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"Okay, we're here." Tom shifts his stick to park, I look outside the window. It was super crowded.

"When is Bill, Georg and Gustav getting here?" I ask, looking around for their car. "Like, now." Tom points to the cars swarming in behind him.

"Okay, don't talk to anyone unless i'm there. Make sure you're carrying your gun in your purse, never lose sight of it. I don't know if they're gonna try to touch you or hit on you, but if they do, tell me and i'll kill them myself. Just be safe Gigi okay?" Tom says, giving me a kiss on my temple.

"I promise i'll be fine!" I throw my hands up, surrendering. "You never know Gia." Tom says opening his car door, exiting. I wait patiently for him to come around to the other side, to open the door for me.

Tom opens the door, grabbing my hand, I place my hand gently in his palm. I take my right foot out the car first, ducking my head slightly.

"I'm gonna tell people you're my wife." Tom whispers through his teeth. "Okay." I smile.

Tom slams his car door shut, everyone's attention immediately landed on us, I could see some people whispering stuff about us.

They were acting like we couldn't see them.

"Don't be nervous it's fine." Tom whispers, squeezing my hand. "I'm fine, you're the one who's nervous."

I could see a tall man with blonde hair start to walk towards us, I would say he was attractive but that would be lying.

"Tom Kaulitz, been a while since you've been here." He takes his hand out from his pocket, to shake Tom's.

Tom just looks at his hand, up and down then back to his face. "Henry." Tom nods his way, Henry puts his hands back in his pockets clearing his throat.

"So who's this pretty lady? A rider for the night?" Henry questions, Tom scoffs shaking his head.

"My wife." Tom says plainly. "Aw, is that why you haven't been showing up to the races? A wife how sweet." Henry fake pouts. "Talk all this shit Henry, but when it comes down to it i'll still beat you anytime." Tom laughs. "I guess we'll have to see then."

I just stayed silent, I didn't want to cause problems. This was Tom's world, he'd be able to handle it.

"I guess we will." Tom rubs the tip of his nose, chuckling. "Maybe i'll even steal your wife who knows?" Henry laughs, putting his hands up.

Tom moves his gaze up to his eyes. "What did you say?" I squeeze Tom's hand. "Tom, it's fine let it go."

Oh god, why did he say that. He shouldn't have said that, I see Bill exit from his car, I send him a knowing look, telling him to come over here.

He waves Georg and Gustav over with his two fingers coming our way.

"I said, maybe i'll take your wife too." Henry smirks. "Gia get in the car." Tom opens the door from behind me. "It's fine Tom, just calm down." I reassure him.

I knew he wasn't gonna calm down.

"Gia just get in the fucking car." Tom says sternly, I sigh getting stepping inside the car. Tom shuts the door, I could hear some faint muffled yelling.

I stare out the tinted windows, looking at Tom, I could see him push Henry, with his finger tips. Yelling at him. "Don't come near her." Tom yells loudly.

Loud enough for me to hear him this time.

I could see Bill, pull Tom's hand whispering something to him, Tom pushes Bill off. Launching a punch to Henry's face, I saw Henry take a step back.

Pulling his gun out on Tom.

Oh shit, Tom's gun is in the car.

I roll my window down slightly, pulling my gun out. Was I really about to do this? Shoot a man just for pissing Tom off? Yes.

I love Tom.

I squint my eyes, aiming my gun at him. I couldn't miss. That would just be embarrassing.

No one was paying any attention to me, just the gun Henry had pointed at him. I cock my gun, before pressing my index finger against the trigger.

I laugh to myself, it had hit him perfectly in between the eyes. I put my gun back in my purse, rolling the window up. I whistling to myself.

I didn't feel guilty, not one bit.

I guess I just had to have the right motivation, which was Tom.

I open the rear view mirror, reapplying my lipstick, popping my lips together. I suddenly hear a knock on my window, was I in trouble?

I roll the window down nervously, rubbing my lips together. "Gia." Tom says, squatting down to the level of the window. "Hmm." I hum putting my lipstick back in my purse. "Look at me." Tom demands.

I look up to Tom, who has a huge smirk plastered on his face. "Did you just kill Henry?" He tilts his head at me, smiling slightly. "Noo, I would never do that.." I shake my head.

"And for why did you kill Henry?" Tom asks.

"Because, he was pissing you off and that pissed me off and he held a gun at you like he had any type of power, so I just went for it." I shrug.

"Don't you feel guilty though Gia? The life you just took? He could've been someone's sibling you know." Tom nods towards my way.

"Mm, not really, no. He tried to get on your nerves, I wasn't gonna let that slide!" I throw my hands up surrendering.

Bill squats down next to Tom. "I told you taking her to the races would be a good idea." He smirks.

Tom opens my car door, letting me out the car.

"Proud of you Gigi." Tom kisses the crown of my head.

I was a psychopath in the making.

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