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"Let's just take her to one of the races Tom, there's one in literally a couple hours." Bill says. "No, I can't have her in that danger, not yet. She's not ready." Tom shakes his head. "Please Tom?" I sigh.

"You're not going, end of story." Tom mutters sternly, walking over to the self serve bar in Bill's kitchen. Serving himself a drink.

"It's not fair! You expect me to kill all these people so I can prepare for the races and the heists. But when it comes down to it, you won't even let me go to one!"

"I'm just trying to protect you Gia, that's all." Tom says.

"I don't need your protection! I'm a grown women, when are you going to understand that Tom." I reply. "When you can kill a man, without feeling the guilt is when we can go to a race." Tom sips on his whiskey.

"Fuck fine, then let's go killing." I say grabbing his keys from the table. "Not tonight Gia, not in the mood." Tom sucks on his teeth.

"Then Bill will take me!" I grab Bill's hand going for the door. "Can't you ever listen! I'm trying to prepare you!" Tom slams his glass against the table.

"What are you trying to prepare me from! You'll be by my side the whole time!" I argue, he was pissing me off. "You wanna go to a race? Let's go to a race then" Tom scoffs grabbing his keys from my hand.

I send a bright smile to Bill. "I'll be there in a couple hours!" Bill yells, I give him a thumbs up leaving with Tom. "Carry me!" I squeal jumping on his back.

Tom grunts, hunching his back, he grips on my thighs giving me a boost up. "How can you just do that Gia." Tom asks. "Do what?" I lift his glasses off his face, putting them on my own.

"Act like we weren't just arguing?" Tom laughs. "Because, I love you and you love me. You may get on my nerves and vise versa but we're meant for each other you're the love of my life." I snuggle my head into his neck, kissing his neck repeatedly.

"I'm just trying to protect you Gigi, I worry about you. If anything bad were to happen to you.. Fuck I might just lose it." Tom shakes his head.

"I'm immortal, you're never getting rid of me." I giggle wrapping my legs around his waist.

"I wouldn't ever want to." Tom smiles, looking up to me, I lean my head down, hovering his. Giving him a kiss. "It feels so weird to kiss upside down." Tom says.

"It does, but eh." I shrug.

I quickly see us nearing the car, I hop off Tom's muscular body, walking over to the car, waiting for him to unlock it. I place my hand on the handle of the car door, as he fumbles with his pockets. Getting his keys.

Tom presses the button twice, unlocking the car. I get in shutting the door gently. "Let's go to the house first, I wanna change." I buckle in my seatbelt.

"It's not for another two hours anyways, so that's where we were going in the first place." Tom starts the car up, before driving off, heading to our apartment.

I opened my window, letting the air hit my face. It felt so refreshing, I turned the volume all the way up to max. I bring my phone out my pocket, plugging in the aux, I really wanted to listen to Lana right now.


"Is this good enough for the race Tom?" I ask walking up to him.

I was wearing a black loose fabric cotton skirt, it was short and hugged around my body very tightly. I paired it with a black tube top, that was extremely cropped. I wore a pair of open toed high heels, shining off the red nail polish I had on.

Bra was a no go for this outfit, so I just put on my nipple stickies.

"You look beautiful." Tom smiles, sliding his hands down my body. Enunciating my curves.

"Thank you." I giggle giving him a 360, my heels clicking as I moved my feet in a circle. "Should I race tonight?" Tom asks, putting his hat on.

"Can I be your rider?" I smirk. "Of course." Tom takes his glasses off, placing them on the counter.

"Mr. Kaulitz! Where'd you go!" I gasp dramatically.

"You think you could win?" I grab the red lipstick off the counter, fixing up the layer I had already applied. "Of course i'll win, I never lose." Tom shakes his head.

"What about that time in 2014 when-"

Tom places his hand on my mouth. "We don't talk about 2014, that was a tough year." Tom sighs.

"So you don't ALWAYS win." I correct him. "It was once, let it go." Tom throws his hands up, surrendering. "Okay okay, fine." I sigh.

"Here." Tom walks over to his bedside drawer, grabbing one of his guns. "Tom, it's literally just a race." I grab the gun from his hands.

"You never know, these gangs are ruthless Gigi, you won't imagine the things they'll do to you. I want to at least have my mind at ease, knowing you have a gun." Tom explains, he made it seem so dangerous.

What if it really was a bad idea to go, he's just trying to protect me and i'm being a stubborn little bitch.

That's when I realized, he was actually in the right.

"I'm sorry." I sigh, admitting that you're wrong is so painful. "For?" Tom raises his brow. "Because you were right." I nod, curving my lips.

"About?" Tom asks.

"I was being a stubborn bitch, you're literally just trying to protect me and I got all prissy. I'm just now getting your point." I reply.

"It's okay, I just worry about you sometimes that's all." Tom rubs my shoulders, smiling. I embrace him into a hug, pulling his body onto mine.

"I love you Tom." I tighten my grip on his body.

"I love you too Gia."

A/N- tom and gia's relationship is so toxic and i'm living for it. also I kinda hate this book, but it's okay because i'm gonna spice it up a bit!! hopefully make it more interesting. i'm gonna read my friends book now and then go to sleep though, bye bye guys! I love you!

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