"hurry up"!
My homie Omar is telling me to run to the car. I run as fast as I can.My heart is pouding and hopping I wasn't getting coat.I was part of B.O.N.E.My job is usally to do some dirty work with Omar. I jump in the car and Omar steps on the pedal.I look carefully look to see if any cops were after me and Omar. We pull up to our auto shop and there is the rest of the gang. There the is Aron, Britney,Mia and our leader Cliff.
I nevered had a real family before. My parents died when I was still a baby. They both had died in a fire> all I reamber is the firefighters And them meeting a guy. He was Omar. He took me to the shop and then I became one of them. I nevered had a name before so the gave me the name "Jake". Omar was basiclly my dad. He taught me every thing I knew. Mia was like a mom. She took care of me when i was young. Aron , Kris and Britney wherer like siblings. We all mesed around with each other. And Cliff... well Cliff was like a grandpa or like a wise guy.
When we ain't gangsters, we work at the auto shop. they fix some rides while I watch them . Sometimes Omar would teach me how to repair stuff.But for now it was night. Omar and I got out of van and Aron passed me a soda.
"Come on ,grape flavored. I hate grape" I said " was there any lemon lime?".
"Nope" replied Aron
I opened the pop and headed tworad Cliff. He was at his office reading some magizine.
"did you get it ? " he asked .
"just like you asked" I replied . ThenI gave hime the case.
"whats in it and why do we need it "asked Omar
"its an priceless watch " Cliff told us. " Some on is buying for 5000 dollars".
"thats a lot" I said.
"yup" said Cliff
Then me and Omar headed out the office with the others. Me and Aron shot some hoops then i went to my bed. I put my head headphones then slept.
A note frome the author : this story is still not do yet
bad to the bone
ActionNew york a drak place. Jake a gangster joins a gang ,but soons face trouble.big trouble