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"it's like... It's like I feel what the shadow monter's feeling. See what he's seeing." -Will. "Like in the Upside Down?" -Mike. You and Mike were walking around, looking at the scribble drawings on the wall. "Some of him is there. But some of him is here, too." -Will. "Here, like, in this house?" -You. "In this house and... in me. It's like... It's like he's reaching into Hawkins more and more. And the more he spreads, the more connected to him I feel." -Will. "And the more you have these now-memories." -Mike finishes. "At first I just felt it in the back of my head. I didn't even really know it was there. It's like when you have a dream and you can't remember it unless you think really hard. It was like that. But now it's like. Now I remember. I remember all the time." -Will. You see he's shaking and you put a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe.. maybe that's good." -Mike. You shoot him a look, he means well and he's trying to look on the bright side but maybe it's not the time. "Good?" -Will. "Just think about it, Will. You're like a spy now. A super spy. Spying on the shadow monster. If you know what he's seeing and feeling... maybe that's how we can stop him. Maybe 'all of this' is happening for a reason." -Mike. "You really think so?" -Will. "Yeah. Yeah, I really do." -Mike. Will looks over at a drawing in the corner of the room. A drawing of the shadow monster. "What if he figures out we're spying on him? What if he spies back?" -Will. "He won't." -You. "How do you know?" -Will. Mike puts his hand over Will's to stop him from shaking. "We won't let him" -Mike. Will still looks frightened as he sits there, looking at the picture of the shadow monster.

After a while, you and Mike go to sleep on the floor next to Will's bed. It wasn't too comfortable but Mike made it better. Whenever you adjusted yourself, he did too.

In the morning, you're woken up by Will shooting up. Mike sits up, dazed. "Will, what's wrong?" -Mike. You sit up too with messy hair and still half asleep. You rest your arm on Mike's shoulder. "Yeah, you okay?" -You. Will gets up and goes to the living room. "Mom, mom. Mom." He says to his mom who's sitting on the floor. "Yeah?" -Joyce. "I saw him." -Will. "Saw who, baby?" -Joyce. "Hopper. I think he's in trouble. I think he's going to die." -Will

Will scribbles on wrapping paper. He finishes another one of his scribble drawings. "Hey, is this where you say him? I-Is this where you saw Hopper?" -Joyce. "I think so, yeah" -Will. Joyce picks up the drawing and goes to look for it around the house. You and Mike wander around looking for where the drawing might belong. "Here!" -Mike. He points to a spot in the kitchen and Joyce walks over and holds up the drawing there. "Okay, so... so Hopper is here?" -Joyce. "Yeah. Now we just need to find out where here is, right?" -You. "Right." -Joyce. "Did he say anything? I mean, before he left?" -Mike. "Uh, some... something about vines?" -Joyce. A car approaches the driveway. "Hopper." -Joyce. You all look out the front window only to see Bob coming out of a red car. Joyce walks out leaving you and Mike in the house.

"This whole thing is crazy, right? Not just me?" -You. "We've done it once, I'm sure we can do it again" -Mike. "As much as I hate to say it, El is literally the only reason we beat it. We don't have her. And don't say some stupid 'we have each other ' bull shit. I'm worried about Will, and us. I thought we were done with this." -You. "But it's true. We can get through it, I'm sure. Don't worry about Will, he'll be okay. And so will us and everyone else. We can get through it again and then get pizza and read that stupid Stephen King book you love" -Mike. "The Shining isn't stupid, you are." -You say, smiling. "Okay, okay. Can't defend myself there" -Mike. "That's what I thought. You just have horrible taste in books." -You. "I don't read books" -Mike. "I rest my case, you illiterate idiot" -You. "Illiterate idiot? Okay, well you're a nerd. Nerd, nerd, nerd." -Mike. "Say that one more time, Wheeler. I dare you." -You. "Nerd" -Mike says, smirking. "Oh, you asked for it." -You smile and start chasing him when the door opens and closes and you both calm down. Joyce and Bob walk in and Joyce brings Will to the living room.

Bob looks around, at all the drawing on the walls. "Huh. Hmm. You drew all these yourself?" -Bob asks Will. "Mm-hm." -Joyce. And Will nods. "Why, exactly?" -Bob. "I... I told you the rules. No questions, okay?" -Joyce. "Yeah." -Bob. "We... we just need you to help us figure out what..." -Joyce says as she makes her way to the kitchen and Bob is still looking at the drawings in the living room. "Bob? Bob? Over here." -Joyce. You all follow her to the kitchen. She grabs a red crayon and draws an X on where Hopper is. "Where... where this is." -Joyce. "That's the objective. Find the X." -Mike. "Yeah? What's at the X? Pirate treasure?" -Bob says, making you snort and he chuckles. "Bob, no questions." -Joyce. "Okay." -Bob sighs and clicks his tongue, taking another look at the drawings. "Let me talk to you for a second. Hang on, guys." -Bob says, pulling Joyce to the side. Bob starts walking around the whole house, naming different lakes or something. "Okay, so the lines aren't roads. But they act like roads. And they act like roads 'cause when you follow 'em you'll see... they don't go over water. And that's the giveaway. That's the giveaway. Ha! Don't you get it? It's not a puzzle, it's a map. It's a map of Hawkins. Right, Will?" -Bob. You look at Bob and then at Mike, surprised.

Bob finds a map and notepad and explains to you, Mike and Joyce. If he finds how to convert the drawing distances to the lake's real distances, he can find out how far out the X is. "I have to piss." -You say, wanting to get out of there. It's honestly starting to freak you out. You get to the bathroom and sit on the edge of the bathtub. You hear Bob and everyone yelling stuff out to each other, being productive. But why? To assume the worst, Hopper is trapped somewhere in this map of Hawkins. Only it isn't Hawkins, it's a replica in the upside down. What if you guys never find Hopper? No, you can't think like that. You found Will. But you did have Eleven to help. If there's gates to the upside down what if more demogorgans get into your world? What if they attack your friends? Steve.. Mike. They're too precious to you. That can't be possible. El closed the gate. God, it's getting hard to breathe. You find sweat pouring down your face and you unbutton part of your shirt. You splash water on your face and regulate your breathing.

Someone knocks.

"Lee? We got the location.." You hear Mike's voice. You rebutton your shirt and fix your hair. "You okay, bud?" -Mike. You open the door. "Yeah, I'm good. Let's go." -You. He looks at you a bit worried but nods.

He goes with you to the car and he sits in the middle of you and Will. Bob gets in and Joyce quickly starts the engine and starts driving.

You drive for a while and end up on a long road. "Nothing. There's nothing here." -Mike. "Are... Are we close?" -Joyce. "We're in the vicinity.," -Bob. "What exactly are we looking for though? Another gate?" -You ask Mike. "What's that mean, the vicinity?" -Joyce. "It means we're close. I don't know. It's not precise." -Bob. "But we did all that work" -Joyce. "I told you, the scale ratio is not exactly one-to-one. We needed to take-" -Bob starts but gets cut off. "Turn right." -Will. "What?" -Joyce. "I saw him." -Will. "Where?" -Joyce. "Not here. In my now-memories." -Will. "In your what?" -Bob. "Now-memories. They're like-" -You. "Turn right!" -Will. Joyce turns and the tires screech. The car runs over a sign and everyone screams as it keeps going and Joyce stops it right in front of a Hawkins police truck. "Are you okay?" -Joyce. "Superspy.." -Mike. "What's Jim doing here? Joyce?" -Bob. "Boys, I need you to stay here." -Joyce. "No. Mom, mom, mom, it's not safe." -Will. "That's why I need you to stay here! Stay here!" -Joyce yells then she closes the car door behind her and Bob follows. "Jesus fuck." -You. The three of you watch as Joyce yells around for Hopper, digs into the ground, and jumps into some hole. You all get out of the car and approach the hole. "Do you see anything? I mean, in your now-memories?" -Mike. Will shakes his head no. You hear cars approaching and tires screeching. You all turn to look in that direction and see Hawkins lab vans. Men in hazmat suits leave the vans and go in the hole. All of a sudden, Will falls to the ground with a grunt. "Will. Will, are you okay?" -Mike. "Will, what's wrong??" -You. He shakes on the ground, screaming and laying on his back. Mike pulls you back by your hand and you hold onto him, scared of what's happening to Will.


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