You saved me Dad!

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Author's Pov:

It's been a week since Yoongi's accident. He's already fine now. Just because it was a minor injury and that he didn't got any of his bones broken, he recovered quite soon.
Yoongi still not talks to Y/n. Whenever she tries to approach him or talk to him, he would either walk away or just reply in short like 'hm' 'yeah' 'ok'.
It feels as if he is not anymore feeling that love he used to feel towards Y/n. He even ignores her things like if she cooks for him, try to help him, treat him... He won't accept anything.
Y/n is really hurt now. She knew that it was her fault at first place, but giving this treatment even for a punishment is really too much now! This is kinda crossing the limits. He won't even ask for breakup nor he would say anything, if he's really that hurt or angry.

Right now, Y/n is sitting in her bedroom as it's night time... She now usually skips her meals, her classes, and even her sleep sometimes... Because if this, she had grown dark circles and heavy bags under her eyes and she even got a lot skinny...
And you know, being an Indian girl, she was healthy and good, but now she missed her old self!
She was lost in her thoughts when suddenly her phone rang. She flinched a bit and came out of her thoughts. She picked up her phone and soon a smile crept on her face when she saw the
  caller ID - 'DAD♡'
She immediately picked up the call.

Y/N's Pov:

"Hello... Y/n...?"
"Dad... h-hello" My voice cracked upon hearing his voice after so long.
"Oh my daughter... How are you and where were you? You haven't even called us for a while now, and I always get worried for you. Your mom always ask me of there's any call I've got from you or any message... She worries for you beta... Why don't you even call us sometimes!? Do you even remember us, huh!?"
I smiled more. Yeah... I missed this... So much.
"Dad... Calm down! What are you even saying... Of course I miss you all. It's just I rarely get time from my schedule and also I've been busy in a project for a while now... It won't happen again... I promise. I'm sorry..." I said while pouting and whining. I heard him chuckle there making me smile.
"Better! Btw... How's everything there?"
When he asked about EVERYTHING I remembered whatever happen here... But I decided to not bring it on for now... So I replied casually.
"Good. Everything is so much good here... How's mom, dad? And what about bhai, do he miss me or not, huh!?" I asked playfully.
"We all are good. And of course yes he miss you too... And you know what? We have a GOOD NEWS for you!"
"Good news? What?"
"Your brother's getting married!"
"What!? He's getting married!? He didn't even told me!?"
"How could he, you never call!"
"Hm... Btw, who's my soon-to-be bhabhi, huh!?"
"You remember, your childhood friend, Anita?"
"Yes, yes! Wait... Is she..."
"OH MY GOD! I can't believe it dad!?"
"Yes, and you'll come right!?"
"Of course I will! After all,
'dulhe ki behen jo hu!~'
[After all, I'm the groom's sister, right!~] I'll surely come next week and would bring a lot of gifts for you all!"
"Okay! Come soon, we will be waiting."
"Yeah... Dad... I also wanted to say something to you"
"Hmm go on..."

Then I began my narration and told him whatever had happened between this year. How I met Yoongi, how I found out he was my roommate, how he used to bully me, then how we fell in love, then how we got together, then about those misunderstanding, about his accident, everything!
Usually I never hide anything from my dad, whatever must the thing be if I wanted to, I would share it with him and he would always listen to me and support me in my things... He never judged me nor scolded me... You know... Father daughter things...

"So this is what happened, huh?"
"How can you be this stupid,
"I know... I'm sorry!"
"How is he now?"
"He's fine now. But he always ignores me now, I know it was all my fault but this too much to handle now! It hurts me more dad... So much!"
"Do you still love him?"
"Of course I do!"
"And does he..."
"I-I don't know..."
"Can he speak English?"
"Yes, but why?"
"Give him the phone. I want to talk to him!"
I hesitated at first but got up eventually and went to his room.
I knocked on his door.
I just heard him hm inside. So I went in. He looked at me waiting for me to talk.
"My dad... He's on the line... He wants to talk to you!"
His eyes widened but he slowly took the phone and attend the call.
They were talking so I left the room so that he could have some privacy...
I don't know what was Dad saying to him...
I came and sat on the couch. I was tensed for what must be coming next. What if he was getting scolded?... Urgh!
After 15 minutes I finally heard the room door open and he came out. He handed me the phone silently and turned to leave.
But before he leave he said,
"Book two tickets for us... We are going to India!"
"W-what do you... Mean?"
"You and I, we're going to India, your dad called us there for your brother's wedding. Be ready we'll leave next Monday!"
He said and left. He took a glance at me and then he... Smiled at me... Yes! He smiled at me!
I couldn't believe my ears, my eyes...
I said to myself squealing in happiness. I couldn't stop smiling. I went to my room and slept finally... I can sleep peacefully today...!!!

*______________ ^_^ ______________*

Yeah, I know it was a very short chapter... But yk I've been lazy to write anything and also I'm busy in my studies for my upcoming exams 😭...

But I still hope you all liked it. I don't know how much but still hoping for better. I know I haven't updated in a while... Many of you were waiting for them... But I was really busy recently. I'm really sorry.

And please do not hate my work or me for being late in updates and also... I'm saying sorry in advance if I do this again in future... I'll try to give you all a note before hand if I'm going to post anything late or even not... 🥀

And thank you so much for showing your love for this story. I hope you're reading my other stories too and loving them equally. 😌🙏💜

So see you all in next chapter.

Stay tuned. Till then



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