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A/n: wow, one more follower away from 500...











After quite the long ride of the camp, it finally came to an end. People exchanging socials to keep in touch, or just moreover not caring.

"Wow~! I'm not surprised we didn't beat them." Bachira laughed their loss off, not really minding.

"Yeah...they're really good considering how much they messed around during the first week." Chigiri nodded in agreement.

As Bachira and Chigiri continued talking between each other, waiting for their bus to arrive. They happened to catch Reo standing off a little bit, looking in a bad mood.

"Do we go...ask him if he's okay?" Bachira whispered, though he still talked quite loudly.

"Maybe...we should give him his space." Chigiri suggested with a small shrug. "Which actually, where is Hyo?" Chigiri asked and looked around, spotting Isagi, Rin and Kurona talking, but Hyo wasn't hovering around Isagi as per usual.

"Err....last time I saw him was with Reo actually, you think something happened?" Bachira questioned as he leaned against a nearby wall.

"Maybe." Chigiri shrugged, though they shouldn't jump to conclusions so easily.

"Hopefully Hyo gets here soon, wouldn't want him to miss the bus." Bachira joked with a small laugh.

And as if planned, Hyo had walked up to where Isagi and the others were.

"Nevermind then." Chigiri said and began walking, nodding over to Bachira to follow him, which Bachira did.

"Oh, Heya Bachira, Chigiri." Isagi said.

"Hello." Kurona offered a small wave, who stood next to Hyo and Rin.

"Hi~!" Bachira hummed with a grin, waving enthusiastically.

"Do we have a seating plan on the bus for the way back?" Chigiri questioned.

"Nope." Rin shook his head, his hands resting in the pockets of his hoodie.

"Alright, thanks." Chigiri said, Rin nodded in response.

Bachira glanced over at Hyo and Isagi who seemed to have been talking to each other about something, but it was in a very hushed tone, so he couldn't understand much.

Bachira stayed silent, part of him wanting to ask what was going on, but he didn't wanna seem annoying, nor too curious.

The bus soon came afterwards, it was a much larger bus, than the previous one they had.

"...Isagi." Nagi mumbled walking up to Isagi. Isagi turned himself slightly to be able to look at Nagi.

"Mhm?" Isagi hummed.

"Can I sit next to you?" Nagi asked, though Nagi wasn't necessarily nervous about asking this.

"Oh, of course." Isagi nodded, Nagi gave a smile in response and took hold of Isagi's pinkie once more and led him into the bus.

Making their way to the end of the bus to a 2-seater, they sat behind Hyo and Bachira. Bachira quickly turned himself around to look back at Nagi and Isagi.

"Did you guys enjoy this trip?" Bachira asked, with his usual smile upon his face.

"No, too much of a hassle, a lot of moving and going, and waking up early." Nagi complained with a small sigh.

"It was....fine, but yet annoying." Isagi explained with a small shrug.

"Oh! Both are very understandable feelings." Bachira chuckled and sat back properly in his seat.

"Isagi." Nagi asked as he looked down at their still intertwined pinkies and fully held Isagi's hand, looking at Isagi.

"Mhm?" Isagi hummed, tilting his head to the side as he looked at Nagi.

"I'm tired." Nagi said as he somewhat crawled into Isagi's arms, resting his head on Isagi's shoulder.

Though, Isagi didn't respond, and just simply let Nagi get comfortable, it did feel like quite a long time since he had actually been able to hug Nagi, without everyone making a fuss about it anyway.

"Are you comfortable?" Isagi asked, which Nagi responded with a quiet hum in response, clearly already falling asleep.

Though, Isagi couldn't help but overheard what Bachira and Hyo were talking about, since they were sitting behind the 2.

"So.....how are things with Reo?" Bachira asked, being straightforward about everything.

"Reo? Everything's fine, why?" Hyo asked, who was gazing out the window, now turned to look at Bachira.

"Oh...really? You both just seemed..."

"Off." Isagi finished off Bachira's sentence.

"Yeah! Off, that's the word." Bachira hummed and looked at Hyo. Though, Hyo just chuckled and shook his head slowly. "Believe me, everything's fine, okay?"

Bachira just continued to stare at Hyo before sighing in defeat. "Alright then, whatever you say!" Bachira nodded and averted his gaze somewhere else.









A/n: it's like almost 3am

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