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CW: smut

Tom hops over my body. "I thought you said we couldn't cause the house has faulty walls." Tom says.

"I don't care, just please." I whine, but that's when it really hit me that I was exposed to him.

My scars, he could see it all.


"Actually, you know what? I don't want Bill or Chloe to hear so let's just save it for when we're alone." I panic pulling my pants up.

I couldn't get my foot in the damn leg hole.

I could feel my breath quickening and the tears filling up. I didn't want him to see, I really didn't.

"Lana are you okay?" Tom asks with a worried face. "Yes i'm fine, I just can't get my fucking foot in here." I reply, my voice cracking turning soft.

"Lana." Tom says, I don't reply. I had finally gotten my feet inside of the pants, I slide them over my body. Lifting my butt up slightly to get it over my waist.

"Let's just watch the show, yeah?" I smile, pointing to the laptop. I could see Tom, pick it up setting it on the floor. "Lana, what's wrong?" Tom holds my face.

"It's nothing, I just didn't want them to hear anything cause that would be a little embarrassing!" I laugh awkwardly.

Tom rubs my inner thighs, you could feel the bumps through my pants. I cringed internally, feeling him graze his fingers over my scars.

"I think you're beautiful Lana, I tell you that all the time. Don't cover yourself up, you're beautiful all of you." Tom says, holding my face.

He was shaking my head a little as he talked, trying to get the words to sync into my brain.

"I don't know what you're talking about the walls they're-" Tom cuts me off, by planting a kiss on my lips. "Can I?" He asks playing with my drawstrings.

I didn't want him to see. But I trusted him more then any person on this planet.

I suck my lips in, before hesitantly nodding. He slips my sweatpants off my legs slowly, "Can I look?" Tom asks rubbing my inner thighs.

My pupils start to shake as the tears fill back up. "Mhm." I hum, looking up.

I could feel his soft lips against my thighs. "Can I take these off Lana?" Tom asks looking up to me. "Yes." I nod, Tom slips his index fingers underneath the hem of my underwear, taking them off slowly.

"Spread open a little for me baby." Tom says, I lift my knees up a little spreading them out a little bit.

The heat of my pussy was starting to radiate off his face. I was scared but also getting wetter by the minute, his mouth kisses the top of my pussy just above my clit.

I shriek lowly, feeling him get closer and closer. Placing small nibbles across his way down, he was still kissing the outer part. "Please." I squeak.

Tom takes my hand that was laid to my side, interlocking it with his, I squeeze his hand tightly, I felt him glide his tongue down. Finally making contact.

"Oh." I whisper softly, my chest heaving up a little bit. His wet tongue twirls around my parts, flicking them slightly. "Tom.." I whimper breathily.

I take my finger, massaging my clit gently as he makes out with the lower part of my clitoris.

"Uh!" I moan a little louder, Tom's other hand takes my other, removing it from my vagina.

"Don't, I wanna make you feel pleasured all by myself." Tom smirks, I let out a deep sigh. Just let me orgasm!

Tom's tongue goes to my entrance, he starts to pump his tongue in and out of me. "Oh!" I moan, loudly. "Shh, you're echoing." Tom pulls his tongue out, before placing it back on my wetness.

"Fuck." I groan, throwing my head back.

I could feel my legs start to close in on his head, my mouth was propped open, my back arched to the maximum. It was a sight for sore eyes.

The way I felt.

The way he made me feel.

Pressure started to build up in my stomach, that same knot I felt every time we had sex was forming into a small ball inside me, I needed to let it release.

"Tom, i'm cumming." I moan, high pitched.

Tom pulls himself out, letting my cum flow into his mouth. I felt him start to kiss up my body, up to my neck, sucking on hit harshly.

It's like he wanted the marks to be there for weeks.

"What's this for?" I breath out, gasping slightly. "It's for when you go back to school, everyone knows you're taken." Tom snickers, I take his pj pants off with my feet. Tom kicks them off the bed lifting himself off me.

He takes his boxers off, getting back on top of me. "Lana." Tom says. "Oh my god! I'm sure just hurry up!" I laugh.

"You can never be too sure, I have to ask." Tom chuckles shaking his head. "Okay, I Lana, give you Tom permission, to fuck me, is that good enough?"

"Perfect." Tom nods, giving me a kiss. "How have these not came off yet, such a shame, haven't seen them in a while." Tom laughs, snaking his hands to my back, lifting my up gently as he unclips my bra.

"I don't know, that's you're fault. You could've taken them off a long time ago." I shrug.

"Okay baby, i'm about to put it in." Tom aligns himself within my entrance, his dick slowly starts to inch into me, before sending a firm thrust into my body.

I gasp loudly, my body jolting up. Feeling him inside me once again. "Uh!" I moan, Tom starts to thrust into me, deeper and harder then usual.

I grip onto his dreads, my eyes rolling into the back of my head. "Oh my god." I squeak.

"Fuck.." Tom grunts, pounding into me. "Tom please!" I yell. "Baby, I told you, you have to stay quiet." Tom places his hand over my mouth, shutting me up.

"Hmm" I hum, high pitched against his hand. He shifts it to beside my shoulders, helping him balance himself. I could see him bite his lower lip, breathing heavily.

The thrusts still stayed strong, and fast though.

"I can't take it! You're hitting me so good!" I moan, I didn't even care at this point who heard. I couldn't help myself, not anymore.

"Ah!" I scratch my hands down his back, deeply. I was definitely gonna leave a bunch of marks.

I don't think he seemed to care though.

His dreads started to fall in front of his face, covering it slightly, I grab my hair tie off my wrist, tying them back. "Thank you." Tom breaths out.

"You're- OH!" I yell, he hit my G-spot.

My eyes suddenly bolt open, my walls were starting to clench around him as he kept thrusting into me harshly. He was showing me no mercy tonight.

I hoped it was like this every night.

I was already cumming, I didn't need to tell him. He just knew.

I heard Tom, let out a loud groan. "Shit." Tom slumps his body into mine.

He had came inside of me.

"Fuck, i'm sorry." Tom pulls out of me, I shake my head. "It's okay, we'll take care of it tomorrow." I nod smiling. It's not like he only lasted two seconds..

He made me cum.

It only took nine minutes to as well.

A/N- I apologize for how short this is, I just really needed to get it out. ALSO! i cringed super badly when he kissed her inner thighs.. anyone else?

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