Make Up (a Larry Stylinson One-Shot )

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"Lets go Haz!" Louis called up the stairs to their flat. Harry was always late, and always spending so much time trying to get his hair to stay in that quiff. Louis personally thought he should keep his hair natural, he likes his curls; but Harry didn't care about anything Louis had too at about him. Harry ran down the stairs and grabbed the car keys not giving Louis a second glance. While Louis took his time getting in the car, Harry was getting more and more impatient. "Cmon were already so late!" Harry yelled. "Well of you didn't have to style why your hair in that freaking quiff we wouldn't be a second late would we." He snapped back in a mocking tone as he buckled his seat belt. They arrived at the house party they were planning to go to. Their friend Andy's house party. They were always the craziest and people always ended up passing out drunk till the next morning. Harry and Louis each made their seperate ways once they were inside, Harry to the bar and Louis to go meet up ugh Niall. Louis fixed his fringe once he spotted him. "Hey mate!" Louis had to yell over the loud music and sling an arm around his shoulder. "Loueeeeeyyy....." Niall slurred, and giggled, already drunk and by what Louis could smell he was possibly high as well. Not a surprise. "Where's Harry?" Liam questioned, taking a sip of his virgin drink. Even though Liam could drink he still wasn't much of a big drinker. "Probably hooking up with some girl as usual." that comment made Liam roll his eyes and sigh, "well I'll catch you two later. I'm going to find Andy."

"Bye bye LiLi!" Niall laughed. "Oh god Ni.. Lets go find zayn." Zayn was at the bar, and Harry was seated next to him. Louis made a growling noise that made him regret his whole decision of going on a search for him. Louis was about to say something to zayn before he stopped dead in his tracks, noticing the tacky blond that was seated on Harry's lap. They looked like they were in a pretty intimidate snogging session too. "Excuse me!" Louis shouted, grabbing Harrys shoulder, to spin him around. The girl slid off his lap, "what the hell Lou!" Harry shouted, "what the fuck do you want?" Zayn had taken Niall to a different room, just leaving Louis, Harry, that stupid blonde bitch and some drunks grinding around the room. Louis couldn't speak, he didn't know why he did that. "What was that?" Harry teased, making a joke of how Louis had no come backs- nothing to say.

"Your just being a fucking prick like you always are, go find some other guy to snog because I'm clearly not interested and I'm certainly not a bloody fag like you!" Louis felt tears swell up in his eyes but he tried to make it obvious that he wasn't about to break down, he wasn't going to apologize, not now. Harry had too, he thought. Louis needed to get away from him. He couldn't believe Harry just said those words to him. Louis spun quickly and ran, ran out of the house and he didn't stop.

Harry rolled his eyes and took the girl by her hand, leading her into a more quieter area to continue their actions. Liam met up with Zayn and Niall ,"hey have you guys seen Louis?" Zayn shrugged, "he had a little argument with Harry and uh, no haven't seen him since."

"I literally looked everywhere." Liam groaned. "He'll be fine." Zayn assured him. "But what if he's not?"

"I'll go find Harry." Zayn mumbled and pushed in-between the two boys.

Louis was In a park near by sitting on a swing, quietly sobbing into his hands.

Once the other four boys left the party, a clearly unhappy Harry and an overly excited Niall. "Adventure huuuuuunt!" Niall cheered and smiled happily, clinging into Zayns side."why can't we just leave him? He's probably fine... Who even cares where he went anyway ... He's probably at some gay club, and you will not catch me dead in there." Harry spat, rolling his eyes as he followed slowly behind them. "Shut up Harry.." Zayn grumbled, "just except the fact that you fucking love Lou! Stop trying to hide it from yourself." Harry shut his mouth after that, and they kept walking in the cold night. They ended up at the park and decided to all split up, "I'll take Niall. Zayn, you and Harry split up." Liam nodded and dragged Niall off. By the time Harry looked up from his feet, zayn was already heading in the other direction. Harry started to walk by himself, he headed towards the playground when he heard soft cries comming from ahead, he shot his head up and saw a figure on the swings, facing away from him. Harry knew exactly who it was and he froze in his spot for a while before he's feet carried him over to the swings, and he sat next to him not saying a word. Louis looked up and sniffled, "wha-" he was cut off by noticing that it was Harry. Louis immediately looked away from him as his heart best quickened and his face became hot.

"They were worried about you, ya know."' Harry mumbled.

"And of corse you didn't care." Louis finished for him."

"I did Lou, don't think I wouldn't care if you were murdered or kidnapped-or both!" He forced a slight chuckle.

"But the sad thing is... you wouldn't care Harry. You wouldn't even notice if I left." Louis whimpered, and the last word came out as a sob. "Fuck, I love you Harry and you don't even seem to care. I've always loved you Harry, but you've always treated me like absolute shit. No matter how hard I try to show you how much I care, you always brush it off...and-and I just want to be that one for you Harry but I can't when you hook up with another girl every night." by now Louis was full on crying into his hands, "I'm sorry." he choked out. "I just wan-mphf." Louis was cut off by Harrys lips on his. He had his eyes wide open before he decided to close them, thinking it might be a little awkward if Harry was to open his eyes. Louis lips melded into the kiss and Harry pulled away. "Shut up idiot. I love you." he smiled. "I love you too Harry, so much." Louis breathed out happily.

"Look whose watching..." they both turned around to see the three boys starring at them, smiling. Louis and Harry walked back to the party hand in hand and went home together that night, for the first time not upset with one another and in love, neither of them ready to go to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2013 ⏰

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