Darkness and Light

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I have been on the prowl looking seeking a new victim it had been toolong alone hunting no other vampires for ages I am starting to think I am .the last perhaps it might be time to sire a new one Of course such a thing .one does not do lightly besides it has been so long since I have seen anyoneworthy of the Kiss I decide that I will just have to put it out of my mind .for now but if I did find someone of interest I would pursue it to thefullest I fond a nice meal that night not worthy of bringing across but .tasty enough a good O negative 1991 vintage Just a hint of copper to the .finish over all a very good year but she did not have what I was looking ,for so I left her to recover .It would be a month before I saw you the perfect specimen of femalebeauty and perfect to make another Vampire a companion I could be withand hunt with for a few centuries You were standing on the other side of .the bar leaning against a stool laughing large tits very large actually and ,looking very tasty About average height for a woman not too tall and .not overly short with some very nice curves You are talking to a very .attractive brunet that I can tell you have an interest in as well This could .prove both a challenge and exciting to have a new companion and a tastytreat as well Of course after nearly 7 000 years of unlife I have picked . ,up a trick or two and not all of them are preternatural .I spend most of the evening observing you trying to sense the bestmeans of getting you and your companion to go off to my abode The .night is young and I have little need of rest anymore of course sex and a ,nice snack are always welcome After a couple of hours of observation I .decided I would just have to go with the direct approach and use somevampire wiles to get you both away for the evening Now normally I would .have prepared a resting chamber for you but I always have extra roomafter all the old Kiss is long since gone most of them succumbed to theenemies and others had struck out on their own Such is the life of the .vampire at times lonely but after tonight maybe it would be a little lessso .I glide up to you and block out the rest of the world it is just thethree of us now the others could have disappeared for all the attentionwe will pay them I look at your companion and she instantly falls into my .will I whisper direct to her mind Be still we shall be going soon and you . , "will love all that is to come I then turn my attentions to you I have ". , "been admiring you from across the room all night and I think we could havesomething more than you could ever dream possible ."You look back and amazingly enough seem to be able to meet my gazewithout it making you too weak at the knees I know that moment I havechosen well indeed A strong will makes you a good choice for the gift . .You look at me and state rather matter a factly I had wondered when , "you would finally get around to come over and see me Vampire Master."I am taken a back for a moment after all I pride myself on being ableto hide my true nature from the mortals How is it you know of my . "nature my child humans are normally unwilling to see what is before them?"Your reply comes as a bit of a shock I have been looking for you all , "of my life to be become as one with you is my dearest wish Now this is a ."great turn of events to find someone I deem worthy and not have toseduce her into what I offer the night is looking up all the time , ."Might I suggest we retire along with your companion to my home todiscuss this further I look with my best seductive gaze ?" .You state sounds like a delightful idea to me sire please lead the , "ways "We stroll out of the bar the young brunet in tow and have my drivertake us to my home It is a former plantation set far back from any main .road with several large old cyprus trees The swamp keeps out a lot of .the would be curious onlookers so it is an ideal place for me and has beenfor over 200 years now We walk in the old doors under the veranda you .and the girl are looking around in a bit of awe I can not help but chuckleto myself as it is always nice to impress We walk into the Great Hall of .the old house and I turn on a few lights to brighten or path as I lead youboth on a short tour ending in the basement where I have made a smallplayroom dungeon Always good to have a dungeon never know when you .want to have some food stay over I decided to lock up our little meal .for the moment putting her in a cage I reserved for just such occasions Ilead you over to a small platform I have in the room with extra large bed.The best way to bring someone across is much like a loving seduction.It should be done with care and enjoyment for both parties and thenfollowed by a really good meal I kiss your neck not yet to bring you .across I want this to last I start with slowly removing your blouse it is , .silk and button down so I take my time unbuttoning each in turn and kissingthe exposed skin taking care not to nick you with my fangs Within moments .the blouse is laid open and your lovely tits are there encased only by thethin material of the bra The glory of your scent fills my noise and my .eyes the feast before me of flesh and blood and sex The joy that I have .before me is almost too much to explain it has been so very long I allow .the blouse to fall to the floor it is no longer needed this night and I willget you more exciting clothing later when you are ready to journey out I .remove the skirt you are wearing along with the shoes leaving you standingin nothing more than a bra and pretty little purple thong that matches thebra both of silk and lace what a vision you make I bring you to the edge , .of the bed running my hands over your body just gliding over your skin forthe moment not really doing anything more than enjoying the silky feel ofyour skin My fingers slide over and behind you finding the clasp to your bra .and it is soon joining your other clothes to the floor Your tits come to .view and are amazing you have large full hard pink nipples that stand outand inviting I can not help myself I have to taste them I bend forward and .take each in turn into my mouth sucking nicking them slightly with my fangsnot enough to draw blood but it does make you squeal with delight The .first taste of blood is amazing just so sweet it makes me long for thefeast to come Your body reacts so naturally to my manipulations my .hands flow down your sides and grasp your ass pulling you and yourbeautiful tits deeper into my mouth I can feel the first stirrings as my .cock leaps to life with the sexual tension and what is ongoing now I push .you down on the bed and lick my way down your body your skin is sweetand supple and perfect So tasty and soft I work my way to the barely .covered pussy taking note that you are from all appearance fully shaved.The panties soon find their way to the floor leaving you naked and waitingfor me to take you as I wish .I lick up the inside of your thigh the soft skin and the blood flowingso close to the skin is very tempting I lick my way to your pussy and sweet .inviting clit I roll it around in my mouth savoring the taste of you your .juices and the blood that is just beneath the surface Oh the luxurious .feeling of power and lust and love all mixed into one I savor the feel and .the power I get from delving deep into your pussy with my tongue and thensucking your clit and then back again I keep this up trying to push you over .the edge past you orgasm your hips begin to buck and your legs clamptightly around my head as the first of several rolling orgasms over takeyou The power and feel of you cumming so hard makes me so excited I .nearly forget myself I work your clit and pussy like a pianist fingering a .Baby Grand bringing you to orgasm after orgasm Your body drenched in .sweat and your screams of pleasure filling the room .I work back up your body my face covered in your juices as I kiss you Itake this moment to thrust within you at the same moment Your body .reacts to this new sensation by going into a cascading orgasm which drivesme on just as we both approach the height of orgasm I thrust my fangsinto your neck and drain the life blood from your body You are in the .throes of passion and then those that come with the death of your mortalbody before it can be complete I withdraw and open my wrist pressing it toyour lips allowing you to feed on me as I fill you with my ancient cum.Your end as a mortal is here but your rise as a vampire shall soon begin .The first night of your new unlife comes with the rising of the moon.I come to you and kiss your sweet lips still naked from the night beforeyour beauty is radiant I help you to your feet kiss your neck the wound .still fresh but your new found vampire powers already working to heal it I .ask Are you hungry my dear , " ?"You look at me and gasp famished who do we have to eat , " ?"I take you by the hand and lead you to the girl we brought home lastnight She is cowering in the cage looking with doe eyes from right to left . ." ' ?", " I think she will make a fitting first meal don t you my dear She is not asfresh as she was last night but that is easily rectified ."I yell for George and he comes down and cleans the young womanquickly after stripping her down he cleanses her in a nearby shower The .woman is returned clean and fresh though still frightened I take this as a .chance to show you the means of quieting a victim I brush my hand across ,her face and will her to be calm and she simply looks at us adoringly Now .that is a simple matter I glance at you ask Shall we keep her as a pet or , "drain her for a single meal ?"" ?" . Which is best master you ask with obvious hunger in your eyes "I think it will be nice to have someone as a new servant for you sowe shall not drain her completely we can also have some fun with her as ." "well right now while we feed I take the girl by hand and you by the other "and we lead her to the bed Laying her gently on the silken sheets which .George has changed while we conversed I gesture for you to get on the .other side of the girl so we are flanking her body We each take a breast .and begin to suck and lick it sending waves of pleasure through her bodyworking down the body kissing and licking as we go I let you go down onher sucking and licking her clit as I work her tits sending her over the edgewith orgasm I give a signal that is time to feed and you plunge your new .fangs deep into her soft thigh the blood flowing freely the girl orgasms ,as you drain her blood I push you away so you do not drain the poor girl .fully This is your first blood but it shall not be your last.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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