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I walk in the music room with Aliyah, Tom was writing something on his clipboard. I could see him glance up and smile then glance down really quickly.

I guess high schoolers study eye contact, and that's how you tell if someone likes you. BUT LIKE HOW?

"Mr. Kaulitz! I wanted to ask you a question!" Aliyah yells sticking her hand up, oh my god no.

Tom looks up, furrowing his brows. "No, sit down." I say sternly, Aliyah giggles. "So will you tell me then?"

Maybe if I just do an estimate she'll stop bothering me.

"Give me your hands." I put my palm out, ready to grab both her hands. She gives me her hands, I extend them measuring them out to be a length. I squint my eyes trying to imagine, and remember.

"There." I fix her hands to the correct length. "Oh my god?!" Aliyah whisper yells. "How do you even take that Miss?!" She looks to me flabbergasted.

"We're done talking about this, if I was your health teacher maybe this would be a different conversation."

I was getting uncomfortable!

Students need to understand that we all have personal lives too, our jobs don't reflect our world. We had many things to do, and sometimes you wanna keep most of these things private. Why would you want your whole life exploited to some teenagers?

I walk over to Tom's desk, overlooking over his shoulder onto his computer. I could see everyone staring at us, they were always staring at us.

"Give me your zip up." I demand. "What no please?" Tom smirks. "Nope, just give it to me." I put my hand out waiting for him to give me his jacket.

He unzips it off his body and hands it to me. "This is so big, and comfy. I'm keeping this." I smile and nod walking away.

My clothes were my clothes. His clothes were our clothes. That's just how it works.

I grab the other rolling chair, putting it in front of all the chairs so we could prepare for our 'Talk' I sit down as I wait for Tom to finish up some things on his computer.

I see Tom's chair rolling to the middle of the class. "Okay everyone phones up!" Tom says clapping his hands. "So, we have an announcement." I put my palms on my knees, rubbing them out of nervousness.

"That you're fucking? Yeah we know." Jayden throws a skittle into his mouth.

These kids are so ruthless..

"We were actually gonna say that these rumors need to come to a stop, i've known Miss Marino since.. When was it 2009?" Tom asks. "Yeah, 2009." I nod.

"So, for that reason we are very close but.. No we are not dating." Tom shakes his head.

I could see everyone slowly nodding, maybe they finally got the hint?

"Anyways! Time for our assignment!" Tom rubs his beard before walking away to his computer.

He squats a bit trying to get the instructions up on the board. I see them pop up, I start to explain what was gonna happen.

"Okay, so.. Mr. Kaulitz, is gonna be teaching me an instrument. BUT there's a plot twist." I look around to everyone, smiling.

"And that is, everyone will pick and instrument out of these six groups, whoever draws whatever instrument the best is the one he gets to teach me." I twirl around looking to Tom.

I was excited.

"All your supplies are over there, just don't get paint in my room please." Tom's voice squeaks a little, he really did not wanna ruin his room.

I could see all the students begin their pieces, this was gonna be a lot of fun.


Tom starts to walk around, looking at all their drawings. I knew my students were good at art, I taught them to be. These were also my seniors, the students i've had since the first year i've taught.

They were advanced. Tom was gonna be surprised.

"Holy shiz!" I hear him yell, squatting down to look at Aliyah's painting. "Shiz, really Mr. Kaulitz." Aliyah laughs. "Don't be a hater just because i'm PG."

"You know what she was drawing right?" Tom asks me. "What was she drawing Tom?" I tilt my head smiling.

"A guitar." He smirks, I knew he really wanted to teach me how to play guitar. Not anything else.

"Okay, pull it out and let's see." I reply, I look around to see everyone snickering.

"That's not what I meant." I shake my head going over to the back room that had all of Tom's personal instruments. No one other then him was aloud in here.

These instruments were his babies, other then his gun collection. That was pretty important too.

Guitarist and art teacher by day, mafia leader and killer by night. It balanced out pretty well.

Tom takes his guitar off the stand, wrapping it around my body. "Damn it's heavy!" I grunt.

"You're gonna do great." Tom smiles giving me a kiss.

"Are you crazy?!" I pull away, from him. "What, no one here but us." Tom shrugs walking out.

I walk out close behind him, sitting down on the stool in the middle of the room. "Okay, place your fingers on these strings here." He takes my fingers putting them on the strings. "Now, strum." Tom nods.

I move my fingers down, strumming it gently.

"You're awful." Tom snickers.

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