𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 16

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It is evening, around 7 pm. Amelia was laying on her bed scrolling through her phone. She was very tired of her long day of graduation. She then went to her gallery looking at the selfies she took with her friends or even at the pictures she took with her boyfriend Chris. She smiled while looking at the pictures, but then realized that none of her friends or even her own boyfriend texted her after she went home.
To let out her bad vibes and replacing them with better vibes, she got up to take a bath. She took out comfortable  white pajamas, prepared a white hair clip to it and was about to go.

She walked two steps remembering to take her phone with her to the bathroom in case somebody calls. She turns around and doesn't find it anywhere, because she has forgotten where she had placed it.

Amelia's pov:"Oh great. I forget where I put my phone even though I had it in my hand earlier. Silly me."
She huffed sitting on her dressing table stool trying to remember where she had put her  phone.
Suddenly it started ringing and like that, she stood up jumping out of happiness that somebody is calling her. It is now easier for her to find her phone.
With the help of the ringing sound, she got closer and found it under the bed pillow.

Amelia:"Oh wow. I didn't realize I put it under the pillow. What had even made me put it there."

While her right hand was holding the pillow, she picked her one with her left hand seeing that Chris is calling her, then she lets the pillow go of her right hand answering the phone call.

On the phone:


Chris:"Ah babe! There you are. I wanted to call you and tell you how much I miss you."

Amelia chuckles. "I miss you too my love, silly of you calling me! But thank you anyways!" *smiles*

Chris:"What do you mean by "thank you"?

Amelia:"Funny thing...I was about to go to take a bath but then I realized I didn't have my phone with me and wanted to take it with me to the shower but didn't find it anywhere, then I was pissed and as you called, I found it. So thanks for your help, pretty boy."

Chris:"Hahahahaha! So, because of my help, you finally found it? If I didn't call you, you wouldn't have even found it."

Amelia:"Yep. So tell me, why did you call me?"
Chris:"it's a surprise! Come get ready and go outside. I'll pick you up at 8."

Amelia:"Okay..? See you, sweetheart!"
Chris:"see you too!"

Amelia:"Alright then. I'm taking a bath first then I'll see what I'll do."

She went to the bathroom next to her room this time holding her phone.

After listening and singing along the music she heard, she gets out of the bathtub drying herself with a towel and gazes at the closet full or dresses she should choose to wear.

She choose a long black  high-low dress and a red purse with it.

After doing her hair and make up, she went downstairs to leave the house.

As she opened the door, she saw Chris standing in a black suit holding a bouquet of red roses. She stopped walking for a second, looking at Chris' eyes and he at her's.

After several seconds of eye contact, Chris reacts.
Chris:"You look... you look..."

Amelia:"How do I look?"

Chris:"Perfect, mi hermosa."
Amelia blushes. Before she could say any word back, Chris grabs one rose from the bouquet and walks closer to Amelia and placing it on her head. Amelia smiles at him and his smile gets brighter and brighter.

Chris:"Okay, so.. let's get in the car?"
Since Amelia is a very shy girl, even around her boyfriend. So she only nodded whilelooking at the ground.

As the two couple walk to the car door,open the doors, Amelia gets shocked.

Amelia:"All these roses for me?!"

Chris:"Just for you, mi amor"

Amelia sat in the passenger seat as Chris closed the door and went to the driver seat and sat down.

Chris:"Where do you want to go, baby?"

Amelia:"Hmm.. I don't really know.. Can you choose?"

Chris:"Anything for you."

Chris started the car and they went on their way.
There was a painful silence between the two. Chris turned multiple times on Amelia waiting for her to say anything.

Chris:"Why aren't you talking, sweetheart? Did something happen?"
Amelia didn't respond. Chris felt frustrated and tried to find a place to park the car to talk to Amelia. On the road, their car was the only vehicle driving at night but then suddenly Chris saw on the side mirror of his car, a car was swerving. He panicked and tried to drive in peace. Chris kept looking every second seconds back to the side mirror and that swerving car's driver is a drunk old man with one hand holding a bottle of alcohol and wasn't under control. He got closer to Chris' car and crashed into the drivers door.

It was a car accident that night. Amelia wasn't feeling good before that crash but that crash made it worse for her. She was having a panic attack and didn't know what to do. She cried trying to wake up Chris who was laying on the floor very bloody. Amelia tried to look for a phone or whatever to call an ambulance. After looking in a hurry for a phone until she found one.
She called the ambulance whimpering talking on the phone and now has to wait for the ambulance to arrive.

Hello there!:) I apologize for the short chapter, it's just I'm very busy things with some issues or school and since I write very less most of the time, I used a little bit of time to at least continue this part. I hope you enjoy it ! ^^

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝑎𝑑𝑏𝑜𝑦'𝑠 ℎ𝑜𝑡 𝑐𝑟𝑢𝑠ℎWhere stories live. Discover now