Paws and Apologies

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I sat on a bench near my house, the cold rain soaking me

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I sat on a bench near my house, the cold rain soaking me. With a sigh, I pulled it over my head, attempting to shield myself from the rain. As I flicked my wet hair out of my face, movement caught my eye near my leg—a small kitten, its black fur drenched, trembling in the rain, wide-eyed.

I reached out my hand, hoping to pick and comfort the kitten, but she- I guesses that it was a girl- flinched back, eyeing me suspiciously.

"It's alright," I murmured, squatting down. "I won't hurt you."

I held out my hand again, after a sniff and a wary approach, the kitten let me pick it up. I wrapped it in my jacket, trying to keep her cozy despite the rain. She purred instantly, trying to soak up the warmth.

"Come on, I'll get you some food," I said, getting up. She instantly clung to my clothes with her tiny paws, making it clear she wasn't letting go.

As I headed home, the kitten snugly in my jacket, I noticed someone standing outside my house. Squinting through the rain, I realized it was James on his bike, looking like a drenched cat himself.

Great, just what I needed.

"What do you want, James?" I called out, trying to keep my voice from trembling because of the cold.

James glanced up, clearly surprised to see me. "Marco, I... I came to talk, and to apologize about how I treated you.

"Really? Right now?" I motioned to the pouring rain. "Can it wait? I've got more important things to handle." I patted the kitten gently.

He noticed the kitten, his expression softening slightly. "Is that a...?"

"Yeah, I found her. Or she found me. Whatever." I sighed. "Look, James, I appreciate the apology, but now really isn't a good time."

James looked at the kitten again and then back at me. "Can I at least come inside? We can get out of this rain, and I'll help you with the kitten. Then we can talk."

I hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Fine. But don't think this means everything's okay."

He nodded, looking genuinely sorry, "I get it. I just want to make things right."

"Alright, come on," I said, leading the way inside. "But don't expect any tea or coffee. I'm not feeling hospitable right now."

James followed me in, shaking off the rain. "Fair enough. Let's take care of that kitten first."

We stepped inside, and I set the kitten down on a towel, drying her off gently. James watched, his expression a mix of regret and something else I couldn't quite place.

"What's her name?" he asked softly.

"I don't know yet," I admitted. "Haven't thought that far ahead."

James nodded, then took a deep breath. "Marco, I'm really sorry for how I acted. I was out of line, and I know it. I got some news from my boyfriend, and it pissed me off, and I took it out on you. I'm sorry."

I glanced at him, then back at the kitten. "I don't forgive you yet, but... I do want to clear my father's name. So I will work with you again, but I'm definitely not forgiving you yet."

James looked relieved. "That's fair. Thank you for giving me another chance."

"Don't thank me yet," I said, standing up. "We've got a long way to go. And if you mess up again, that's it."

"I understand," he replied.

I picked up the kitten, who was now dry and purring contentedly. "Well, It's late so we'll start tom and right now I need to get her some food and think of a name for her."

James leaned in, looking at the kitten. "How about Salem?"

I looked at him in disgust. "Why on earth would you want to torture the poor cat by calling her...Salem?"

James shrugged, a small grin playing on his lips. "I thought it was fitting. You know, like the witch trials."

"Exactly why it's a terrible idea," I replied, shaking my head. "We need something cuter. Something that suits her."

"Alright, alright," James conceded. "How about...Pumpkin?"

I snorted- very unattractively. "Pumpkin? Seriously? She's a cat, not a Halloween decoration."

James laughed. "I think Salem is cute though."

 The kitten meowed, as if approving of her new name. I sat a bowl of cat food on the counter. She immediately perked up, clearly interested in the smell.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help smiling. "You know what? Fine. Salem it is. But if she starts acting haunted, it's on you," I said, watching as she started munching on the food. 

James laughed. "Deal."

Salem looked up from her food, seemingly pleased with her new name.

I turned to James, "I'll take her to the vet tomorrow and then I can come to your house and we can work it?" I ask and he nods.

"I'll send you the address." He says, turning to leave.

I almost stopped him, not wanting him to get wet on his bike due to the rain but controlled myself and just told him goodbye.

After Salem ate her food, I took her to my room, the ring still clutched in my hand. Should I show this to James? Despite everything, he was still my partner in this mess, and maybe sharing this find would fix our problem. But then again, trusting him again so soon felt like a leap  I wasn't sure I could make. 

Was it worth the risk?

I hear a small paw clutch my hands and I chuckle, picking her up and kissing her face, "You-kiss-are-kiss-so-kiss-fucking-kiss-adorable."

I gently tuck her into her my bed, making sure the blanket covers her. She curls up and I smile, watching her before settling down beside her, ready to drift off to sleep myself.


Next chapter is gonna be some actual murder solving but what do you think about the ring? any ideas on who the prints on the knife belong to?

Men with cats or dogs>>>>>>>

Anyways, thoughts? How was the chapter?


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