

As Ciara once said, gangsters love them all.

"The whole reason?" Tom tilts his head at me. "Not the whole reason! Just a huge part in it." I smile. "Not even my dick?" Tom asks.

"That too, I guess." I shrug. "You guess?!" Tom raises his voice a little. "Yeah, I mean it's not the best i've ever had but it's decent you know." I shrug again.

"It's the only one you've ever had." Tom says.

"Guess you caught me there." I sigh crossing my legs.

Don't say anything about me being a virgin till I was 20, I was just really focused in school, that's all.

"That's what I thought." Tom smiles patting my leg, he buckles in his seatbelt. Driving off.

He starts to drift, super fast. I could see the speed go up and up.

100, 110, 120


Police sirens, great!

I could see the cops trailing us. "Shit." Tom says pulling over, the cop starts to walk over to the car knocking on the window, Tom rolls the window down.

"Sir, you were speeding 50 over the speed limit." The cop says.

"No habla ingles." Tom says.

Oh my god this bitch.

I suck in my lips as the cop stares at Tom. "License and registration please." The cop puts her hand out, Tom goes to the center console pulling the registration.

Tom lifts his butt up slightly, getting his wallet from the back pocket. Giving the cop his ID.

She walks back to her car, running his license plate probably. "Tom! They said next time you get caught speeding you're gonna go to jail!" I whisper.

"Chill out, I got it." Tom reassures me.

She walks back to our car. "Okay, sir your records are completely clean. Just make sure to stay on the speed limit." She hands Tom his ID and registration back.

"Gracias." Tom smiles waving bye to her. He snickers switching his stick to drive. "How'd you do that!" I say shocked, Tom giggles driving off.

"Why be in the mafia if you don't have someone from the police on the inside?" Tom laughs, goddamn this shit is advanced.

"As far as they know, i'm just a music teacher."

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