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I walk into the waiting area, interlocking my hand with Tom's, our hands swinging as we walk.

I sit in one of the chairs, just waiting for our name to be called in. I wasn't really one to pray but I was praying right now for everything to be okay.

Honestly, at first I was so against the idea of having a child. But now, i'm good with it.

"Gianna Moreno." I hear the nurse call out, into the waiting area. Tom and I stand up, once she sees us she walks towards us, leading us to the patient room.

I sit on the bed, scooting up a bit. "You can take that chair over there sir." The nurse points to the circle stool, Tom pulls it up next to the bed, holding my hand as we wait for the doctor.

"So what names we thinking?" Tom asks, kissing my knuckles. "For a girl definitely Nina, that's such a pretty name." I say in response.

"And for a boy?" Tom asks, following up.

"Marcus is pretty cute." I say. "So Marcus or Nina then?" Tom replies. "You don't have any names in mind?" I question. "I'm good with whatever you choose." Tom shrugs.

"Hello, i'm Dr. Hilton i'll be doing your ultrasound." She smiles, walking into the room.

"I'm Gia, and this is my fiancé Tom." I smile pointing to him. "So, pregnant are we?" She rubs her hands in with sanitizer, sitting down on the rolling stool.

"Think so yes." I nod, squeezing Tom's hand.

"Okay, let's look at some babies then!" Dr. Hilton laughs, fixing her equipment up.

I know she did not just say babies plural.

I roll my denim skirt down a little, lifting up my red top. Giving her more room to move the wand around. "Okay this is gonna be a little cold." She squirts some of the gel on my stomach, I shudder slightly.

Tom runs his fingers down my arms. "You've got goosebumps." He snickers, pointing to my arm.

"I didn't expect it to be that cold!" I defend, Dr. Hilton starts to move the wand around my stomach, spreading the gel out. "There's the invader." She tilts the screen to us pointing to the screen, I smile squeezing his hand.

"We have a baby." Tom whispers in my ear.

"There's the heartbeat." She moves the wand to my lower belly, I could hear a strong heart beat. "Can you tell the sex yet or no?" I question Dr. Hilton.

"Seems as you're about two months along so yes we can with a blood test." She responds. "You don't wanna be surprised?" Tom jumps into the conversation.

"No, I need to know so I know what clothes and crib to buy and how to make the nursery." I say.

"Okay, that's fine, whatever you want." He rubs his thumb against my knuckles, caressing it gently. "I'm gonna go print these out, and i'll go get you a brochure for what to expect as newly parents." Dr. Hilton sends us a thumbs up, before walking out the patient room.

"We're gonna be parents babe, how crazy is that."

"So crazy." I shake my head, laughing. "We should get married, this summer." Tom says. "We should probably start planning huh, it's been a year." I sigh.

"It's okay, we have time." Tom reassures. "Soo..." I drag my voice out a bit tapping on my thigh.

"What do you want Gia." Tom says.

"Nothing bad! Just wondering if i'm officially in the gang now, I mean I did kill a whole lot of people." I scratch the back of my head, awkwardly.

"I still can't believe you did that, why did you do that actually?" He says. "I don't know, I just felt like it." I shrug my arms, unbothered.

"Why didn't you stop after six, that was the goal Gia!" Tom laughs. "I was on a roll, okay." I defend.

"I don't think I'VE even ever killed that many people in one night." Tom snorts, emphases on the 'i've.'

"Eh whatever." I curve my lips, I didn't really care.

"Alright, here are the brochures. We'll get that blood test done for you right away." Dr. Hilton knocks before walking into the room.


"We're home and we've got Mcdonald's and Bill!" Tom yells walking into the house. "Who's Bill?" Aliyah says from the couch. "Oh he's hot." She follows up.

"He has a boyfriend, lay off little one." I close the door.

"Bill's my twin brother." Tom replies, placing the the bags of food on the table. "Hi nice to meet you!" Bill shakes her hand with that big goofy grin of his.

"I think you picked the wrong brother Genie." Aliyah shakes his hand. "Ugh, I know right. I'm so much better then Tom." Bill laughs.

"Aye! Tummy!" Aliyah yells. "What." Tom replies plainly. "Do you have an album or something I need to see your parents." Aliyah puts her hand out.

"For what.?" Tom furrows his brows.

"Cause, i'm trying to find out where the hell you got those genetics from. Give me." Aliyah demands.

"No, eat your nuggets and be quiet." Tom shushes her. Aliyah glares at him, turning her face to me. I snicker walking to our bedroom, I grab one of the albums from underneath the bed, giving them to her.

"Thank you!" She grins, flipping through the photos.

She looks at one of the photos of Tom with dreads, looking him up and down. Flickering her gaze between the photo and his actual figure. "You were hotter here." She points to it. "Okay great thanks." Tom nods.

"You're such an ass." Aliyah groans, plopping back on the couch. "Ooo! I love emo boys." She laughs looking at a picture of Bill. "You know how much hairspray it took to make my hair look like that." Bill points to one of the photos where his hair was in a mohawk.

"So you went from goth to barbie?" Aliyah touches the ends of his hair. "Exactly." He nods.

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