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I flutter my eyes open, immediately feeling Tom's body weight onto me. I had taken a really long nap after we had sex, and now it was time for work.

"Tom." I whisper, rubbing his back. "Hmm." He hums tiredly. "I need to go to work, can you get up please?" I play with his dreads a bit, twirling them in-between my fingertips. "Can you just lay with me, please Lana."

"I'm sorry, I can't be late, i've already missed so much work." I smile sadly, Tom lifts his head out from my chest giving me a kiss on the lips. "I love you be safe." Tom whispers, rolling off my body.

I get up off the bed, covering him up a little bit. I kiss the top of his forehead, turning on my vanity light. I start to get started on my hair and makeup.

I was gonna do a high ponytail, but I was gonna have it be parted in the middle just a bit after where my hairline starts.

I put on some concealer, filled my brows in a bit, mascara, lipgloss, half lashes and for my eye look I did a smoky wing with some black eyeshadow.

I walk over to my closet, putting my work clothes on, I slip on my white shoes as-well.

I pull my bag off the hook I had it hanged on, I go to Tom, trying to tell him goodbye. "Tom." I whisper. "Hmm." Tom hums. "I'm leaving now, if you need anything just call me. I'll bring you a burger and milkshake from the diner okay?" I rub his cheek gently.

"Okay." Tom nods, I smile placing a kiss on his lips. "I'll see you later, I love you." I say before walking away. I walk down the stairs careful to not make them creak, I unlock the door, walking out to my car.


I lay awake in Lana's bed, bored out of my mind.

I had nothing to do without her, I was so bored. You know what, i'm gonna go visit her.

Wait, I can't be seen in the real world. Fuck.

Actually, i'll just go in disguise. I'll wear a mask and some sunglasses. I'll probably tuck my dreads into a big beanie, that should work.

I might as well go in my pajamas, I didn't want people to recognize my normal attire.

I go into my suitcase, digging for my big hat and sunglasses, they weren't too hard to find.

I tuck all my dreads into the big ass beanie, I take the sunglasses placing them on my face. "GOTH GIRL!" I yell loud enough for her to hear.

I could hear her footsteps come closer towards Lana's bedroom. "What do you want." She asks. "Face mask." I say plainly. "Face mask?" She questions.

"Fuck, like those ones Lana told me about, from the pandemic." I reply. "Oh, there's some in our junk drawer in the kitchen." Chloe responds.

"Kay, thanks." I nod, Chloe nods back going to her room, I wondered how her and Bill were getting along.

Should I be nosy?

Nah, i'll let them figure it out.

I put on my black dunks, running down the stairs. I go to the junk drawer of Lana's kitchen getting a black face mask. Shit how am I supposed to get there.

"GOTH GIRL!" I yell at the top of my lungs, I could hear Chloe's door open quickly.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT!" She yells annoyed. "Can I borrow your car?!" I yell out. "I don't care whatever!" She yells slamming her door shut.


I shrug it off grabbing her keys, heading for the door. For some reason, I knew all the directions and exactly how to get there. I've never been but, I know the area pretty well. I guess you could say. 


I pull into the diner, I get out from Chloe's car, locking it behind me. Once I had opened the door, the bells immediately started jingling.

It definitely wasn't a bad place to eat, quite nice actually. It wasn't jam packed but it had a decent amount of customers, maybe around twenty.

I could see Lana, sway in from the back, walking towards me. "Hi sir what can I get you?" She asks looking down at her notepad.

"Some tits and ass please?" I giggle, in an American accent. I could see her look up to me in disgust, her pencil gripping into her paper.

"Chill, it's me." I say putting my sunglasses down.

"Oh my god." Lana says putting her finger tips into her temple, rubbing it slightly.

"You're not supposed to be out and about!" She whisper yells. "Okay! Well I was bored, So! And plus you couldn't even recognize me!" I defend.

I suddenly hear the door opening once again, I glance up looking at who was coming in.

Great, it's me. Just older, with Bill, Georg and Gustav.

"Tom! Oh my god." Lana sighs making her way towards the older version of myself, I walk over sitting down at the table. "So what's up guys?" I ask sitting next to Gustav.

They all look to me, in confusion. "Oh right sorry." I take off my sunglasses smiling.

I could see all their jaws dropped, Gustav started to poke me. "Are you an alien or something?" He asks.

"Still smart as ever Gustav, I see." I smile patting his shoulder. "Whattafuck." Older me looks me up and down.

"Tom! Go to the back! You aren't supposed to be here, just tell Jerry you're my boyfriend okay!" Lana hits me by my shoulder.

"Oh my fucking god fine!" I yell getting up.

"It was nice seeing you all!" I bow, I could see Lana glaring at me, I start to scurry to the back.

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