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This time, I made this because I was inspired by a picture that was created by worlds_worst_villain on Instagram.

A celebration gone HORRIBLY WRONG...

"Happy Birthday, Grimace Shake!" Paisley cheers, as she then places her phone against a nearby lamppost, before quickly hurrying over to Blame, who is holding two Grimace Shake drinks. "C'mon babe, try some!" Paisley says to him, as she takes her drink from his arms, before beginning to sip on it, causing him to raise an eyebrow at how fast she's going. "Nah, babe. Pretty sure that shits poisonous or somethin'... you sure you should be drinkin' that shit, dawg?" Paisley just laughs at him, before continuing to slurp up her shake. "Oh don't be so silly, Blame! That's just a stupid trend that people began, due to the colour of it, or something! Honestly, just try it!" Paisley explains to him, causing him to frown at her, before shrugging, opening the lid of his own shake, and downing the entire thing in one go. "Blame! You aren't supposed to do it that fa... fast..." Paisley begins to exclaim cheerfully, until a look of sudden fatigue appears on her face. "What's the matter Babe?" Blame asks her, as he tosses his empty drink over his shoulder, before he begins to slowly approach her, both arms outstretched toward her, as if he were worried that she might just fall over at any moment. "Babe... I don't feel so good..." Paisley coughs out, as strange, purple lines, begin to grow across her face and arms, with most of her veins appearing to have somehow turned purple, before she falls to the floor, twitching and writhing in agony, as a large mixture of both blood and grimace shakes begins to pour out from her mouth, as if it were now a river. "PAISLEY!" Blame screams, as he quickly hurries over to her, and drops to his knees, trying to turn her over so that she doesn't choke to death on her own vomit. Soon, however, he realises that this isn't helping, as the grimace shake that's pouring out of her mouth almost immediately turns red, showing that she's now vomiting nothing but PURE BLOOD. "Oh my god- BABE!" Blame screams, as Paisley continues to twitch and writhe, a pained look on her face, as she desperately tries to gasp out his name, amount the vomiting, but finding herself completely unable to, as she begins to drown in her own blood, with it starting to fill her lungs, and block her airways. "PAISLEY!" Blame screams, as he holds her hand, while also patting her back, desperately trying to stop her from vomiting up her own blood. After a few more minutes of this, Paisley finally stops vomiting blood, and at first Blame is overjoyed by this! That is, until he gets a good look at her, and is absolutely horrified by what he now sees. Her face is now pale white, with what looks to be almost purple scribbled, drawn across it. Her eyes, once so full of life, now appear to be so faded, that he could almost swear that she's dying... unless she-

"PAISLEY! OH MY GOD! ARE YOU OK?! SPEAK TO ME, PLEASE!" Blame cries out, as he carefully wraps his arms around her body, before slowly lifting her up towards him, in order for him to be able to hold her. "Blame.... I'm so sorry... I should have never gotten told you... to try the grimace shake..." Paisley manages to gasp out, as she brings up a hand in order to stroke the side of his face. "I love you babe..." She whispers, before finally going limp. "No.... PLEASE! Paisley? PAISLEY! PLEASE COME BACK TO ME! YOU'RE ALL I HAVE LEFT!" Blame screams, as he shakes her body around a bit, but upon feeling her pulse, he soon realises a gut-wrenching truth. His lover... the first person who ever really saw behind his gangster persona... is now dead in his arms, and all because of that FUCKING GRIMACE SHAKE!

"Wait a minute, didn't Paisley start recording this-" Blame thinks to himself, before quickly turning towards Paisley's phone, which he notices had long ago started a livestream, which was now full of messages like; "Oh my god, is she ok?!" And; "Don't worry guys, it's probably just some sort of Halloween themed prank, or something." This last comment ENRAGES Blame, who suddenly lunges for the phone, tearing it away from the lamp post, and quickly begins to scream down the phone, towards the people within the livestream. "IT AIN'T NO DAMN PRANK, DAWG! IT'S REAL! THAT FUCKIN' GRIMACE SHAKE JUST KILLED HER.... KILLED THE LOVE OF MY LIFE! HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST THAT I WOULD EVER PRANK YOU GUYS LIKE THI-" Suddenly, Blame is then cut off by a long series of coughs, which he soon realises is coming from him. He tries once again to speak, but all he can do now, is cough. As Blame then falls backwards onto the pavement, his now dead lover's phone, falling to the ground, and starts seizing, all he can think to himself, as he, too, begins to throw up blood, is that at least he'll be able to see Paisley again...

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