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A quick recap! :D

⚠️ Warning!⚠️ There's A BIT smut ahead! If you don't like it, please skip, thank you! :)

Lay, of course, couldn't take it so he asked Kye to stop, But that didn't go to well.. Welp, Lays dead :D

Kye: Oh? You want stop?~

Lay: Y-yes.. T-This is my f-first time doing this anyway..!

Kye: Mm.. Later, once I'm satisfied~

Lay: W-WAIT..! Hffmp!~

Kye cut Lay off by kissing him, Lays dreams were coming true, and so is Kyes. Lay didn't except this straight away, though. Then Kye started to rub Lays (You know what :)), Lay started to moan in the kiss (IM SORRY IDK HOW TO WRITE THIS AAAAAAA) 

Back to the story :D

(Idk how to write smut so you guys can just imagine it-)

Lay: H-how about we stop this y-yea?

Kye: Alright, fine..

Kye let go of Lay. He (Lay) was red like a boiled crab, Kye chuckled from Lays expression. 

Lay: Let's just go before they get suspicious (AMOGUS okay I'm sorry I'll stop 🙃)...

Kye: Alright alright, but I bet your friend Blay is going to tease you more..

Lay: Well.. I'm kind of used to it..

There was an momment of silence. The silence of too loud, so Kye decided it was time to tell him.

Kye: I need to tell you two things, promise not to tell anyone else?

Lay: Hm? Oh! I promise!

Kye: Okay well... the first thing is-

Kye got cut off by screaming and shouting from the living room. They both looked at the door, Lay was in horror, was something going on there? Lay went back behind Kye. He (Kye) noticed that Lay went behind him.

Kye: I'm going to open the door okay?

Lay: Mkay..

Kye opened the door..

A little cliffhanger

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