♡ Thank You ♡

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Were you so wondering what was going on in Gio's mind? Would you have loved to get into his head, too? Gio's Bonus Chapters are up next, so keep reading. These will be compiled into a new version of the book which will be dual POV.


But first, I wanted to write a thank you to everyone who's ever voted, commented, or just read this book—it's the whole reason I'm on Wattpad is to see these notifications come in and know Ren and Gio's story is being read.

I got so excited when I finished editing for the Wattys deadline in August that I submitted my story before I wrote this thank you chapter and have been waiting patiently for the shortlist announcement to post it ever since, but I can't wait any longer. 😉

Firstly, I wanted to thank the Wattpaders, who put the idea into my head to even write Fate Interrupted. I wasn't planning to write a sequel, but once they planted the seed, it grew into this book, and I'm so happy they encouraged me—so thank you,  imaginator_apollyf79, and UnbalancedMom333 

I then have a big shout out to the four Wattpad writers who were there reading week after week, almost as soon as each chapter dropped, leaving the best comments and helping me when I got stuck. Your ongoing support really boosted my confidence and spurred me onward. Your support was tremendous, and I thank you.  Pollyf79HeidiCarrollUnbalancedMom333KEJennings

I also want to thank all the other early readers who voted, commented,  or just read (I saw you, and you always made my day brighter) —A special shout out to: CharminMCasiano, kikipee, JoanAlen390, dahlluis , and Chrissyvellis

I want to thank LVann26 for helping me come up with the title of this book and everyone who helped me with feedback on the cover design.

Last but not least, I wanted to give a big shout-out and thank you to Chrissyvellis and masonfitzzy for all the editing, suggestions, and support they gave me to get my book Wattys ready. I am so grateful you gave so much of your time to help me.


Finally, if you haven't read the first book and are interested in seeing how Gio and Ren met and fell in love, check out my nostalgic, 90s, sweet and spicy, YA Romance, The Fate of Our Hearts


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