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"Move, i'm trying to brush my teeth." I nudge Tom's waist with my hip. "Aye! I'm trying to brush my teeth too!" Tom points to the toothbrush in his mouth.

"Yeah, but you're taking too long." I elbow him in the stomach. "Ow!" Tom whines, rubbing his stomach. "That hurt." He sighs.

"Did it actually?" I ask turning around facing him. Tom nods, I rub his belly gently. "Sorry, i'm just in a mood because I wasn't planning on anyone finding out about us." I explain.

"Also, your starting your period soon." Tom spits out the foam, into the sink. I raise my brow at him.

"How do you know that, I don't even know that?! I tilt my head at him, confused.

"I've been tracking your cycle for three years now, so I know if you actually want to kill me or if you're just menstruating." Tom shrugs washing his toothbrush off.

"Aww, that's so sweet. You'd never guess my fiancé was a leader of a gang." I pout my lips happily.

"You're my only soft spot." Tom smiles.

"You're so sweet today." I could feel the tears start falling down my face, I pull him into a hug. Tom rubs my back gently. "Maybe I am getting my period." I dig my head into his chest.

"Why don't we tell everyone we've been together." Tom whispers, I pull away from the hug. Looking up at him.

"No, cause then all everyone is gonna talk about is our relationship." I shake my head. "Oh come on why don't you just tell everyone your Mrs. Kaulitz." Tom smiles swaying my hips from side to side.

"Maybe! I'll think about it." I put my finger in his face, before turning around. Tom wraps his arms around my body, resting his chin onto my head.

"When are we gonna start planning the wedding, it's been a year Gigi." Tom says, as we stare at ourselves in the mirror. "I don't knoww, after I finish my kills. That way we'll be less busy." I reply. 

"Okayy." Tom smiles kissing my forehead, before walking away to put some clothes on.

I grab one of his beaded bracelets putting it on my wrist, it was a bit big but I liked the way it looked.

"Can I wear this today?" I shine Tom my wrist, turning it around. "Of course." Tom gives me a bright smile.

I grab his glasses from the counter, putting them on my face. I scrunch up my brows, making the glasses rise up and down.

"Everyone tries to be as great as the Tom Kaulitz, but no one can beat me." Tom grabs the glasses off my face.

"Your ego really that big huh?" I say walking past him, to my closet. "Indeed it is." Tom waves his finger at me.


I pull into the school with Tom, we had something really fun for the music and art students planned today.

We were gonna merge all of our classes in the music room, simply because it was bigger then the art room.

"Okay, I think we're in the clear, step out after you see me get in the school okay?" I tell Tom.

"Kay, love you." Tom gives me a peck on the lips. "Love you too!" I say before stepping out the car.

I shut the door, running quickly inside. It was chilly out, I rub my shoulders as I walk in.

I go to my classroom, I get a white piece of paper out stating to go to Mr. Kaulitz's music room today for all my classes. I grab a piece of tape, sticking it to the door.

Only thing I hated was that Tom's classroom was all the way across the school. It was dreadful walking to it.

I start going to the east section of the school. "Miss Marino!" Andrea yells running behind me. "Hi!" I smile kindly.

"I saw the note, why are we in Mr. Kaulitz's class today?" Andrea asks. "I guess you'll just have to wait and see!" I giggle.

"Miss, it's okay you can tell me. Are you and Mr. Kaulitz on the down low?" Andrea questions me. "No Andrea we are not." I shake my head.

"You keep telling yourself that Ms. Marino." Andrea laughs. "God, it's cold today." I say shuddering.

"Tell Mr. Kaulitz to give you his jacket, i'm sure he wouldn't be opposed." Andrea smiles cheekily. "You know what, I will make him give me his jacket." I nod.

I see Aliyah quickly catching up with us. "Hey, why we going to Mr. Kaulitz's today?" She asks moving some hair out her face.

"We're doing an activity, joining our classes for the day." I explain. "Oh?" Aliyah smirks.

"Wait i'm gonna use the bathroom before class." Andrea walks into the girls restroom we had just walked past by. Great! Now i'm gonna get questioned about my love life.

Aliyah was my favorite student, she was kind, funny and respectful. Always got her work done on time. But sometimes she could be a little nosy.

Okay, a lot of the times.

"So, is it true what everyone says?" Aliyah asks. "What does everyone say?" I laugh awkwardly.

"That Mr. Kaulitz is big." Aliyah says. "Big?" I ask.

"You know like big." She puts her hand out, estimating a size. "Oh my god?!" I yell.

"Just yes or no." Aliyah says. "I am your teacher! This is inappropriate." I wave my finger in her face.

"Fine then, i'll just ask him myself." Aliyah shrugs, does this girl have no chill?!

"No, no. You aren't." I shake my head, I knew if she asked. He'd actually tell her.

"Why not, your fiancé have a small dick?" Aliyah pinches her fingers together pouting.

"I didn't say that!" I defend. "So, it is big then?" Aliyah smirks.

"Oh god."

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