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There was a loud crash in an empty hallway, in the home of Ivan Braginski of all people. You sometimes wonder if a tree were to fall in the forest with no one around to hear it, it would still make a sound; well a lamp colliding with the tile floor in a large and silent hallway made an awful sound, even when there was just one to hear it. 

One, Feliks Łukasiewicz; who had knocked it from a dresser quite a bit taller than he was himself, and was now swearing under his breath in Polish, hoping and praying he was right about the house being empty; at least, save for him, and one other person he hoped to run into,

.....figuratively mind you, and not like that dresser.

Now I know what you must be thinking, well of course that other person is Toris Laurinaitis. 

Well you'd be wrong. 

This wasn't a time where Toris lived with Ivan, and though it was on behalf of him in a way, Feliks had an ulterior motive.

He looked over the shards of broken lamp on the ground and wondered if he could get around this corner without stepping in it, fairly hopeless, he assumed, but tried to sneak around it anyway. 

"If Ivan is home or not doesn't like, matter anymore anyway, I'm totally dead.." he managed to slip around the corner and start off down the next hall briskly, "She'll kill me first-" he jumped at the slightest sound, this time being a creak from none but the house itself, and stood very still for a moment before letting out a small sigh of relief, "..You are talking to yourself again, Polski..." 

He continued to creep down the hall as silently as possible until he came to a particular room, stopped and listened near the door for movement. 

However the movement he heard next wasn't from this room, but a room across and down the hall a ways; 

Sunlight shining into the window through the room and floating into the hall from the cracked door caught his eye; someone was humming quietly inside, the last thing to do would be investigate, obviously, if they were distracted it would only make sense to leave them as such, being a trespasser... 

But for one reason or another Feliks tip-toed over to the door carefully and looked through the opening, blinking in the bright daylight filling the room. 

It wasn't Ivan, it was a girl, though not Natalia or Irina, 

"How many people does he keep in here..?" he mumbled to himself before looking into the room again, "..or just girls...?" 

She didn't take notice of the small movement in the doorway and continued to read a book where she sat, humming an unfamiliar little tune faintly; 

The open window let in a subtle breeze along with the sunlight, that fluttered through her long pale-colored hair like that of Ivan's. 

Unbeknownst to Feliks, this was Anya Braginski, not like Ivan's other sisters she was near an identical twin in appearance but not technically so; she was still minding her own business, reading, when Feliks found himself staring and began to shift a bit in his balance, leaning on the door. 

Now this was an open door, if only slightly, and when you push on an open door....it, opens. 

The door drifted open smoothly with a faint creak and Feliks fumbled not to fall into the room to no avail, 

Anya stood up quickly, closing her book as the door swung open, rather surprised when instead of a figure walking in, there was a large thud as someone's face was planted in the ground. 

There was an odd and still moment where his cape drifted down over his head gently while she blinked at him, before taking a step or two back carefully. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2013 ⏰

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