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"I'm here!" Jayden says, putting his hand up to dab me up. I laugh shaking my head, dabbing him up.

"I have an announcement today, but let's wait for everyone to get here." I tell Jayden. "I think I know what your announcement is." He giggles.

"I'm sure you don't." I disagree, looking to Tom.

"What that you're pregnant?" Jayden asks, sitting down in his chair. "Oh!" I say enthusiastically, how does he know..? "What the.." Tom raises his brows.

"Your hands have been on your stomach ever since I walked in here, if you're trying to hide it till the announcement at least don't make it so obvious."


"Okay, well don't say anything till everyone else gets here." I point to him. "My lips are sealed." Jayden laughs. "These students are crazy observant." Tom whispers. "I know." I whisper back.

Jayden starts to pull out his chromebook. "So you know how babies are made? Yes?" Jayden asks looking up to us. "Get to slides." I reply, sternly.

"Okay! Just making sure you knew!" He throws his hands up surrendering.

"I hate today, I just wanna go home and I just got here." Andrea sighs walking in. "You got food?" She nods towards Jayden. "Nah." He shakes his head.

"Here." I throw her a granola bar. "Thanks Miss Marino." Andrea smiles, opening the granola bar.

Everyone starts to walk in but yet, no Aliyah?

"Anyone know where's Aliyah?" I ask looking around, everyone just shrugs. "I haven't seen her today, maybe she's just late?" Andrea says.

"Yeah maybe.." I nod slowly, I didn't have a good feeling for some reason. She's never late, not in the three years i've been her art teacher.

"Okay, well! Mr. Kaulitz and I have an announcement!" I smile holding his hand.

"That you're pregnant? Yeah we know." Andrea laughs.

"How is everyone finding out about this! I haven't even said anything to anyone!" I yell, confused. Seriously, how did everyone know already.

"Miss Marino, we've known for like a month now, it's quite obvious!" Andrea says. "Okay but like, how?"

"Your mood completely switches within the span of minutes, the other day you cried because Mr. Kaulitz didn't wash his car?" Andrea's voice goes up an octave.

"Yeah, I don't like dirty cars." I say plainly.

"You also freaked the fuck out on me because I went in your bubble." Jayden points out.

"One, language. Two, this is my personal bubble! I had the right!" I defend. "I'm surprised Mr. Kaulitz hasn't noticed." Andrea snickers.

"No, i've noticed." He nods, I turn my head to him. Staring him up and down.

"What, I just noticed you were moody not that it was hormones." Tom laughs.


The day was over, and Aliyah never showed up. All day, I was getting super worried, she never misses school days. Especially not a day to torment me.

I meet up with Tom, outside the school as we walk to our car. "Tom, Aliyah never showed up." I say worriedly. "I'm sure she's just sick or something." He reassures. "Can we just go check up on her?" I ask.

"Sure, why not." Tom shrugs getting in the car.

"Where does she live?" Tom shifts his stick, pulling out. "Crescent neighborhood, I visited her mom when she had Aliyah's baby sister." I reply.

"Got it."


We pull into Aliyah's house, I get out the car. Knocking on the door, Tom follows behind me, standing next to me. "Coming!" I hear Aliyah yell.

She opens the door, staring both of us down. "Miss? Mr. Kaulitz?" She looks to both of us.

"Oh good, you're okay. I was worried because you weren't here today." I smile. "Oh yeah.." She nods slowly. "Is everything okay Aliyah?" Tom asks.

"Just fine." Aliyah nods, yet once again.

"Are you sure honey? Where's your mom?" I rub her shoulder. "Oh, um work." Aliyah says. "Are you home alone?" I don't know why, something just felt so off.

"Oh yeah, empty house." Aliyah laughs. "Do you want us to take you out for dinner? I'm starving." I smile, looking to Tom, he smiles back. Looking to Aliyah.

"If we go, im gonna be super nosy." Aliyah laughs.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." I chuckle. "Okay, let me just get my phone and bag then, one sec." She says closing the door gently.

"Somethings off Tom, she's not okay, she's not acting like her usual self." I look up to him. "Something is definitely wrong, but don't push it. She'll tell you if she wants to." Tom says, I sigh, nodding slowly.

"Okay, i'm back." Aliyah gets out the door shutting it gently. "Let's go." Tom waves us over to the car.

We all get into the car, Aliyah getting in the back.

I shut my door, buckling my seatbelt in. "Where should we eat?" Tom asks. "I don't know, Aliyah?" I turn my head to the back. "Um, pizza?" She shrugs.

"Pizza it is then." Tom starts to pull out the driveway. "Aliyah, did you know when Tom was younger he was in a band?" I lean my head over the seat, looking at her.

"Really?" She smiles. "Yeah, he used to play the guitar and his twin brother Bill was the singer. They played with their best friends Georg and Gustav" I explain.

"Mr. Kaulitz is a twin?" Aliyah's eyes widen. "Tom, you've never told your students you're a twin?" I nudge his shoulder. "It just never came up okay!" Tom's defends. "Mhm." I say crossing my feet.

"Don't sit like that it's bad for the baby." Tom says looking over to me.


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