I Want You

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A/N: HelloHelloHello! This is my first writing here on Wattpad. I dont know what's possessed me to (finally) put my work up but I guess I have to blame my beautiful & crazy bestfriend. I'm going to do some twilight one Shots (maybe some 1D ones aswell) & then I'm going to put up my first proper story (aaaaahhh!)

I honestly hope you like It. Leave thoughts, criticism ANYTHING, I seriously dont mind.

If You want to do a banner, cover whatever feel free :))

Thankyou & sorry for the long A/N ;L

P.S. Hell yes this is a sex scene - be warned (or excited whatever suits you)


His cool fingers trailed up and down my neck leaving a blaze in their path. His chest was pressed up against my back as I tried to focus on the beautiful view out the window rather than where else I desperately wanted his fingers to be. I could feel his hungry eyes greedily running over me. He wedged me further between himself & the window, pressing the bulge in his trousers against me. His hot breath fanned against my face as he placed his mouth near my ear.

''Isabella,'' He said, his voice covered with lust, his tongue caressing my name. ''God.. You look so beautiful, so..'' I finally turned around, willing him to finish his sentence, gazing deep into his eyes which normally sparkled hazel now looking completely black, overcome with desire. He swallowed, clearing his mouth no doubt of the venom which had flooded it. ''So what Edward?'' I asked, needing him to finish his sentence ''So.. Completely. Fucking. Edible. Isabella.'' To my embarrassment a whimper escaped my lips as he punctuated each word with short bursts, letting his breath fan over my face. His eyes flashed to my mouth. I watched as his tongue darted out, wetting his lips ever so slightly, the effect taking place directly in between my legs. I took a moment, silently praising the tongue which had brought me so much pleasure for so long.

My bottom lip disappeared into my mouth as my teeth violently attacked it. I knew how much biting my lip roused his true nature and that's exactly what I wanted. Before I could tease the true Edward more, we were flying through the air till I was pinned beneath him on my bed with my dress ridden up and his fingers circling the part of my thigh that was on display. Adrenaline choked its way round my body, knocking the breath out of me with its intensity. He kept circling higher, but never touching where I so desperately wanted him to. My breathing was getting more shallow and one finger was all it was taking. He pressed deeper against me, the bulge in his trousers hitting me where I needed it. ''Do you feel the effect you have on me Isabella?'' I tried to make a smart remark back but I'm pretty sure all that was heard was a low moan. I doubt even his vampire hearing could decipher anything coherent. He circled his hips, slowly torturing me. ''What was that Isabella? I can't hear you,'' praise the lord but a small ''oh God.. yes!'' left my lips. I could see the cocky smirk spreading over his face already. "I would rather you didnt say anyone else's name but mine Isabella," he breathed over my face. Damn him and his vampire abilities. Even his breath unleashed a soft moan out of me.

''Isabella.. I-I want you.'' 3 words was all it took for a fresh wave of desire to knock me over. My heart kicked off in anticipation, revelling in the fact that he was going to be inside me again, soon throwing me into a depth of oblivion. I licked a path from his jaw to his ear, making sure I breathed heavily into his ear, before whispering oh so softly "then take me, I'm all yours.'' Apparently that was all the permission he needed before his mouth attacked me. His tongue swept against my bottom lip, seeking entrance. Soon our tongues were fighting for dominance, each stroke and lick getting more forceful. He briefly pulled back leaving me breathless and silently begging for more. ''May I?'' He purposefully eyed my dress. I knew this routine fairly well. "Yes.. Just rip it!'' The sound of fabric tearing could be heard over the heavy breathing which engulfed the room.

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