Secrets, Sips, and Smiles

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I sling a backpack over my shoulder as I head out of the house, meeting my dad along the way

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I sling a backpack over my shoulder as I head out of the house, meeting my dad along the way.

"Marco, where are you off to so early in the morning?" My dad asks me.

I turn to face him, forcing a smile. "Just meeting up with some friends," I reply casually, avoiding the truth about my real plans.

He studies me for a moment, his expression looking worried. "Be careful, Marco. You know how dangerous things can get out there."

"I will, Dad. Don't worry," I reassure him.

"Alright. Take care, son," he says, giving me a nod before heading back to his room.

I sighed. 

I didn't like lying to my dad, but I knew he wouldn't support me working with the detective and I needed to prove my father's innocence at any cost.


The bell above the door tinkled softly as I stepped into the coffee house, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee hitting my nose instantly. My eyes scanned the room until they landed on James, sitting at a table near the window, a cup of coffee in hand.

He looked up as I approached, a very small, barely noticeable smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Marco," he greeted me.

"James," I replied, returning his smile as I slid into the chair opposite him.

He put down his coffee and I peeked at what he was drinking. I couldn't help but grimace slightly at the sight of the plain black liquid. "You're drinking... black coffee?" I asked him.

"Yes, I like it," He looked at me, staring at me with those piercing eyes that I quickly look down to my hands.

Of course you do, It's black like your soul.

"Is there a problem with that?"

"Nope. None. Nada," I replied, a nervous laugh escaping my lips as I pretended to study the menu. His stare was enough to make me feel like I was under a microscope.


"So, any updates on the case?" James asked, breaking the silence.

I nodded, pulling out the folder I had brought with me. "I've been going over everything you gave me yesterday. There's a lot to stuff, but I think I we need to Olivia, Vincent's assistant."

"Olivia Collins? Why?" James questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, from what I gathered, she's been working closely with Vincent for years," I explained, flipping through the folder to find Olivia's contact information. "If anyone knows about his recent activities or if he had any enemies, it's likely her. I also take a look at the crime scene real quick."

"I don't think you can see it without permission and I don't know where you'll-" He looks at my face and rubbed his temples. "You want me to give you permission, don't you?"

I smiled sweetly.

He sighs.

I grin widely.

He looks defeated. "Stay out of trouble, Marco."

A phone calls brings our staring session to an end. As James excused himself to take the phone call, I found myself alone at the table, staring at his untouched coffee mug. A  thought crossed my mind as I glanced around the coffee shop, confirming that James was still occupied outside.

Should I?

No, don't do that to yourself.

But curiosity got the better of me. I reached out and picked up the mug, bringing it closer to inspect the dark liquid inside.

Just one sip wouldn't hurt, right?

I hesitated for a moment before taking a small sip, and immediately regretted it, spitting it back in the mug.

 "Ew, ew, ew. What kind of monster drinks this willingly?" I groan, having a bite of my cake to get rid of that horrible taste.

By this time, James has entered the coffee shop again and has a frown on his face. Oh no, Did he see what I did?

He sat down, and I tried to sound casual as I asked, "You okay, James?"

"Yeah, that was my boyfriend," he replied, catching me off guard. 

Bitch, what-

"Your boyfriend? Are you...?" I trailed off, trying not to look as surprised as I felt. James looked at me, his expression unreadable. "Yeah, I'm gay. Is that a problem?"

I quickly shook my head, feeling a bit embarrassed. "No, not at all. I just didn't know."

"Most people don't," he said with a shrug. "But that's not the point. He was just calling to check in."

I nodded, "Got it. Everything okay with him? You looked upset"

James sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Honestly, not really. He's been a bit of a... headache lately. Always questioning my work hours, and- It's complicated. But enough about my personal life. Let's focus on the case."

"Right," I said, eager to change the subject. "About Olivia... do you think we can set up a meeting with her?"

James leaned back in his chair, studying me for a moment. "We can try. She's been through a lot, though, so you need to be sensitive."

"I can be nice."

"Debatable," he muttered with a smirk, taking his coffee mug.

Oh no

I looked at him, "Uh, I wouldn't do that if I were you," I muttered, and he looked at me like I stole one of his kidneys.

"What did you do?" he asked, sounding like he had given up at this point.

"Nothing?" I said in a high-pitched tone.

"Come on," he said, rubbing his temples and getting up. "Let's go. Follow me." I scrambled to gather my things, falling in step behind him as we left the coffee shop.

I couldn't help but grin. This was going to be an interesting partnership, to say the least.


Marco is so babygirl coded frfr



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