Leave, Then.

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Taehyung picked up his shoe that had been laying around the dorm and chucked it at Jin. "I hate you and all of your stupid rules!" he screamed at his hyung.

"They wouldn't be such a problem if you'd just listen! Is it so wrong of me to want everyone to be in charge of picking up their own shit?!" Jin screamed back, his face bright red and full of anger. He was sick of Taehyung and Taehyung was sick of him.

The two had been fighting for a few days now. The others tried not to get involved, and it was to the point where even if they wanted to they wouldn't know how.

Hobi decided to at least try, however. "Tae, It's just a few chores. It's not that bad."

"Says you!" Taehyung screamed at Hobi, "He's not up your ass about always doing chores!"

"That's because I don't have to be! He doesn't whine, bitch, and complain like you do! If you just helped out a little when asked it wouldn't even be an issue but every time you're asked to lift a finger around here you cry like a baby about it! We all contribute to keeping this place clean Taehyung!"

"It's not even just that! You're full of rules! Not just the cleaning! You're always like 'go to bed now' or 'put the phone away' and blah blah blah! I'm sick of it! I'm sick of being told what to do! I didn't move in here to gain another parent. I moved in here to be free and you're making that really hard!" Taehyung was in tears because of how angry he was. Hobi shut his mouth, not only because he didn't know what to say but because he also couldn't believe how disrespectful Taehyung was being to the oldest. Hobi turned to the rest of the members who were awkwardly standing by and they also had their jaws dropped in disbelief.

Even Jin had to pause and take a deep breath to control the rage inside of him.

Before Jin even had the chance to say anything in response, Taehyung crossed his arms. "I don't want to live here anymore. I want to move out. Actually, I'll see if Kin-Jung will let me move in with all of them instead!"

Jungkook immediately stepped forward, panicking. "What?! Move out?! Hyung you can't move out!"

Yoongi also interjected. "And not to mention why the hell would you want to go live in the dorm with Kin-Jung and his group? The one time we visited them, the place was an absolute dump!"

Namjoon and Jimin also agreed that it would be a terrible idea.

"At least there are no rules there! I can do what I want! Go to bed when I want! Be as lazy as I want!" Taehyung yelled. Everyone looked at Jin waiting to see what he'd say.

Jin was frozen for a moment and then clenched his fists. "Leave, then."

"What?!" All of the members yelled in confused unison.

"Just like that?!" Namjoon waved his hand in the air, "You're not even going to try to stop him?!"

Taehyung was already on the phone with his friend Kin-Jung, who was the leader of another group of 3 members, bitching about Jin and asking to move in.

"Well I sure as hell won't stop him! If he wants to leave then go right on ahead!" Jin was staring at Taehyung, trying to hold back his tears of frustration. "I wouldn't want to be considered a controlling hyung who is holding you hostage or anything! He's right everyone, if he wants his freedom, then he can go ahead and fucking have it." Jin stormed off, shoulder-checking Taehyung as he marched by and slammed his bedroom door shut upon entering.

"He said I can!" Taehyung screamed at Jin through the door. "I'm moving the hell out of here! And I'm doing it now!"

Jungkook and Jimin both grabbed on to Taehyung as they burst into tears. "No!" Jimin screamed. "You can't move out!"

Leave, Then. [Taehyung Hurtfic/TaeJin]Where stories live. Discover now