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It doesn't matter what you asked for

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It doesn't matter what you asked for...

...make do with what you have.

In the deep shadows where bad luck lies, it's easy to forget the warmth of sunlight and the existing shine. With every stumble and bitter end within the chaos, there always comes a chance to rise.



            ALEXANDER 'ALEC' ALTAIR BLACK was deemed an altruistic mystery to many.

With a last name like his, it was only natural that he turned heads. Every letter of 'BLACK' dripped with a bloody reckoning that far surpassed even the culmination of the grand stars in the night sky. History ran deep with that half of the family, and it ran just as deep with the more regal yet equally wretched 'BYUN' side, who never knew peace when their bloodlines intertwined. Cursed misfortune seemed to follow every member on both sides, branching out to strike them all down as if they had their very own reaper ready to call forth destruction. 

Alexander Black was merely a product of his cursed lineage, and history was begging to repeat itself.

The older half of the wizarding world thought they knew better when it came to the infamous bastard child of Sirius Orion Black. They claimed he was following in his father's footsteps down to the very House he was sorted into—though Alec found that a bit of a stretch. The other, saner half, didn't have a clue, only giving Alec a single once-over because of that ominous black cloud that seemed to trail him for the better part of a year (thanks Fred and George Weasley for that one!), making everything he touched turn rotten and soggy to match his supposed dreadfulness.

However, one thing was universally agreed upon: bad luck followed him wherever he went.

Those who believed in the superstitions said mirrors shattered whenever he walked by; ravens flew over his head like protective beasts, singing songs of warning; black cats prowled the streets he visited like loyal entourages; and he was born on the literal Friday the 13th back in June 1980.

Black Luck ♚ Harry Potter (Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now