Shadowbrook House

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(Okay, so I don't usually write but I wanted to try the Heebie Jeebie Awards because it seemed like fun.)

Trigger warning: Swearing, blood and slightly gory imagery with a bit of violence thrown in.


How I wish we never agreed with Dane to go into Shadowbrook House. I've heard the story so many times, we all have. We should never have listened to Dane.


"I'm bored, guys," Dane announced as he rifled in his pockets for some 
of the candy that he earlier bullied some younger kids into handing over. I hate 
Dane, I truly do. But he's my girlfriend, Jenny's, brother so I have to 
tolerate him.
"I second that," Luke agreed.
"Same here," Maria and Jenny nodded in unison.
"I'm ready to go home,"I say rubbing my arms, it's becoming a bit chilly.

"Hey, let's explore Shadowbrook House!" Dane suggested, everyone groaned, he suggests this every Halloween.
"Ugh, Dane. Not this again," Maria 
facepalmed, "you do this every year and you know that this year the mayor even said that he was going to organise security to keep kids out after what happened last year."
Dane nonchalantly popped a piece of candy into his mouth, chewed obnoxiously while rolling his eyes at Maria.
"By security you mean that drunk, Billy 
Davies? We can get past him easy. Come on, it will be fun."

We all shot uncomfortable glances at each other. Last year a group of teens decided to go into Shallowbrook House for a Halloween adventure and only one came out. Hillary Jackson was found roaming the streets, screaming and scratching at her face. 
She still resides in Bloomfields psychiatric hospital. Bloomfields is the next town over.

"Oh, come on. Are you all chicken shits?" Dane mocked as he rolled his eyes. 
"Those kids were never found, Dane," I said but he cut me off.
"Maybe crazy Hillary just hid their bodies extremely well," he snickered.
I never disagree with Dane. He's one sick puppy and I wouldn't have been able to take him in a fight.

Luke chimed in, "I'm not scared, Dane. but I do have a curfew."
"Come on, Luke. It's Halloween. Don't be such a baby." Luke sniffed indignantly, "Fine, but only for a few minutes."
Reluctantly everyone agreed.
Dane always acted like he was the leader of our little group but mostly 
we always listened to Luke rather than Dane. We walked the two blocks to Shadowbrook House in 

The house looked ominous in the dark with only the streetlights in the 
front. My stomach clenched as we approached.
"See, Billy isn't even here. I bet 
he's sleeping it off somewhere," Dane nodded to himself. We slowly and quietly walked up the steps to the front door. Dane tried the door but found it locked. He jiggled the handle and kicked the door once for emphases.
"Damn, we'll have to find another way in."

We sneaked around the property until 
we found a partially boarded up window. Dane, always acting the fearless one, broke the last boards loose and climbed through the window, swallowed by the darkness inside.
Suddenly a scream filled the night. Jenny's stiffened up next to me, Maria let out a yelp and Luke probably peed himself a little. Dane popped his head out the window after an intense minute.
"Be honest, who crapped themselves?" he grinned, "Are you coming, or what?" "Dane, you are such a jerk sometimes," Luke mumbled as he climbed through the window followed by Maria. I helped Jenny through and followed in after her.

It was as dark as I imagined it would be, but Dane somehow had a flashlight. The jerk probably planned this.
"Were did you get the flashlight, Dane?" Maria asked suspiciously.
"Oh, I had it with me," he shrugged and confirmed my suspicions, "don't worry,
I have more." 
He pulled a handful of those small throwaway flashlights from his pocket. "Just so you know, we are not splitting up," Luke said sternly.

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