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I hear knocking on my door. "Guys it's her fiancé, don't freak out." Jayden says sarcastically, I shake my head snickering. "Go let him in." I nod to Elena.

She sat next to the door, so most of the time if someone were to knock and I was busy, she'd let them in.

"I'm back, with more Doritos!" Tom snickers, sitting in the student desk.

"And no more will be going out to students, the vending machine is down the hall. You can go get it yourself JAYDEN" Tom says.

"Don't torment our students Tom." I glare at him. "Woah, she just called him Tom. With no shame either!" Andrea giggles, I don't know why this was so entertaining to them.

"Why are you guys so invested in our lives, we're just normal people." Tom shrugs. "Because, we're high schoolers, we live for the drama." Aliyah shrugs.

"Well when I was in high school, I lived for the girls. Just saying!" Tom says.

"Man, have I missed these comfortable jeans. I might have to start wearing them again." Tom follows up. "Okay anyways.. Moving on, where have you guys gotten with your bouquets?" I ask the class.

"I'm almost done." "I'm done." "Uhh..."

Oh dear..


Tom and I pull into Bill's house, today had been a long day of explaining to everyone Tom and I's relationship.

Tom and I step out the car, shutting our doors in sync. "Let's go." He nods his head sideways to me, grabbing me by my waist, I walk with him to Bill's front door.

We didn't knock, we just went in.

"We're here!" Tom yells opening the door, locking it behind him. "Is it time for me to teach her about how I got over the killing?" Bill asks.

"Yeah, i'm not getting through to her cause she knows I never gave a fuck. Good person bad person, who the fuck cares just kill them and get it over with." Tom shrugs. "Okay psycho killer, that's not the way we're leaning towards." Bill says grabbing my hand.

I sit next to Bill on the couch. "Okay, so. Explain to me, why you hesitate while killing." Bill says patting my knee. Do I really have to explain why I hesitate on killing a human?

"Because, they have an actual life. We all have lives, killing them takes that away. It takes everything away from them, imagine they're a mother. Then those kids don't have a parent. Would you want to live without your mother?" I explain.

"Gia, I highly doubt any of the people you're gonna have to kill in the mafia are parents." Bill says. "I don't know of any mothers or fathers other then Hiram and Suzette." Tom follows up on Bill's point.

"I guess you're right. I just wish I could be in action, I don't wanna keep killing homeless people that's just stupid." I shrug.

"Can't we get her to come to one of the races, or a heist or something. Maybe even a trade off?" Bill asks, looking to Tom. "No, no absolutely not." Tom shakes his head. "How will she ever learn then?" Bill says.

"She can't come along until I know for sure she's over that guilty bullshit!" Tom yells.

"Just because i'm not heartless like the sick fuck you are doesn't mean it's bullshit!" I yell back.

I could see Tom's knuckles start to turn white, his jaw clenched and his face gone into a straight line. His eyes once again were stone cold. "Fuck did you just say?" Tom says sternly, walking towards me.

"I said what I said, don't get your panties in a bunch. It's the fucking truth Tom." I remark.

I could see him chuckle, his thumb grazing the tip of his nose. "I think you've forgotten sweetheart, have you forgotten who you've chosen to get married to? Cause I can remind you of it real quick." Tom laughs.

"Oh my god! I'm so scared! Please don't kill me big bad wolf!" I reply sarcastically covering my face with my hands. I could see his nostrils flare, he was definitely about to launch at me, which made it even funnier.

"Okay! That's enough." Bill yells, pushing Tom back. Tom shakes his head walking to the backyard.

"He's nothing more then a music teacher, how much impact has he made in the mafia world recently hm? None! So he really can't be talking." I snicker.

"Gia, why do you push him like that?" Bill says.

"You know at the end of the day he's not gonna do anything to me, in the six years i've known him i've never gotten beat not once." It was funny honestly, worst he could do is pin me against the wall.

He loved me too much, and that's why I love him.

"One of these days, he's actually gonna launch on you and you're gonna regret it Gia. Don't push it with him." Bill shakes his head. "He loves me and I love him, he isn't going to beat me because he'll cry afterwards."

"Okay, but when it happens. All i'm gonna say is I told you so." Bill shrugs. "Okay well back to what we were saying, how'd you get over the feeling? The guilt?" I ask  I was genuinely looking for an answer too.

"It just washes away over time, the more you kill the less it hurts. Don't think about the family, just your prey. Imagine all the bad things they've must've done." He explains, I guess it made a little sense.

"Okay.. that makes sense I-" I get cut off by the sound of the door sliding, and Tom stepping back in. He looks down as he walks in.

I give Bill a knowing look, I put my index finger up. telling him to "Wait for it." Tom was gonna apologize.

I could see him kick the floor with his shoes, they make a shuffling sound as he fiddles around. He didn't want to apologize, but he knew he had to.

"I didn't mean to get so mad.." Tom says, I stay silent waiting for the rest of his apology.

"And, i'm sorry for saying I would show you who I really was because I would never hurt you." Tom follows up. "And..?" I put my hand behind my ear cupping it slightly.

"And I love you." Tom nods.

"I love you too, now come sit." I pat on the couch next to me. "I told you." I mouth to Bill.

"Not my fault he's insane and you're okay with it."

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