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I sigh getting up out of bed, I walk over to the bathroom brushing my hair out.

I could hear Tom's footsteps emerge into the bathroom, he holds my waist as he smiles sadly at me. "Don't." I say moving his hands from my waist.

"Are you still mad?" Tom asks.

"No! I'm not mad at all!" I say sarcastically. "Wait really?" Tom smiles. "No dipshit." I move out his way, going to the closet.

"Baby, please! Im sorry." Tom whines stomping his feet up and down. "Oh so you're a child now?" I scoff.

"It's not even that big of a deal, you're overreacting." Tom points to me, I turn my body around. Staring at him blankly. "Not a big deal?" Was he serious?

"You're so sensitive! Everything hurts your feelings!"

"Fuck you." I slap him, walking away to turn on the shower. "Do that again." Tom pulls my wrist back.

"What is this some type of kink for you? Let me go."

"Exactly that." Tom smashes his lips onto mine, picking me up. Pinning me against the wall, dear fuck.

"I've craved you for so long." Tom whispers, unhooking my bra, as he plants small hickeys across my neck. I pull his face back up, kissing him aggressively.

"If you fuck me, i'll forgive you." I dig my nails into the back of his neck. "I'll fuck you anytime, anywhere." Tom let's go of me, pulling my panties off.

He pulls his boxers off, pushing them away with his feet. Tom picks me back up, re-pinning me against the wall. "Beg for it baby." Tom shoves his fingers down my throat, gagging me slightly.

"What- about school." I manage to get out, gagging on his fingers slightly. "Fuck school." Tom carries me into the shower, turning it all the way to hot.

I could feel him place his fingers against my entrance. Wasting no time, he thrusts his fingers into me deeply. My body rising up and down against the wet wall.

"Yell for me." Tom puts his hands just below my jaw, lifting my head up slightly. He was choking me.

I liked it.

I could feel him curl his fingers inside of me. "Shit!" I scream, gagged up. "Louder, Gia." Tom demands. "Just give me your dick, I don't have time for this." I shake my head. "We have all day." Tom licks up my neck.

"Just give it to me, please." I whine. "Will you make me cum first?" Tom asks. I squint my eyes, nodding my head eagerly. I could feel his grip on my body loosen.

I start to stroke his dick, we didn't have sex that often. But when we did it was rough and passionate.

It's not that we didn't want to, we were just always so busy.

I lick up his tip, looking at him with innocent eyes. "Don't look at me like that Gia." Tom shakes his head.

"Why, does it make you feel dirty?" I giggle, before bopping my head up and down on his length.

It was difficult when we first met, but my gag reflex had slowly gone away at this point.

"Sometimes I forget how beautiful you really are Gigi." Tom holds my hair up, pulling on it harshly. "Mm." I hum against his cock, I pull of him. Licking his tip.

I plant small gentle nibbles and kisses against his big cock, I couldn't wait to feel him inside me.

Aliyah was right, I didn't know how I took it.

"The faster you go the faster you'll get me inside you." Tom says, he was right. I needed to hurry up. I pump his dick with both my hands, fixing my stance on my knees, I bring my body up a little more.

He was so tall.

Tom fastens my pace, pushing my head up and down. I start to suck on him harder, his dick washing off that pretty pink tint of his becoming paler and whiter.

"Gia.." Tom whimpers leaning his back against the tiled wall. I squeeze his thighs gently, moving my head back and fourth. "Can you cum, please." I ask kindly, taking my mouth off his cock.

"Mhm, I will." Tom hums nodding. I place my mouth back on him, going faster and faster, his tip kept hitting the back of my throat. Making me teary in the eyes.

I could feel him twitch in my mouth. "Shit." Tom bites his bottom lip, throwing his head back. I could feel his substance seep into my mouth, Tom let's out a loud suppressed groan. I loved when he'd make noise for me

I swallow most of it, some of it had dripped below him onto my thighs. "Tell me, do you wanna be fucked standing up, or in the comfort of your own bed." Tom asks pulling me up by my dark brown hair.

"Right now, too much work to move to the bed." I shake my head. "Are you sure, when I pull out of you. You might not be able to balance yourself." Tom smirks.

"You'll carry me right?" I nod eagerly. "Of course." Tom swipes his thumb against my bottom lip, picking me back up. I wrap my legs around his waist, waiting for him to begin positioning himself.

I felt his cock slide against my pussy, teasing me slightly. I put my head on his shoulder, waiting for him to thrust into me.

Tom inches up me slowly, I was getting impatient. I let my body hang low, bringing him deeper inside. "Don't get impatient with me, it'll be worse for you in the end." Tom shakes his head, carrying me back up.

"Can you just hurry it up Tom, you promised." I say. "Then i'll show no mercy on you, is that what you want?" Tom asks. "I don't fucking care just-"

"Fuck!" I yell, he had slammed into me.

"You asked for this my love, you know once I get started I don't stop." Tom clicks on his tongue.

I don't think I ever wanted him to stop.

He moves his hands down to below my ass, bouncing me up and down harshly. "Ah!" I yell, scratching up and down his back. "Good, keep making those pretty noises, just how I like it." Tom kisses my neck.

"I will- Fuck!" I pull his hair back, my eyes start to roll to the back of my head. He always knew my good spots.

"Mr. Kaulitz..." I whisper.

"How are you always so tight when I fuck you nice and good every time." Tom grunts. "I keep myself tight for you Mr. Kaulitz." I moan.

"How sweet of you Gia." Tom fake pouts, his hands go to my waist holding me. "Put in some work i'm getting tired." Tom demands, I put my hands on his shoulders humping into him.

"I only love fucking you, I only want to ever fuck you." Tom pulls me into a kiss, he wraps his arm around my back, helping me stay up as he strokes my wet hair moving it out my face, cupping my cheek.

Tom pushes his waist up, I could feel his sack make contact with my ass, he had hit my G-spot and I was about to cum.

"Tom, i'm gonna cum." I let out breathily, Tom doesn't respond and takes this as his sign to pump into me faster and faster, I felt him twitch once again.

This time he was inside me.

This time, I was gonna wait for him to cum again.

I could hold out a little longer, but it was starting to hurt. I could feel my stomach twisting, I think he was waiting for me to cum first.

"Tom, just cum." I say. "No, you first." He shakes his head. "I'm not going first, you go first." I disagree. "Then I guess we're gonna be here awhile."


Okay, I guess i'll cum.

I let myself release on him. "Uh!" I moan happily, the sweet feeling of that pressure was gone.

"Attagirl." Tom smirks, cumming into me.

A/N- sorry this was suckish LMAO

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