Tagged by Seth189

29 4 24

Thnx Seth :)

First tag ever.

Here we go.

1. Where were you three hours ago?

Home. Where else?

2. What is a confession you have?

PSSST- I ruin my sisters stuff for the fun of it. (I've also ran to her classroom multiple times cuz I worry too much but SHUSH)

3. Any bad habits you have?

Ignoring people, ruining stuff, taking things apart, little white lies, being absolutely unhinged, the norm.

4. What's your favourite color?

Dark forest green. Like, the leaves of an evergreen dark.

5. What color is your toothbrush?

Purple. I was MEANT to have TEAL but MY SISTER HAPPENED.

6. What are your pet peeves?

When people don't listen to me or when we're out of chocolatey stuff.

7. Who was the last person you hugged?

There are three, Me, Myself and I. Great huggers, all of them.

8. What is something you miss?

Home. Home is friends, home is Australia, home is 'roos, home is the beach. Home is the things I grew up with. Home is that townhouse my sister grew up in. Home is the place that I spent 5 years living in. Home is something that never will happen again. Home is my old friends, home is that REALLY annoying kid who doesn't shut up. Home is my ex-boyfriend. Home is gone forever. And never really happened.

9. Do you like your name?

Yes. I also try to gaslight people into calling me Lynxi or Lilac but it doesn't work.

10. What is something you're excited for?

I have nothing to look forward to, what'd ya mean I should be excited for something? I was excited for upping my grades, but now I'm all As so that won't work. Test days also don't work, it's an already predicted outcome that I'll get 100%. I'm... Excited for the day my period ends? Is that acceptable?

11. Tag 7 people:

It's being weird, into the comments you go!

Sorry not sorry :D

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