Detective Drama

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We met outside Vincent's penthouse, the crime scene still taped off

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We met outside Vincent's penthouse, the crime scene still taped off. Marco was already there, wearing a shirt and sweatpants.

"Ready to play detective again?" I asked, flashing a grin at him as I stepped over the tape.

Marco gave a mock salute, "Ready as I'll ever be, Chief."

I rolled my eyes, "Don't call me that."

"Yes, Chief."

I shook my head, suppressing a laugh. "Let's just get to work."


After thoroughly searching the living room, I made my way to the kitchen. To my surprise, I found Marco standing there, casually munching on a bag of chips.

"Are you seriously eating chips right now?" I asked, incredulous.

Marco paused mid-chew, a guilty look on his face. "Uh, yeah. Found them in the pantry. Got hungry. Want some?"

I stared at him in disbelief and shook my head. "You're eating from a murder site?"

He shrugged, popping another chip into his mouth. "I'm a growing boy, I need my nutrition. Also, Do you think we can go to the taco place after this?"

I rolled my eyes," No."




I sighed, exasperated. "I'm not buying you anything related to food, Marco."

"But whyyy?" he whined, looking at me with a pout on his face. He was seriously such a man-child.

"Because," I said, trying to maintain my stern expression, "you are a literal billionaire and you don't need me to buy you food. If anything, you should buy me food."

Marco grinned, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, is that how it is? Detective James wants a sugar daddy?"

"You gonna be mine, my honey boo?" I asked, putting a hand over my heart and batting my eyelashes exaggeratedly.

Marco burst out laughing, almost dropping the bag of chips. "Sure thing, sugar. Anything for you," he said.

I couldn't help but laugh too. "Seriously, Marco, you are something else."

"Something wonderful, you mean," he said with a wink.


No, James-

I shook my head, a smile tugging at my lips. "Alright, alright. Let's just get through this, and maybe I'll let you buy me that pizza."



I was working in the room when I heard a notification pop up on Marco's phone. I ignored it, but it kept buzzing. Annoyed, I went to put it on silent when I saw who the notification was from.

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