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"Gia." Tom rubs his beard, unsure. "Just teach me Tom, i'll do better. I promise." I nod.

"Okay, I guess we can try one more time." Tom squints his eyes at me, putting his index finger in my face. I smile biting his finger.

"AYE!" Tom yells pulling his finger out my mouth. "Sorry, I had to it was in my face." I giggle. "You're not funny." Tom puts both his hand under my boobs, slapping them up. Making them jiggle.

I gasp dramatically, holding my boobs. "Flash me one babe." Tom smirks. "I would never!" I gasp again, getting up to walk away.

Tom pulls my wrist back putting me back on the bed, he starts to tickle me. "Dude!" I yell squirming. I start throwing my body around laughing.

One of my tits popped out from my tank top, Tom smiles getting up and walking away.

"Is that what you were looking for?" I ask putting my boob back in my bra. "Yes actually." Tom nods laughing. "I'll get you back next time T." I sigh plopping back on the bed.

Tom plops next to me, laying down, I was naked from the waist down and he was naked from the waist up.

"We should get soup from Panera, i'm craving it now." I whip my head to his direction. "Okay, let's go then." Tom smiles pulling my hand up. "Carry me to the closet." I jump up on him, wrapping my legs around his waist. "Okay, whatever you want." Tom rubs my back.

He walks over to our walk-in closet, looking through all his shirts. I hop off his body, going to the built in drawers that were in our closet.

I grab a pair of underwear, and a bra. "Are you gonna participate in the homecoming dress out days, they start tomorrow." Tom asks.

"Of course, I participate every year. What's tomorrows theme?" I ask. "2000's or dress as your type day." Tom nods, I smirk turning my body to him.

"No, no, no." Tom waves his finger in my face. "Yes, yes, yes." I nod smiling.

I go to the separate area in the closet, pulling out out one of his old caps and a beanie. The ones he used to wear in 2005 until he got his braids.

I met him when he had braids.

"Pair it with your old baggy jeans, i'm sure they'll still be huge!" I smile brightly. "No!" Tom shakes his head. "You looked so cute in the pictures pleasee!" I pout.

"If you love me you will." I smile mischievously.

"You dress up as 2000's Tom and i'll dress up as you now." I smile. "Won't the students realize?" Tom tries to prove a point.

One thing about me, is i'm never wrong.

"It creates more drama anyways, they'll be fine. Honestly it entertains me to play with their feelings." I put his hats down. "Okay let's do it then." Tom nods.

I take my tank top off, fumbling with my bra as I put it on. "Hook me." I say turning around, Tom clips my bra on the third level, I squat down getting a top from the bottom shelf, I could see Tom rub his eyes.

"Sorry, I GYATT something in my eye." Tom laughs, I move my glare to him, staring at him blankly.

"Don't make that joke again or you're gonna be my next kill." I say sternly. "Please, if you can't kill a sex offender you're not gonna be able to kill me." Tom says.

I stand up putting my hand on his neck, choking him. "Say that again." I put all my strength into his neck.

"You wanna try me small one?" Tom asks, placing his hand on my throat, I squeeze his airway harder. As he squeezes mine. I could see his face going purple.

It was getting hard to breath.

"Tap out." Tom grunts. "You first." I squeak.

I could see Tom's lifeless body fall to the floor.

Just kidding.

I laugh lifting my hands off his neck, Tom releases his grip from my neck as well. I laugh pulling him into a kiss. "What if neither of us tapped out." Tom says.

"Then, I guess we'd both be dead right now!" I laugh.

I put my dark red crop top on, I slip on my thong before getting a pair of low rise dark blue jeans, they were flared.

"Woah, not in teacher mode anymore." Tom says, I pull the straps of my thong up to my waist. "Definitely not." I shake my head.

"When did you get those?" Tom smirks, pulling on my straps. "That one time I went shopping with my sister." I say in response. "And why am I just now seeing them?" Tom asks. "Because i've been in teacher mode."


I walk into the Panera. "Go ahead, order your food." Tom says. "No, that gives me anxiety. You order it for me." I nod towards the cashier.

"You're 26." Tom says plainly.

"Yeah so, now go order it for me!" I push his back towards the cashier, going to sit down.

I could see Tom order and wait for our food patiently, I sit back on my phone. Waiting for him to come with our food, after about five minutes I could see him come back, with the tray of bread bowls.

"Mm, broccoli cheddar." I moan in delight, smelling the aroma of it coming towards me.

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