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"Okay, we're gonna have to work on your feelings today." Tom says. "What do you mean?" I ask.

"You can't be feeling guilty Gia, if we were in an actual scenario, you'd have to kill with no remorse. That's what i'm trying to teach you." Tom replies.

"So Teach me." I nod.

"Okay, that is Edward. He's 46 and he's on the sex offenders list. He's also a dealer and he's kidnapped underaged girls." Tom points out the window.

"Oh shit." I analyze the man, he had looked like he was in his 70's. "You have to be cold blooded Gia, there's no time for feelings. What do we do to bad people hm?"

"We kill them." I state.

"Attagirl." Tom smiles patting my cheek.

I take the gun from his hand. "Wait, i'm coming with you." Tom says getting out the car. "What, you don't think I can handle myself?" I laugh.

"I do, I just can't have his grimy hands touch you." Tom throws his hands around my shoulders.

We start walking up to Edward.

"Tom Kaulitz, and his girl. How classic." Edward snickers. "Do it." Tom nods towards me.

I point my gun to his face, I could see Edward jump back. "No! I have a family and kids!" He starts to surrender and beg for his life.

I could feel my hand trembling over the trigger.

"Gia, do it." Tom says sternly.

"I-I can't, i'm trying!" You could see the gun shake against my hands. I really was trying, I just couldn't.

"Fucking bullshit." Tom scoffs grabbing the gun, shooting him in between his eyes.

He hands me back the gun walking back to the car scoffing. I sniffle walking back to the car with Tom. When he got mad, he definitely got mad.

I close the door gently getting in the car, I wipe away the tears that had fallen for that sick twisted man.

I still felt remorse.

"You can't seriously feel bad for him can you?" Tom shakes his head, taking a drag out his cigarette.

"I can't control the way that I feel Tom, okay! I just can't!" I yell. "Don't fucking yell at me because you were the one who couldn't kill the guy!" Tom yells back.

"You knew I wasn't cut out for this life but you dragged me in it anyways! I complied! Why?! Because I love you!" I shout, digging my index finger in his chest.

"Oh fuck off! You could've left a long time ago Gia. This was your choice! This is what we've been training for. It's been three fucking months and you still can't kill! It's useless! You're useless!" Tom yells in my face.

"Fuck you! I'm getting a cab." I open the car door slamming it shut behind me.

I start storming down the streets, I take my phone out calling a cab. How can he just fucking yell at me like that. I told him I was doing it because I loved him and all he cared about was the stupid fucking kill.

I wait at the curb for the driver. I was pissed, livid.

I see him slowly start to pull in, I hop in giving him the address. I'd still have to see Tom at home, fucking fantastic.


It was midnight, Tom still wasn't home and I still couldn't sleep.

I could feel the bed weigh down from the other side, he was finally home. Good fucking gracious.

I could feel him wrap his arms around my body. Snuggling his head into my neck.

"I'm sorry." Tom kisses my neck gently.

I get up taking my small blanket with me to the couch. I was still mad at him. I didn't want to give in so quick.

I set the couch pillow up, snuggling into it.

"Gigi." Tom says sternly, squatting down to the level of the couch, he strokes my hair gently.

He was still so fucking gentle, it pissed me off. Just fucking hit me. Do something, how are you gonna kill and beat all these people and still come to me trying to make it up and hug and love on me.

"Leave me alone, i'm not in the mood." I turn my body to the other side of the couch. I could feel him climb onto the couch, hugging me tightly.

"I'm sorry I got so mad, I didn't mean to." Tom kisses my temple and cheek, I turn around facing him.

I could smell the alcohol reek off of him.

"You're drunk." I scoff sitting up. "I just had a few drinks Gia, it's not a big deal. Adults drink." Tom says.

"Where did you go after I left." I ask, not knowing if I even wanted to know the answer. "Bill's house."

"So if I were to call Bill, he'd say you were with him all night?" I ask. "Yes." Tom says plainly. "Ok." I shrug pulling my phone off the coffee table.

"It's not that big a deal, don't you believe me?" Tom says. "You weren't at fucking Bill's where were you then." I stand up, hopping over him onto the floor.

"I was just having some fun!" Tom yells. "Where was the fun at Tom, a bar? A girls house? Inside of a girl?" I start listing out all the things I knew would piss him off

"Fuck you! I was at Marty's house!" Tom yells. "Marty the heroin addict?!" I yell back.

"Yeah so! I wasn't the one shooting up the heroin!" Tom tries to defend himself. "It would've been better if you fucked a girl." I walk over to our room slamming the door shut. I could hear Tom's angry footsteps.

"You don't fucking slam doors on me, you hear me?!"

He pins me against the wall, yelling cold senseless things to my face.

"All this because I couldn't kill a guy?!" I push him off me. "I'm sorry, fuck! I didn't mean to okay, I love you." Tom sits on the bed rubbing his forehead.

"Oh now you wanna play the I love you card, You can't expect me to forgive you after every time you do this shit!" I yell.

"Just, go to sleep Gia. We'll talk about this tomorrow." Tom gets in bed, covering himself up. "I want to talk about it now." I say sternly.

"Just get in the fucking bed and let me hold you." Tom pats on the bed, I sigh going next to him.

"I don't mean to lash out. I can't control it and you know that. You've known that for years." Tom sighs.

"I just can't even do anything when you're mad! All I can do is just sit there and listen to you yell!" I defend. I could see Tom's gaze turn soft, I could see him lift his hand up. I suddenly jump back.

I thought he was gonna slap me.

I could see the tears filling in his eyes, he starts to caress my cheek. "You're scared of me?" Tom trembles.

I don't answer, and just suck in my lips, staying silent.

"I would never hurt you Gigi." Tom shakes his head. "Sure you wouldn't." I scoff, wiping my nose.

"I'd never hurt the one I love." Tom hugs me tightly, kissing me repeatedly.

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