This was hard to write, let alone post. **Takes a deep breath** Now the question is, do I show it to my third love?
This isn't really a poem or a story, more like a letter to myself I suppose. I'm not sure how to define it. All I know is I sat down, wrote out all the thoughts spinning around inside my head on this issue, andddd ta daaaa!
It's confusing. I know. But read all the way through before you judge or comment please.
The third love
There are two kinds of love that are acknowledged in society: the kind of love between family and friends, then un-romantic kind. Then there’s the romantic love, when someone sweeps you off your feet and you know you’ve found “the one.”
Still yet there is a third love, one not realized by many people. I call it “twilight love”, and before any haters put down this book just because I said the word twilight, STOP!! It’s not like that!
I simply mean that this third kind of love can be found in the story twilight, it’s merely an analogy, so chill.
**sigh** the third love….how can I possibly explain it? It’s complicated, no doubts about that.
It’s risky. It’s scary.
And it’s dangerous.
The third love is when you love someone in a way that combines the first two kinds of loves. You love them romantically, but can’t be with them, or have chosen not to, and you also love them as a dear friend.
That’s when it gets complicated, and that’s where I bring the twilight analogy into play:
Bella loves Edward. ((duh)) However, she also loves Jacob. There are parts of each man that she loves, parts the other lacks. She chooses to be with Edward, but needs Jacob in her life, because she can’t live without him. He’s special.
That’s the third love.
It’s when you love someone romantically, but you stuff those feelings away for the sake of your sanity and your relationship with your soul mate. You keep that third love in your life, because you can’t bear to let them go. Not because you’re madly in love with them, but because they mean so, so much to you.
Because they literally make your face explode in a smile when you talk to them or see them.
Because you NEED them in your life-they’re a part of you. They’re special.
And it’s risky and dangerous, because what if **gasp** your soul mate found out?? What would they think? Would they understand? Doubtful.
It’s risky and dangerous because the worst part is, this third love of yours, they don’t even know how you feel. You’ve hinted. You’ve suggested. But did they pick up on it? Do they realize just how very special and important they are to you?
Do they know that there’s no chance of the two of you being together-that ship has sailed, but that you have accepted that, and simply can’t let go of them because….simply put…you need them.
And yes, they’ll deny that they’re special. But you just have to keep telling them.
And it’s scary…..because what if, when they read this, they get the wrong idea? What if they think you want to be with them? What if they assume that you’re saying all this simply to tell them that you only love them romantically? What if they just do not understand?
And what if…..what if they actually happen to love you back? What if there’s this tiny chance of it working out…..and you have to hide any thoughts of that away, because the moment you think them, your relationship with your soul mate suffers.