Adopted By Mr.Radke

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"Why?" Ronnie asked me.

"Please Ronnie just take me there."

"Get in the car"


There i sat. In front of my moms grave, Ronnie by my side.

"Hi mom" I whispered as my voice cracked and a tear rolled down my cheek.

"I miss her so much" I said sadly

"I know baby, I know" He told me as I leaned on him.

"What was she like?" Ronnie suddenly asked me after 10 minutes of silence.

"S-She beautiful and kind. Always forgave. She never really cared what a person was like. She never saw the bad side of people, just the part that would make her smile or someones day better. She actually reminds me of you."

"How so?"

"Always able to make my day better always...herself. I guess is what she was. She never cared what people thought about her. Broke all the rules, didnt give a damn. She was a million times more beautiful than what i could ever be. She never even tried to look amazing...she just was." I told him " Amazing." I whispered

"What happened to her?" He asked.

"Drunk driver. I was in the wreck too but she died on impact.I sa the truck coming but i say anything fast enough. I couldve saved her. I COULDVE SAVED HER RONNIE!" Thats when I lost it and fell off the deep end. Sobbing into Ronnies chest. Letting all the anger for that night flow out.

And thats how we sat. In the rain for 20 minutes with slamming my fists into Ronnies chest letting it all flow out. The hate, anger, sadness, pain and pure rage flowing out of me like a waterfall.

"Im so sorry" I cried, my voice cracking and hoarse.

"Dont worry let it all out." He told soothingly. His voice so soft like if any rougher i would shatter.

I looked at his shirt and smiled a little cause my black makeup was smudged on his chest.

"What?" He asked me laughing a bit.

"You picked a bad day to wear white..." I told him as he looked down

He just laughed and hugged me.

"You okay now?" He asked quietly

"Yeah. Can we go home please?"

"Cmon" He said picking me up.

"Sorry about you shirt.."

"Dont worry bout it kiddo"

"HEY IM 13! Im not a kid...sorta" He just laughed and piggybacked me to the Escalade while singing Goodbye Graceful.

Adopted By Mr.RadkeWhere stories live. Discover now