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I woke up to some light poking on my shoulder, I groan hugging into Tom tightly, I had been laying on top of him. "Genie! You have an appointment wake up!"

"Don't make me regret letting you stay here Aliyah." I dig my head into Tom's chest. "Okay fine! Then be my guest, be late for your appointment that is to see if you're WITH CHILD." Aliyah yells.

"What's all this yelling." Tom groans, shifting his position, causing me to roll over to the other side of the bed. "Um rude!" I yell, slapping his chest.

"Aliyah, let us sleep or i'll have sex with Gia while you're home." Tom digs his face into his pillow.

I could see her eyes suddenly widen, I kick Tom's waist with my foot. "Don't say that!" I yell. "Let me sleep!" He yells, lifting his face from the pillow before plummeting back onto it.

"How the fuck are you teachers if you can't even wake up in the mornings! If you're not back up in the next five minutes i'm coming back with the bell!" Aliyah yells, walking out our room slamming the door shut.

"Baby get up!" I say, nudging Tom. "I don't wanna." Tom whines, turning his face to me he pouts.

"Come on let's just get up, go to the appointment then we can come back and sleep!" I smile. "Okayyy.." Tom sighs getting up, I giggle to myself walking to the bathroom, honestly at first I didn't want to be pregnant.

Now, I really hoped I actually was.

I stand in the mirror, analyzing my stomach. It had gotten a little bigger, and still no period.

Or maybe i've just gained weight. "Baby!" I call Tom over, staring at myself im the mirror. "Hm?" He hums, walking over towards me.

"Does this look like a food bump or a baby bump." I poke my belly gently, analyzing it deeply. "Do you want it to be a baby bump or a food bump?" Tom asks.

"Baby." I say plainly.

"Okay so then it's a baby bump." Tom smiles, squatting down, to rub my belly. "What if it's not though!" I sigh.

Tom kisses my belly before standing up and smiling at me. "There is a baby, I can feel it in my veins." Tom laughs. "Honestly, I hope so." I hop on the counter of the bathroom sink, swinging my feet back and forth.

I lean over, grabbing my toothbrush. I brush my teeth while sitting down, humming to myself as I brush each tooth. I spit the paste out before rinsing my mouth and going for another round of toothpaste.

I finish up, hopping off the counter to wash my face and do my skincare, Tom comes next to me staring at himself in the mirror. "Should I grow my beard out again?" Tom rubs his stubble, staring at it.

"Sure." I shrug.

"Do you think it'd look good?" Tom asks, turning his face to me. "You'd look handsome with whatever you choose to do." I smile.

"Thank you, I do believe i'm sexy in most ways." Tom pouts his lips, tilting his head. "Stop fishing for compliments, it's not a good look." I laugh.

"I just need the reassurance." Tom sighs.

"I think half the high school girls have a crush on you, isn't that reassurance enough?" I say laughing, it was true, a whole lot of the girls did have a crush on him.

"I guess you're right." He agrees. I walk over to the closet, changing into something more suitable for a doctors appointment.

"I told you if you're not up in the next five!- Oh." Aliyah opens our door. "Girl i'm changing!" I yell out from the closet. "Okay! Cool!" She yells before shutting our bedroom door. "That girl has no chill." Tom says.

"It's okay, I love her anyways she's like my baby sister." I reply, slipping a low rise denim skirt, I figured it'd be easiest to wear something low risen.

"ALIYAH!" I yell out. "What Genie!" She yells back.

"Come here!" I shout, I heard my bedroom door open. "Can I come inside the closet?" She asks. "Yeah, just come here." I respond.

I see her walk past Tom, who was sulking in the mirror. "What's wrong with him?" She asks, looking him up and down. "He's sulking cause he doesn't think he's hot enough." I sigh, rolling my eyes.

"Anyways! You have good style, what's a good shirt to wear?" I run my fingertips through all my shirts.

"Are you trying to be slutty, casual, or just your regular attire." Aliyah asks, looking to me.

"You don't even know my regular attire." I laugh, it was true. Those teacher fits don't do you justice for the most part, but I knew how to style them, make them look a whole lot better.

"Just answer the question Gia!" Aliyah yells. "Okay, chill, chill. Um, probably not slutty but also not nun like." I explain. "Nuns are hot." Tom smirks.

Aliyah turns her body to him, she tilts her head at him giving him a 'Bitch really?' look, I was giving him the same one. "What?" Tom shrugs.

"They're nuns Tom." I was talking like I was staying the obvious but I guess not...

"Yeah, tiny woman who boss you around? That's hot." He nods smiling. "You're sleeping on the couch tonight, I can't right now." I shake my head.

"This is perfect!" Aliyah pulls a dark red crop top off the hanger. I slip it on over my body, it showed quite a bit of skin though. "Is this really appropriate for a doctors appointment?" I analyze myself in the mirror.

"Yeah, it's cute." Aliyah shrugs, walking out my closet. "It is cute." Tom smiles, nodding.

"Don't talk to me, i'm mad at you right now."

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