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I make my way off Tom gently, careful to not wake him up. I needed to get ready for my first day back.

I walk into the bathroom, I groan seeing how puffy my face was. I was definitely gonna do an ice bowl, it'll definitely help with how inflated my face looked right now, it'll also wake me up.

I squat down on the toilet, my feet didn't reach the floor. Maybe I was as short as Tom claimed I was.

I wipe, before pulling my shorts up, I wash my face before getting started on brushing my teeth. I walk out, licking my teeth I run down the stairs carefully.

I open the freezer door, grabbing some cubes out the tray, I get a bowl, filling it up with water.

I run back upstairs, placing the bowl on my vanity I dip my face inside of it, the icy feeling becoming a bit numbing, but it still felt good.

"What are you doing?" I hear Tom snicker from behind me, I lift my face out the bowl, patting it off with a small wash cloth. "Sorry did I wake you?" I ask.

"You're good." Tom shifts his position, staring at me.

I move my hair to the side, feeling refreshed I get my jade roller out, rolling my puffiness away. "Seriously Lana what are you doing." Tom laughs.

"Removing the puffiness! It looks like I got an allergic reaction when I had first woken up or something!" I laugh, putting more pressure into the roller.

In my peripheral vision, I see Tom walking over to me. I pull my hair brush out, brushing out my hair gently.

I suddenly feel Tom's arms wrap around my body carrying me off my chair, he throws me on the bed.

"Tom!" I shriek, giggling.

"You're not going anywhere." Tom smiles, pulling me into a kiss, I smile against our kiss giggling into his mouth. "I have to leave Tom!" I laugh.

"No you don't." Tom shakes his head, he sucks and nibbles on my neck gently. "Tom that tickles!" I squirm, shifting my body. "Stay with me."

"I can't, i've already missed out on so much." I sigh.

"Drop out, stay with me forever." Tom flashes me a bright smile. "If only I could Tom." I pout, Tom hugs his hands around my body hugging me tightly.

"It's so boring here without you!" He whines. "You'll live babe." I give him a firm kiss, sliding out from underneath him.

"So what are you gonna say at my funeral now that you've killed me." Tom glares at me.

"Let me get one last fuck in! Is what i'll be screaming."


I stare at the wall, zoning out as my math teacher speaks. My pencil tapping against the desk, this was so boring. I just wanted to go home and see Tom already.

I lean back in my seat, staring up at the ceiling. Suddenly a certain knock caught my attention. I look to the door, seeing a tall figure against it.

Oh my god this boy just can't stay away.

"Sorry i'm late." He fixed his oversized jacket, walking into the classroom. "Are you in this class?" The teacher looks him up and down, he looked like he was about to kill us all. Not a good disguise.

Sunglasses, a mask and a jacket covering his body with an overly large sized hat, same thing as from the diner.

"Yes, I am! I just got uh, a schedule change." Tom lies, moving his way to the desk next to me. "So if I were to call your counselor, she'd tell me that exact story?"

"Yes, she will." Tom nods, sitting next to me. "Okay, we'll anyways, resuming with class..."

"You are so obsessed!" I whisper yell, nudging his shoulder. "I got bored, it's been four hours since you've left. I wanted to die." Tom sighs.

"You're just being dramatic." I laugh. "Nope, I love you too much to be away for so long." Tom shakes his head.

"Aw how sweet." I pout happily, giving him a kiss.
"Very sweet." Tom nods, kissing me back. "I wanna go home already Tom." I say.

"It's okay, because now you have me to entertain you!" Tom squeals a little. "Thank fucking god." I lean against his body, appreciating his sudden appearance at my school. He always was able to cure my boredom.

"Heaven." Tom says sternly, I turn my gaze upwards tilting my head back slightly.

"How are we gonna get married." Tom asks, I squint my brows at him. "When the time comes, we'll just get married. What's so difficult about that?" I snicker.

"No, I mean I don't want to be dressed in disguise for my own wedding, I don't belong in these years Heaven. Don't forget that." Tom says.

I had never thought of that.

"Baby, we'll just have it in a remote location." I reply. "So, when do you wanna get married?" He asks, I hum slightly, thinking about it. "I'd say when i'm twenty." I nod, curving my lips in agreement.

"Okay, good to know." Tom smiles. "What about you?" I hold his hand that was swung over my shoulder.

"I don't have a really care, i'd propose to you tomorrow if that's what you wanted." Tom shrugs. "I just don't wanna get into marriage so young, I wanna get more things accomplished beforehand, y'know?"

"Okay, whenever you're ready for the ring tell me and it's there." He smiles, giving me a kiss.

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