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"Where the hell have you been." Tom spews, angrily at me.

"Just out!" I say walking away, Tom pulls me back by my wrist. "Gia i'm not playing this game with you where the fuck were you." I could see the veins start popping out his forehead, I didn't know if he'd be mad at me or proud of me.

"I finished my kills.." I reply quietly under my breath. "You did what!? Without my protection?!" Tom yells. "I'm not a flimsy doll, I can take care of myself Tom!" I shout back.

"So you won't kill when you're with me but you'll kill when you're alone?" Tom tilts his head at me. "It's because you scare me Tom! When you're with me it feels like if I don't get it done ill get my ass handed to me or something!" I yell walking back to our room.

"I've been nothing encouraging!" He waves his hand out on me, as if he was proving a point or something, he really wasn't because he's just been an ass.

"Encouraging my ass! You've been an ass this whole time! If I feel guilty for even a second i'll get called useless!" I slam my hand against the bedside table, Tom waves his hand down telling me to take it down a notch, Aliyah was still here.

Tom sits on the bed, rubbing his forehead. "I am sorry you felt that way, If I did anything to inflict that please let me know."

"Fuck is wrong with you? You Shakespeare or something now?" I look him up and down.

"No i'm trying to take the mature approach, so I don't release my anger out on you." Tom takes a deep breath in, exhaling. "Do it release your anger out on me." I was up for the challenge.

"Gia how many people did you kill?" Tom asks calmly, I shrug. "About twenty?"

"TWENTY?!" Tom yells. "How could you be so careless!" He follows up yelling. "Isn't this what you wanted Tom? 'Be heartless Gigi. 'Be coldblooded.'  I mimic the exact words he had said to me once before.

"I didn't mean twenty people! You were supposed to kill six, what'd you do twenty for? The fucking chase of it all? You're crazy psycho Gia!" Tom scoffs, walking into the restroom.

"ME THE PSYCHO?!" I yell barging into the bathroom after him, I could see him sitting on the toilet with his pants down. "I'm trying to think, can you leave." Tom takes his hand off his forehead, he looked tired as shit.

"I hope I'm not pregnant with your child cause you'd be a horrible father."

I walk out the bathroom slamming the door shut, I laugh to myself before stripping off my clothes, I lay in the bed waiting for him to exit the bathroom.

I heard the sink turn on, he was washing his hands.

I saw him take a glance at me, laid underneath the covers. Tom holds his tongue from saying anything, laying back down in the bed. His body turned the other way, not saying anything. I could hear his breaths get heavier, and his nose getting stuffier.

Was he crying?

"Tom." I rub my body against his, looking over at his face. He was crying. "Why are you crying?" I wipe his tears, holding his face.

"Leave it be Gia." Tom yanks my body off his, gently but firmly. He rarely ever cried, something was definitely wrong. "Baby." I stroke his hair gently from behind, cradling my body onto his.

Tom turns his body, towards me. I could see his bottom lip quiver, trying to talk.

"You really think i'd be a horrible father?" Tom rubs his nose gently.

"No, I was just mad." I shake my head, wiping the fallen tears from underneath his eyes. "I don't wanna be a bad father Gia." Tom sucks his lips in, looking down.

"You're so great and funny to all your students, you're gonna be amazing." I place a firm kiss on his lips, hugging into his body. I felt super fucking bad.

"I don't wanna turn out like my father." Tom shakes his head.

"You won't." I smile, softly. "But what if I will?" His voice cracks slightly, practically shattering my heart into a million pieces. I hated it when Tom would cry.

"You're gonna be the best dad Tom." I lean my face up, pulling him into a kiss, Tom kisses back. His face moving back and forth, I bite his bottom lip. Tugging on his hair, he slips his tongue into my mouth gently. This was the most slow and gentle he's been.

Probably, ever.

"I'm sorry for hurting your feelings." I pull away from the kiss, half smiling. "Kinda pathetic huh?" Tom snickers lowly, licking his teeth.

"What do you mean?" I ask, squinting my eyes at him. "The way I let my feelings overtake me, i'm meant to be heartless." Tom scoffs.

"You have feelings too Tom, you're a person. It's quite obvious you're gonna feel things throughout life, it just shows you're human." I smile.

"Kaulitz men don't cry."  Tom laughs, biting his lower lip. I knew he was quoting his father, which made the situation even more sad. I had forgotten how much hatred Tom had towards his father.

"I love you Tom, so much. You will never be like your father, you are your own person and i'm sorry for ever making you feel this way." I apologize.

"I love you too Gigi, my little serial killer." He laughs. "I might just take your spot in the mafia babe! Don't play with it!" I joke.

"One can hope."

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