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3rd POV

They felt themselves get carried away as they danced to the rhythm of the songs the DJ was playing. They felt like it was just them, the whole world besides then had seemed to disappear and they focused in only each other and how good they felt in each other's company.

As they enjoyed the song that was playing, LeeHan made eye contact with Taesan and started mouthing the words, as to dedicate them to him.

(Play Like it that way - CIX at 0:39-1:03)

Cause I like it that way
Everything about you
I love everything
Yeah, I like it that way
As it spreads, little by little
to you, yeah
Groove to the rhythm with you
My move towards you
I want you
'Cause I like it that way

Taesan felt his face get warmer and his heart beat faster as LeeHan sung those words towards him, this was when it hit him that maybe what his friends were saying was real, was LeeHan going to confess to him? It couldn't be, could it?

LeeHan noticed how flushed Taesan's face was and he couldn't help but giggle. The other looked really attractive that day, but he still kept that cute charm he always had to him, mostly when he smiled.

LeeHan didn't know if it was the effect of the two beers he had already drunk, or if it was Taesan's reaction, but it gave him the confidence to finally take the step forward and confess to him.

He walked closer to Taesan and leaned in, near his ear, to whisper to him.

LeeHan:- Come, follow me -

Before Taesan could really react to the other's words LeeHan had grabbed his hand and was leading him outside of the house to the backyard, which LeeHan had kept off limits to the people invited to the party so they wouldn't trash it and for him to have a place to go out and breathe if he wanted to.

When they got outside Taesan just stood there, confused, as he didn't really know how to react to the situation or even know what was going on. And before he could take his thoughts any further, LeeHan kissed him, giving one pull to his lower lip.

Taesan stood there in shock, what just happened really happened? He could feel his face getting as red as a tomato again. He was looking straight at LeeHan, the latter looked like he felt like he had done something wrong, he was about to say something, but just as he was opening his mouth to speak, Taesan kissed him back. In a matter of split seconds LeeHan responded to the kiss and continued the action.

Whoever would have been a witness to the scene would be able to tell how much they were longing for this, how much desire they had for each other, to taste each other. Their lips fit perfectly with the other's, dancing in complete harmony, actions filled with love and all the beautiful things they felt for each other.

They could stay like that forever, feeling the connection, how much they had wanted this, the first time they ever got to express what they felt for each other. When they say actions speak louder than words, this was a perfect example, and example of pure, romantic love between two people who couldn't be happier this was happening.

It was a slow yet really passionate kiss, allowing them to taste and explore each other perfectly. Taesan opened his mouth to allow LeeHan to slip his tongue in, and he didn't bothered fighting for dominance and just let LeeHan take the lead, the latter using the opportunity to explore his crush's whole mouth and grabbing a good taste of his taste so he couldn't forget it ever.

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