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"Tom!" I squeak, jumping up and down.

"What? What's wrong?" Tom asks walking into the closet. "Help me!" I grunt trying to button my jeans.

Tom comes over to me, picking me up by my belt loops trying to button them. "'Maybe they shrunk in the wash." I sigh.

"When was the last time you wore them?" Tom asks. "Like, two months ago?" I scratch my head, thinking about it. "Well, it's fine just pick a different pair." Tom says. "Are you calling me fat?" I pout.

"No, I love your body." Tom shakes his head.

"Then why don't they fit Tom!" I whine, taking them off. "Baby, it's fine just get a different pair of pants."

"Tom." I say sternly, gulping down. "What?" He asks turning around to me. "I never got my period when I was supposed to." I widen my eyes, staring at him blankly. I could see his eyes widen as well.

"Put these on let's go!" Tom throws me a pair of his sweatpants, I put them on quickly tying the drawstrings. "Let's go!" He yells running down the hall, I run fast behind him. Slipping on my crocs.

Tom grabs his keys, we exit the apartment running down all the flights of stairs. "You're sure you missed your period date?" Tom turns his head to me.

"I don't know! You're the one tracking it!" I push on the door, exiting outside the building. Tom pulls his phone out checking his notes app.

"It's been a week Gia." Tom looks to me. "I don't wanna be pregnant Tom!" I start to freak out.

"Well! It couldn't have been from the last time we had sex, no it was before that." Tom shakes his head. "And the time before that you pulled out." I nod.

"You did pull out right?" I tilt my head at him. "I don't know! I don't remember!" Tom groans, unlocking the car, I open the passenger door getting in.

"What do you mean you don't remember?!" I yell.

"I didn't pull out in the shower either! You didn't seem to care then!" Tom waves his hands around, defending his point. "That was after I got my IUD! I was chillin!"


"Fuck whatever, just drive or we're gonna be late to school!" I point to the road, Tom starts speeding off to the CVS, I could see him take a lot of very sharp turns.

I pray, we don't get pulled over.

My head bumps against the window slightly, at one of the turns. "Ow." I pout rubbing my head. "I'm sorry." Tom smiles at me, glancing at my face before looking back on the road.

I could see him start to pull into the CVS, I jump out the car, going inside. I look for the sign that stated birth control and pregnancy tests.

Tom parks the car, coming inside. I was still searching for the sign, I need to get some fucking contacts.

"It's right there let's go!" Tom pulls my wrist towards the pregnancy tests, I grab a bunch of them. Just to be sure, I didn't want a faulty one telling me I was pregnant if I wasn't actually pregnant.

"Okay, let's pay." I take the buttload of tests to the cashier, letting them all fall out of my arms. Tom pulls out his wallet, paying for them as I tap my food up and down anxiously. I didn't want to be pregnant.

He pays for the pregnancy tests, the cashier bags them before giving it back to Tom, we start running back to the car, we had work. We couldn't be late.

I buckle myself in quickly, propping my elbows against the arm rests, biting my nails. Biting my nails was a really bad habit of mine, but I just couldn't help it.

Tom places his hand on my inner thigh, caressing it gently. "It's gonna be fine, pregnant or not preg- Not." I cut him off. "Well either way, we're adults, we can handle it." Tom smiles.

"If I am pregnant, i'm not getting an abortion." I turn my head to Tom.

"No one said you had to, it's your choice babe." Tom replies switching lanes. Abortion just isn't for me, id feel too guilty. I support woman's rights to choose, always. In my personal perspective, I just couldn't.

Tom pulls into our apartments, I immediately jump out the car, rushing up the stairwell. It was the quickest way to get to our home, the stairs were literally right outside where we lived. The elevators were across the building, which is why we always took the stairs.

I wait for Tom patiently, he quickly shows up by our door unlocking it, I take the bag out his hand, rushing to the bathroom. I shimmy Tom's sweatpants off getting one of the sticks out the package.

"Tom get me a cup." I say. "What why?" Tom looks to me confused. "Because, I don't have enough fucking pee for five pregnancy tests, get me a cup."

Tom walks away, getting a plastic cup handing it to me. I lean over it a bit, aligning it. I could hear Tom giggling as my pee hits the cup. "Stop it." I chuckle.

I place the cup on the counter, opening up all the pregnancy tests I dip them all in the cup, one by one. Covering them with their caps, I had gotten a bunch of different brands.

I place them face down on the counter, setting a timer on my phone for three minutes.

I lean against the bathroom counter, waiting for the time to be up. "Tom, if i'm pregnant, am I still eligible to join the gang?" I ask, looking up to him.

"You'd be eligible but i'm not letting you, not if you're carrying my child." Tom sighs, shaking his head in disagreement. "I've worked so hard for this Tom, and i'm finally learning, plus you'll be by my side the whole time." I smirk, dragging out my voice a bit as I hold his hand, trying to be as convincing as possible.

"If you do join, you're not going out my sight. Especially with a child, my child." Tom says.

"You'll still love me if i'm fat and moody?" I ask.

"I'll still love you if you're fat and moody yes." Tom nods his head laughing a bit. I smile hugging him.


Oh god, timers up, I flip one of the tests over, looking up at Tom. "What? What does it say!" Tom looks over my shoulder.


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