Aftons meet Smudger and Tim

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William Afton: Were the the hell are we?

William Afton hears his ex-wife and his children falling out of the portal

William: Clara and kids are you okay?

Michael Afton: Yeah we're fine dad just wondering where.

Clara Afton: what the hell is that green thing in front of us.

???: Rude I have a name you know.

William: Well can you please tell us name and where we are at.

???: My name is Smudger and I have a friend named Tim but he's a nightgard and he needs help with the fifth night so do you think that you can help him.?

Chris Afton: Of course we can help out your friend Tim because my brother has a nightgard experience.

Michael: Yeah I do so Smudger I will be happy to help your friend Tim out with the help of my family so can you show us where he is and we'll help him out.

Smudger: Alright just climb on in and I'll take you there.


Mint in Smudger Elizabeth my dear neice please calm down oh and hey brother

William: Sister what are you doing here I thought that you didn't make it through the portal in time and I thought that you and Shadownight were stuck at home.?

Mint: Nope we were always here because we help Tim and Smudger.

William: Oh okay but if we ride in this train nothing will happen to us right.

Mint: Nah he's harmless so you have nothing to be scared of dear brother so in other words All aboard Smudger.

Clara: Can we just get on the stupid already I'm tired of just standing here.

Terrance Afton: I'm very sorry about my mothers aditude Smudger and you are not stupid you're a very special train like I never seen a train like you.

Smudger: Thank you and it's fine I had to deal with the old manager yelling at his workers for not making sure that all of us were in our sheds.

After they all climbed aboard Smudger then started rolling on the tracks at a slow speed so that my family can see their saroundings

William: Wow Smudger you have a very lovely home.

Smudger: ... Thanks I guess I mean it's not that much.

Terrance: ... Are you okay Smudger?

Elizabeth: Yeah are you okay Mister Smudger?

Smudger: ... Yeah I'm fine just glad that I met somebody that actually cares about me besides Tim.

Everyone - Mint: ...

William: Well I for one think that it's not okay for you to be treated like that so how about me and my family stay here forever.

Smudger: !? Wait so you're going help Tim Mint and Shadownight take care of us.

Michael: Hey guys I see our stop.

Smudger: Well we're here out you guys get.

William: you kids go on ahead I'm going to stay here and help Smudger and my sister out with whatever they need help with.

Chris: Okay bye dad Smudger and auntie Mint will see you once we beat night five.

William: Bye son and you your siblings and your mother be carful because I heard that night five is hard to beat.

Smudger: *Please be safe because once you beat night five then you have to come back home and sleep during the day so you can get ready for the sixth night and that night will be impossible to beat*

Tim: So you are the new helpers well hi there my name is Tim.

Shadownight: Hey guys what are doing here I thought that you were still at home asleep.

Michael: Yeah we were until dad hawllerd for us to come to the living room and we all saw a portal and it sent us here probably to help you guys out with nights five and six.

Back with Mint Smudger and William

Mint: Go get some sleep Smudger so brother why did you come back with us.?

William:*Laughs* Because I could tell that you two can use an extra set of hands to help take care of Smudger.

Mint: Well thank you brother for the help because I sure could use it.

William: don't worry about it sis I got your back at all times and OH MY GOD WHY DO YOU HAVE A GUN.

Mint: Okay first of all the gun isn't for me it's for Tim, our sister, and your kids because your ex-wife got jump scared and she teleported here so that proves to you that she is dumb and doesn't know how to do shit.


Mint: Oh shut up and they are not stupid or ugly that's just you Clara.

I yeet Clara into her new room and then I saw Smudger trying to get out of his shed I walk over to him and open his shed door and I see him zoom past me

Mint: ... Okay now that was weird why did he do that for hum ⁉️ wait did he have a nightmare about his older brother.


Mint: (Sarcasm) Nah he a sister OF COURSE HE HAS A BROTHER. (sigh why doesn't anybody understand that)

William: I completely understand I was just shocked when I heard that he has a older brother.

Mint: Come on brother let's go find him because he does something stupid.

William: Okay let's go find Smudger before he does something stupid.

Tim, Michael, Chris, Elizabeth, Shadownight, and Terrance beat the fifth night and they came back home to see that me and my brother William are cleaning up Smudger because we already found him

Tim: Hi Mint and William how is Smudger doing.

William: Hello Tim Smudger is doing fine but he kinda had a mud bath earlier so now we are cleaning him.

Tim: thank you William I hope that Smudger wasn't that stubborn for you both.

William: Nah he's a very well behaved train.

Mint: yeah Tim he was very well behaved (except for when he had a nightmare about his brother and he rolled himself into a mud puddle and got himself stuck)

Tim: Well I'm glad to hear that Smudger was not a stubborn train too you both.

William: so sis you watch some FGTeeV videos with me.

Mint: I thought you'd never ask so let's go watch some FGTeeV videos.

After me and William left to watch some FGTeeV videos a new friend came falling out of the portal.

A/N: Hahaha cliffhanger try to figure out who the new friend is I'll give you a hint his last name is Emily okay now try to figure out who our new friend is bye bye my kittens.

Afton family meets five nights at smudger's Where stories live. Discover now