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22:23 HRS.

South Korea.

Road to: Counter's hiding place.

— Damn So Moon, they better not be doing what I think they're doing... — a nervous Mo-Tak whispered between his teeth, pressing the car's accelerator as soon as he noticed how the traffic light changed from red to green.

He was worried.

Both he and Mrs. Choo were.

Just a few minutes ago Gi-Ran and Soo-ho had contacted their respective counters sending them a warning signal since just seconds ago Wi-gen had felt a sudden emotional change, which, although it managed to go unnoticed by U-Sik and Jong-Guk as they were not familiar with it, for the others it was very noticeable.

The elders knew what this change and feeling means.

Ha-Na had not sensed some evil spirit breaking into the territory much less a danger signal like the ones they received when Moon got involved in fights with that familiar boy of the mayor, which only led him to one conclusion.

This conclusion was confirmed when the older counters remembered that they had left Moon and his girlfriend completely alone in the team's hideout.

— If this is what we believe, I will have a serious talk with Moon-ah, he must learn to control his emotions and therefore disconnect them from Wi-gen's when necessary. — Mrs. Choo added with concern, both by thinking about whatever may be happening and by thinking about how she is going to start a conversation of that type with the minor counter. She knows that she is not his mother and she should not get too involved in these types of problems, but she also knows that the minor must have guidance. Despite already being of age.

When they reached the parking lot of the den, they quickly got out of the car, put the lock on and approached the entrance with the same speed, and then began to run in the direction of the bedrooms.

And that was how Mrs. Choo witnessed what she never imagined she would witness in her life, much less imagined feeling this confused.


Moon's hands were firmly holding your hips while yours were holding his hands. You're both we're naked, he was behind your body moving skillfully and at the same time, covering you from anyone who arrived unexpectedly. They clearly weren't expecting anyone to arrive, everyone was on their respective activities and would be delayed a certain amount of time long enough, so they didn't worry about it that much.

But, as you already know, Moon forgot to control himself.

The room was in complete darkness, your naked bodies were only illuminated by the dim night light that came through the small upper window of Moon's room, and your moans echoed escaping through the small opening under his door, the sounds increased when the door was opened by Mrs. Choo.

She did not know what to do.

She was panicking.

And this increased when your body leaned forward, gripping your hands on the wall in front of you while both your moans and Moon's movements increased in force.

Her healing instincts made an appearance when she noticed how the minor counter's fingers dug into your hips when he accelerated his movements, something inside her told her that she had to stop him because he was going to hurt you, because he was going to hurt himself too if he continued like this. strong.

This time, it was your scream that brought her out of her bubble of worry, she crashed against the door when she saw how a slightly exaggerated amount of liquid began to come out of the connection between their bodies, managing to startle them both.

— M-Mrs. Choo? Ajeossi? — Moon's dazed voice managed to upset you more than you already were, In your post-orgasmic state you had only noticed the woman's presence, so finding out that she was not alone made your hair stand on end.

Moon reacted quickly and covered them both with one of the blankets on his bed, slipping in the process with the liquid that had come out of your vagina when you came.

God, he never thought he would experience something like this.

¡Yah! ¡So Moon! — an angry Mo-Tak broke the tense silence that had formed in the room, and still feeling dazed, he managed to grab the older woman's arm. — Get dressed and leave in five minutes! If you haven't left in five minutes they will be in serious trouble! — he threatened, pulling Mrs Choo out of the room. — More than you already have... — he muttered to himself as he left, making a mental note to tell Ha-Na to erase the image of the minor counter aggressively charging at his partner from his memory.

While in the room, you stared with crystallized eyes at a dazed Moon just like you. You quickly approached him and snuggled into his arms, feeling deep uncertainty about the events that they will experience in a few minutes.

Will you be scolded?

Will they kick you out for corrupting their baby's mind?

How will we look at their faces now that they have seen us in this position?

Those thoughts ran through your minds repetitively, as you got dressed, feeling that you're end was approaching.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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